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Anatomy ,Physiology & Pathology Link to The Zodiac signs

Aries – (Mar. 21 - April 19)

Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Head)

  • Brain, cerebral hemisphere
  • Eyes, face
  • Internal carotid arteries.


  • Neuralgia insomnia, cerebral congestion, brain fever, baldness,
  • headache, dizziness, eye affections, toothache,
  • Male reproductive organ, suicidal tendencies, muscle problems

Taurus – (April 20 – May 20)

Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Neck)

  • Neck, throat, palate, larynx, tonsils, lower jaw,
  • ears, occipital region, cerebellum, atlas, axis,
  • external carotid arteries, jugular veins, pharynx, thyroid gland, cervical vertebrae


  • Goiter, diphtheria, laryngitis, tonsillitis, croup, polypi, quinsy,
  • glandular swelling of throat, apoplexy

Gemini - (May 21 – June 21)

Anatomy & Physiology (Rules the Arms & Shoulders)

  • Shoulders, arms, hands, upper ribs,
  • lungs, trachea, bronchi,
  • Capillaries, oxygenation of blood.


  • Bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia,
  • Consumption, pleurisy, Corrupted blood, nervous trouble, anemia.

Cancer–(June 22 – July 22)

Anatomy & Physiology-(Rule the Breast)

  • Stomach, esophagus, diaphragm, the mammary glands, lacteals,
  • Upper lobes of liver, thoracic duct, pancreas,
  • Serum of blood, peristalsis of the stomach,


  • Indigestion, dipsomania, gastric catarrh,
  • Dropsy, sclerosis, mania
  • Kidneys, uterus related problems, breast related problems

Leo – (July 23 – Aug 22)

Anatomy & Physiology (Rules the Sides & Shoulder blades)

  • Heart, dorsal region of spine,
  • spinal cord, aorta,
  • Superior and inferior vena cava.


  • Heart disease, angina pectoris,
  • locomotor ataxia, hyperaemia, spinal disease,
  • spinal meningitis, fevers

Virgo - (Aug 23 – Sep 22)

Anatomy & Physiology (Rules the Stomach & Intestine)

  • Abdominal region, large and small intestines,
  • lower lobe of liver, spleen, duodenum,
  • Peristalsis of the bowels.


  • Peritonitis, malnutrition, dysentery, colic,
  • Constipation, diarrhea, Cholera, typhoid, appendicitis, tapeworm.
  • Speech related problems

Libra – (Sep23 – Oct 23)

Anatomy & Physiology (Rules the Hips & Buttocks)

  • Kidneys, adrenals,
  • lumbar region, skin,
  • ureters, vasomotor system.


  • lumbago, suppression of urine,
  • Nephritis, diabetes, renal calculi, uraemia.
  • Skin, reproductive organs

Scorpio – (Oct 24 – Nov 21)

Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Genitals)

  • Bladder, urethra, genitals,
  • descending colon, prostate gland, sigmoid flexure,
  • nasal bone, pubic bone,


  • Syphilis, rupture, gravel, scurvy,
  • fistula, piles, diseases of the womb or uterus, urethral stricture, prostatic stricture, nasal catarrh,
  • Disease of nasal mucous membrane and nasal cartilage.


Sagittarius – (Nov 22 – Dec 21)

Anatomy & Physiology-(Rules the Thighs)

  • Hips, thighs, femur, ilium,
  • coccygeal vertebrae, sacral region,
  • sciatic nerves, ischium


  • Locomotor ataxia, sciatica, lumbago,
  • rheumatism, hip disease, accidents to thighs
  • liver, prone to obesity

Capricorn – (Dec 22 – Jan 19)

Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Knees)

  • Skin, hair.
  • knees, joints,


  • Eczema, leprosy,
  • Dislocation of bones, weak bones

Aquarius – (Jan 20 – Feb 18)

Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Ankles)

  • Lower limbs, ankles.


  • Varicose veins, swollen ankles, leg ache,
  • nervous diseases, sensitive skin

Pisces - (Feb 19 – Mar 20)

Anatomy & Physiology- (Rules the Feet)

  • Feet, toes,
  • Fibrin of the blood.


  • gout, deformed feet and toes,
  • tumors, dropsy
  • food poisoning ,psychic disease, infectious disease