Garlic: A Great Anti Cancer Agent by Dr. Adem Gunes - HTML preview

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A person knows that he is suffering from a common cold when he develops recurrent sneezing or running nose. People know that they are having an infection when their body becomes warm, and they develop a fever. They also know that the infection could be in the lungs when they experience a cough with sputum. However, it is very difficult to know when the person develops cancer. The main reason for why cancer is detected very late is its symptoms are evident only when the cancer cells have evaded a large part of the organ. Due to this, the patients can not approach a doctor or receive any treatment until cancer has grown considerably and has spread to the nearby or distant organs.


The wider spread of cancer makes the treatment more difficult. This reduces the chances of complete recovery of the patient. That is why; it is very important that the condition is detected at an early stage.


Following are a few common symptoms that should warn a person about a slowly developing cancer in the body. This chapter is also focused on providing information about why these symptoms develop.




The signs and symptoms of cancer depend on the organs or tissues affected and the size of the cancer mass. The symptoms may also change depending upon the organs to which cancer has spread. [1] Here’s how the symptoms develop:


  • As cancer grows, it starts pushing on the nearby structures including the organs, nerves, and the blood vessels. This pressure can cause some symptoms of pain and discomfort.  The pressure exerted on the neighboring organs from the cancerous mass can also occlude the hollow structures like the esophagus or the urethra resulting in symptoms such as difficulty in swallowing and an inability to pass urine, respectively. If the cancer mass is in a vital part of the body, such as the brain, the symptoms can be more severe.
  • Sometimes cancer begins from a place where it does not cause any symptom until the mass has grown considerably. For example; the cancer of pancreas usually does not cause any symptom until it has grown large enough to compress the nearby nerves or organs.
  • Cancer may also cause symptoms of fever, fatigue, tiredness or weight loss. These symptoms occur because the growing mass of cancer cells use up a lot of body’s  energy, resulting in exhaustion.
  • Sometimes, the symptoms of cancer are developed due to the release of substances into the blood by the cancer-affected tissue.  These symptoms are not directly linked to cancer. For example, the cancerous cells in the pancreas can stimulate the release of chemicals, which cause an increase the clotting of the blood within the veins of the legs. Similarly, a lung cancer can result in the release of some hormone-like substances, which can raise the levels of calcium in the blood. This can affect the nerves and muscles resulting in symptoms like weakness and pain.




  • Unexplained weight loss

Patients with cancer often lose weight gradually without any apparent reason. Such an unexplained weight loss is, in fact, often the first sign of cancer. This symptom is more evident in the cancers of the stomach, pancreas, esophagus and the lungs. Counseling regarding diet and the use of nutritional supplements can help in stabilizing the nutritional status of cancer patients and improve their chances of recovery. [2]

  • Fever

Fever is a very common symptom of cancer. This symptom is experienced even in the initial  stage of the disease. It is more common in cancer affecting the blood and the immune system. Fever occurs on and off and lasts for a few days each time only to recur again after a few days or weeks. Patients who are experiencing recurrent fevers for no apparent reason should approach a doctor so that the cause of the symptom can be detected.

  • Fatigue

Fatigue that remains for the whole day and doesn’t get better with rest can be an early  sign of cancer. Patients complain of drowsiness and not feel refreshed even after a good sleep. This can be attributed to the increased consumption of energy by the growing mass of tumor or due to the loss of appetite that patients experience.

  • Pain

Pain is a common symptom of cancer that occurs due to the pressure exerted by the  growing mass on the surrounding structures. It is an early symptom in the cancers of bone and testes. A headache is often a symptom of brain tumor and back pain can occur due to the cancer of the rectum, colon or ovaries.


These are just some of the most common symptoms that patients may develop due to cancer. However, it should be noted that experiencing any of these can not be only due to cancer. There are a lot of other disorders that can cause similar symptoms depending on  the organs involved.  Hence, if patients develop any of these symptoms and if they persist  for long or get worse, they should see a doctor for further advice.


An early detection of cancer can help patients in receiving treatment at an initial stage and ensures a faster and complete recovery from the illness. Also, the use of garlic right from the initial stage of the disease along with the conventional cancer treatments can improve the treatment outcome.