A balanced diet will give you most of the nutrients and calories your body needs to Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Contact
stay healthy. Eat a variety of foods from the the National Heart, Lung, and Blood
five major food groups. Look for foods that Institute, listed in For More Information, for have lots of nutrients, like protein and
more resources about this plan.
vitamins, but not a lot of calories. These The number of calories a woman over
are called nutrient-dense foods. As you
age 50 should eat daily depends on how
grow older, you need fewer calories for
physically active she is. Basically you need: energy, but just as many nutrients.
1,600 calories, if your physical
The USDA Food Guide (see chart below)
activity level is low
is one eating plan suggested by the Federal
1,800 calories, if you are
Government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans, moderately active
2005. Another eating plan also suggested in
2,000-2,200 calories, if you
have an active lifestyle
the Dietary Guidelines is DASH, Dietary
The more active you are, the more calories U S D A F O O D G U I D E
you can eat without gaining weight.