1. NEVER use astrological information to predict death .The smart physician will keep his knowledge for his own use in healing.
2. Try not to ask "How do you feel?" This has a tendency to throw his/her thoughts back to his/her physical body. Let your first words be any greeting that will bring comfort, and help the patient to forget his/her pain.
3. The human body expresses both the positive and the negative energies. When a man is ill, he expressed the negative side of his nature, and therefore the healer should express the positive energies. When this is done, the patient will respond quickly, and the healing will be successful. Therefore it is very necessary that the healer express positivity and cheerfulness in the sickroom.
4. If the healer's thoughts are not pure, if his life is not clean, then his influence on the patient is not good. Therefore it is most necessary that the healer LIVE THE LIFE of purity, otherwise he can do more harm than good.
5. Do not perform an operation when the moon is in the sign which rules the part of the body to be operated upon. Ptolemy says, "Pierce not with iron that part of the body which may be governed by the sign actually occupied by the moon."
6. Do not operate when the sun is in the sign which rules the part of the body to be cut.
7. Disease related to the moon is of an acute nature and may change within twenty-eight days, but when the disease is related to the sun, it is of a more chronic nature and likely to be of longer duration and more stubborn in resisting treatment.