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Libra – (Sep23 – Oct 23)

Libra, the 7th Sign of the Zodiac, is represented by the symbol of the Balancing Scales. Unsurprisingly, most Libra individuals are balancers – of varying degrees. Also, since a pair of Scales always has two aspects, two sides – Libra-born too has two sides to his/ her personality and thinking. They value fairness and justice above most things, and are natural soothers and harmonizers. On their own, most Libras will steer clear of conflict or arguments, and would also not prefer to create or cause conflicts and disagreements. Owing to this trait, they make for good team players. Friendly, amiable and attractive, Libra individuals are also quite popular among their friends, more so because they tend to play able, trustworthy and balanced team strategists for their groups. However, many Libra are found to be too manipulative or stubborn for their own good. They can be critical of others’ ways, fixed in their own or may be too manipulative; and, they can be quite difficult to manage, once they get into any of these modes. Good thing is that most Libra-born are able to effectively reign in this side of their personality, rather using the gift of tact and diplomacy to get positive results. In relationships, the Scales or Libra are very loving and careful. They make for beautiful, elegant partners, always well turned out, and are a treat to be taken along on dates, parties and social dos.

Libra Astro-Profile

Planet–   Venus (Planet of Love)

 Element–  Air

 Metal–  Copper

 Colors–   Red, Crimson

 Motto–    “I balance, therefore I am”

 Challenged sign–   Capricorn & Cancer

 Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) –    Aries

 Opportunity Sign–   Leo & Sagittarius

 Harmony (Love) Sign–   Aquarius & Gemini

 Traits–   Thoughtful, Impartial, Persuasive, Cheerful & Foresight Career-Actors, Lawyers, Musician, Politics & Jobs involving Fashion