Biology of Aging by National Institute of Aging - HTML preview

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To answer questions about why and how we age, some scientists look for mechanisms or W.

pathways in the body that lead to aging. Our cells constantly receive cues from both inside and GENOME.

outside the body, prompted by such things as injury, infection, stress, or even food. To react and adjust to these cues, cells send and receive signals through biological pathways. Some of the GO

most common are involved in metabolism, the regulation of genes, and the transmission V

of signals. These pathways may also be important to aging.



generally does not change much after age 30.

occurs, and what are the biological processes

People who are cheerful and assertive when

underlying these changes. Scientists look

they are younger will likely be the same when

deep into our cells and the cells of laboratory

they are age 80. The BLSA finding suggests

animals to find answers. What they learn today

that significant changes in personality are not about aging at the cellular and molecular due to normal aging, but instead may be early levels may, ultimately, lead to new and better signs of disease or dementia.

ways to live a longer, healthier life.

The rate and progression of cellular aging

can vary greatly from person to person. But

Living long and wel : Can we

generally, over time, aging affects the cells of

every major organ of the body. Changes can

do both? Are they the same?

start early. Some impact our health and func-

tion more seriously than others. For instance,

You can hardly turn on your computer these

around the age of 20, lung tissue starts to lose

days without being bombarded with adver-

elasticity, and the muscles of the rib cage slowly

tisements that pop up trying to convince you

begin to shrink. As a result, the maximum

of the power of a pill that will make you live

amount of air you can inhale decreases. In the longer or a cream that will help to revive your gut, production of digestive enzymes dimin-youthful vigor and appearance. The search for

ishes, affecting your ability to absorb foods

properly and maintain a nutritional balance.

Blood vessels in your heart accumulate

fatty deposits and lose flexibility to varying

degrees, resulting in what used to be called

“hardening of the arteries” or atherosclerosis.

Over time, women’s vaginal fluid production

decreases, and sexual tissues atrophy. In men,

aging decreases sperm production, and the

prostate can become enlarged.

Scientists are increasingly successful at

detailing these age-related differences because

of studies like the BLSA. Yet studies that

observe aging do not identify the reasons for

age-related changes, and, therefore, can only

go so far toward explaining aging. Questions

remain at the most basic level about what

triggers aging in our tissues and cells, why it