Biology of Aging by National Institute of Aging - HTML preview

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compounds tested in the ITP already have a clinical

use for humans, scientists are clear: These compounds

should be used only as prescribed and not for lifespan

Most of what we know about factors

extension at this time.

that can contribute to a long lifespan

The ability to withstand disease could also be

and health span is based on research

central to lifespan. Studies of exceptionally long-lived

in animal models. However, NIA-

people are helping to establish patterns of health

funded research like the Long Life

decline and increased disease (called morbidity) with

Family Study is taking what we’ve

old age. For example, do health problems start around

learned in animals and seeing if it

the same age in all people and expand over extra years

applies to human aging. This study

of life for the long-lived, or are the problems delayed,

is col ecting data from families with

occurring closer to the end of life among exceptional

at least two siblings who have lived

agers? Evidence from a Danish longitudinal study of

to a very old age in relatively good

92- to 100-year-olds found that health problems seem

health. Along with asking questions

to be delayed, appearing closer to the end of life. This is

about their family and health history,

not a certain outcome, but in many studies, the average

the researchers conduct physical

centenarian seems to be in better health than the aver-

assessments and health screenings

age 80-year-old. However, living to 100 does not mean

and col ect a small blood sample

never having any health issues. In the New England

for genetic tests. What researchers

Centenarian Study, researchers have developed three

learn about common characteristics

categories for their long-lived participants. They are

shared by these families could one

characterized as “survivors,” “delayers,” or “escapers,”

day be used to guide lifestyle advice

depending on whether they have survived a life-threaten-

and medical treatments.

ing disease, delayed a serious health problem until much

later in life, and/or escaped any serious health events.

Scientists used to think that long life was a good

indicator of health span, or years of good health and

function. However, some experiments, particularly in

mice, demonstrate significant improvements in health,

without actually increasing lifespan. For example, NIA

scientists and grantees (that is, scientists at a university

or other institution whose research is funded by NIA)

examining the effects of the wine-derived compound

resveratrol in mice on a normal diet found the




Here are some animals commonly