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Mitochondria Cell organelles that

Austad, S.N., “Comparative Biology of Aging,” Journal of

produce energy necessary for life from the

Gerontology: Biological Sciences, 64A(2): 199-201, 2009.

foods we eat. Mitochondria contain DNA,

Bartke, A., “Insulin and Aging,” Cell Cycle, 7(21):

which may be damaged by oxygen free radi-

3338-3343, 2008.

cals produced during this process. Damage

of mitochondrial DNA may contribute to

Bartke, A., “The Somatotropic Axis and Aging: Mechanisms

and Persistent Questions about Practical Implications,”

aging. Mitochondria also are involved in

Experimental Gerontology, 44(6-7): 372-374, 2009.

controlling cell death.

Barzilai, N. and Bartke, A., “Biological Approaches to

Proteins Molecules arranged in a specific

Mechanistically Understand the Healthy Life Span Exten-

order determined by DNA. Proteins are

sion Achieved by Calorie Restriction and Modulation of

Hormones,” Journal of Gerontology: Biological Sciences,

essential for all life processes. Certain proteins,

64A(2): 187-191, 2009.

such as those protecting against free radicals

and those produced by the immune system,

Bauer, M.E., “Chronic Stress and Immunosenescence: A

are studied extensively by gerontologists.

Review,” NeuroImmunoModulation, 15: 241-250, 2008.

Baur, J.A., Pearson, K.J., Price, N.L., et al., “Resveratrol

Stem cells Cells with the potential

Improves Health and Survival of Mice on a High-Calorie

to become many different types of cells

Diet,” Nature, 444: 337-342, 2006.

found in the body. Stem cells are also able

Blagozklonny, M.V. and Campisi, J., “Cancer and Aging,”

to replicate almost indefinitely without

Cell Cycle, 7(17): 2615-2618, 2008.

becoming abnormal.

Buffenstein, R., “The Naked Mole-Rat: A New Long-Living

Telomerase An enzyme that restores

Model for Human Aging Research,” Journal of Gerontology:

telomeres to the ends of chromosomes in

Biological Sciences, 60A(11): 1369-1377, 2005.

certain cells, such as egg and sperm cells. This

Calvanese, V., Lara, E., Kahn, A., and Fraga, M.F., “The Role

telomere lengthening insures that the cells

of Epigenetics in Aging and Age-Related Diseases,” Ageing

can continue to divide and multiply.

Research Reviews, 8: 268-276, 2009.

Telomeres Repeated short, non-coding

Campisi, J. and Yaswen, P., “Aging and Cancer Cell Biology,

2009,” Aging Cell, 8: 221-225, 2009.

sequences of DNA at each end of a chromo-

some. Telomeres protect the chromosome from

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

damage and shorten each time a cell divides.

Health, United States, 2008, p. 208,



BIBLIOGRAPHY (continued)

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