Biology of Aging by National Institute of Aging - HTML preview

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Most longevity genes identified thus far influence one of

three pathways in a cel : insulin/IGF-1, sirtuins, or mTOR.

In the 1980s, scientists discovered the first gene

a role in human aging. These genes may be

shown to limit lifespan in roundworms, which they named

important to future development of thera-

age-1. Further investigation revealed that the effects of pies to support healthy aging.

age-1 are involved with the insulin/IGF-1 pathway. When Another approach, the genome-wide

scientists “silenced” the age-1 gene’s activity, the insulin/

association study, or GWAS, is particularly

IGF-1 pathway’s activity also decreased and the worms

productive in finding genes involved in

lived longer. Since then, many other genes associated

diseases and conditions associated with

with the insulin/IGF-1 pathway have been found to

aging. In this approach, scientists scan

affect the lifespan of fruit flies and mice, strengthening

the entire genome looking for variants

the hypothesis that the insulin/IGF-1 pathway plays an

that occur more often among a group

important role in the aging process. More research is

with a particular health issue or trait. In

needed to determine if inhibiting this pathway could

one GWAS study, NIH-funded researchers

increase longevity in humans or create insulin-related

identified genes possibly associated with

health problems like diabetes. A recent report suggests that

high and low blood fat levels, cholesterol,

people with a mutation related to the insulin/IGF-1 pathway

and, therefore, risk for coronary artery

may have less risk of developing diabetes and cancer.

disease. The data analyzed were collected

There is also a great deal of interest in the sirtuin

from Sardinians, a small genetically alike

pathway. Sirtuin genes are present in al species and

population living off the coast of Italy in

the Mediterranean, and from two other

regulate metabolism in the cel . They are crucial for

international studies. The findings

cel activity and cel life. In the 1990s, scientists at the

revealed more than 25 genetic variants

Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that

in 18 genes connected to cholesterol and

inserting an extra copy of a sirtuin equivalent, cal ed Sir2, lipid levels. Seven of the genes were not

increased the lifespan of yeast. Extension of lifespan has

previously connected to cholesterol/lipid

been replicated in other organisms, including flies and worms.

levels, suggesting that there are possibly

However, studies in mice have yielded conflicting results.

other pathways associated with risk for

The mTOR pathway—an abbreviation of “mammalian

coronary artery disease. Heart disease is

target of rapamycin”—plays a role in aging of yeast,

a major health issue facing older people.

worms, flies, and mice. This pathway controls the cel ’s

Finding a way to eliminate or lower risk

rate of protein synthesis, which is important for proper cell

for heart disease could have important

function. Researchers have found that inhibiting the pathway

ramifications for reducing disability

in mice genetical y or pharmacological y (using rapamycin)

and death from this particular age-

leads to increased longevity and improved health span.

related condition.

Scientists are also currently using

GWAS to find genes directly associated

with aging and longevity. Because the