Biology of Aging by National Institute of Aging - HTML preview

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Telomeres shorten each time a cell

divides. In most cel s, the telomeres

becomes too short, it can no longer protect the cell’s

eventual y reach a critical length

DNA, leaving the cell at risk for serious damage. In

when the cel s stop proliferating and

most cells, telomere length cannot be restored. Extreme

become senescent.

telomere shortening triggers an SOS response, and

But, in certain cel s, like sperm and egg

the cell will do one of three things: stop replicating

cel s, the enzyme telomerase restores

by turning itself off, becoming what is known as

telomeres to the ends of chromo-

senescent; stop replicating by dying, called apoptosis;

somes. This telomere lengthening

or continue to divide, becoming abnormal and poten-

insures that the cel s can continue to

tially dangerous (for example, leading to cancer).

safely divide and multiply. Investiga-

Scientists are interested in senescent cells because,

tors have shown that telomerase is

although they are turned off, they still work on many

activated in most immortal cancer

levels. For instance, they continue to interact with

cel s, since telomeres do not shorten

other cells by both sending and receiving signals.

when cancer cel s divide.

However, senescent cells are different from their

earlier selves. They cannot die, and they release