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Taurus – (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus, the 2nd Sign of the Zodiac, is an Earth Sign. It is hard working, rock solid, stable and practical. Ruled by Venus, Taurus, however, is also given tremendously to sensual pleasures. So, be it the physical pleasures or material comforts, the Taurusborn love to indulge in excesses. And, they will not hesitate in going an extra mile to find these pleasures. Most Taurusborn are connoisseurs of good food and good life. Paradoxically, though, Taurus natives are fixed in their approach; they disregard change. They are loyal and attached to their loved ones, jobs, employers, project, friends and almost everyone and everything. Many believe Taurus to be the most dependable Sign in the whole Zodiac, simply because Taurus hates the idea of ‘change’. They are happy, willing, patient and sincere in their overall approach. Unlike Aries, Taurus are also gifted with an ability to see a project to completion. However, when applied to their personal realm, this obstinate streak makes Taurus quite a tough nut to crack. You will see them creating a hue and cry, whenever pushed to alter their schedules and priorities. Note that it is extremely difficult to convince Taurus to change their minds. Also, many Taurus individuals are slow and lazy, which may irritate their partners. Nonetheless, the possessive Taurus individuals make excellent lovers, as they tend to value their loved ones, over everyone and everything. Their own personal lives and security net are precious to Bulls, and they do not hesitate to shower their beloved with amazing gifts.

Taurus Astro-Profile

Planet–   Venus (Planet of Love)

 Element–   Earth

 Metal–   Copper

 Colors–   Gold, Color of coins

 Motto–    “I have, therefore I am”

 Challenged sign–   Leo & Aquarius

 Opposing Sign (could be perfect balance) –    Scorpio

 Opportunity Sign–   Pisces & Cancer

 Harmony (Love) Sign–   Virgo & Capricorn

 Traits–   Perseverance, Composure, Humor, care & Magnetism

 Career –   Financial Institutions, Actor, Musicians, architecture & artists of all kind