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Leo – (July 23 – Aug 22)

Leos are the royal leaders of Zodiac. The 5th in the line of Zodiac, Leos, much like their name, are strong, fierce, bold, courageous and regal in their lifestyles, ways and expression. Amazingly creative in almost all spheres of their lives, Leo individuals are independent and dominant. Known to be the most authoritative amongst all the Signs of Zodiac, Leos or Lions are often brave-hearts, and their confidence, ambition and positive thinking are exemplary and unparalleled. The word ‘doubt’ or, for that matter, ‘self doubt’ is not a part of a Leo’s dictionary. Driven and determined, often to the degree of excess, most Leo individuals precisely know what they want from a situation, in particular, and the life, in general. Or, as a learned man once said, “At least, they feel and believe they (Leos) know it all!”. In all the realms of life, Lions tend to be strong-willed, enthusiastic and energetic. Their ruler Sun bestows them with sparkle and zest – and also with glowing warmth and generosity. Coupled with their self-confidence, this kindness makes most Leos the joy and life of parties, gatherings and group activities. Most Leoborn natives are also outspoken and brazen – a quality that sometimes goes against them – much like their domineering streak. That said, in relationships and matters of love and sex – Lions are loving, amorous, chivalrous and a joy to behold – until to cross their path (against their wishes). Nonetheless, the never say die attitude of Leos helps them take their failures and setbacks in a positive stride. The exuberance and vitality of Leo is what makes their partners relish all the things the Leo personifies

Leo Astro-Profile

Planet–   Sun (Represent masculinity)

 Element–   Fire

 Metal–  Gold

 Colors–  Gold, yellow

 Motto–   “I will, therefore I am”

 Challenged sign–  Taurus & Scorpio

 Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) –   Aquarius

 Opportunity Sign–   Gemini & Libra

 Harmony (Love) Sign–   Sagittarius & Aries

 Traits–   Loyal, Outspokenness, arrogance, inspirational & generosity Career-Actors, Leaders, Entertainment, Sports & Brokers