“God said, let there be Lights in the firmament of the Heavens, to divide the Day from the Night; and let them be for Signs, and for Seasons, and for Days, and Years.” Genesis I: 14-15
The goal of Know Thy Medicine is to spark person’s interests in the study of astrology not only for health benefits but to helps us to better understand ourselves and the world at large. We believe that by helping others understand their personality traits, emotions, relationships and attractions, it will help them make better choices in their lives. We were given certain innate skills, talents, emotions and personality traits to face the world and when we understand our life mission and our soul’s purpose we can better serve others. When we understand our inner soul and personality better, we develop more control over ourselves and are better equipped to meet the challenges we face. The astrological chart is the map of the soul and when we interpret this map and it help us in areas such as marriage, parenting, relationships, career, health, family issues, friendship and spiritual mission.
“We owe thy self, to know thy self, to grow thy self”
Aug 2024
This book contains 100 multiple choice questions distributed into 10 chapters (10 questions for each chapter). The chapters included in this book are:Chapter ...
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