Biology of Aging by National Institute of Aging - HTML preview

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The first C. elegans worm genetically manipulated to have a longer lifespan was resistant to stress caused by heat. Subsequently, researchers learned that a common thread among all long-lived animals is that their cells (and in some cases the animals as a whole) are more resistant to a variety of stresses, compared to animals with an average or shorter lifespan.

Scientists also found that age-related dam-

and if these longer-lived animals are resis-

age to DNA and proteins is often reversible

tant to all or only certain sources of stress.

and does not cause problems until the dam-

In addition, researchers are studying

age evokes a stress response. This suggests

the relationship between psychological

that the stress response, rather than the

stress and aging. In one study, mothers of

damage itself, is partially responsible for

severely and chronically sick children had

age-related deterioration.

shorter telomeres, relative to other women.

Some biologists have started looking

In other research, caregivers of people with

at stress resistance when choosing animal

Alzheimer’s disease were found to have

models to study as examples of successful

shortened telomeres. These findings could

aging. Researchers can test stress resistance

suggest that emotional or psychological

in young animals and then continue study-

stress might affect the aging process. More

ing only those animals demonstrating high

research on the mechanisms involved is

resistance. Ongoing studies will determine

needed before scientists can make any

if there is a direct cause-effect relationship

conclusions about clinical implications.

between stress resistance and longevity,