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Age 50 and Older*

USDA Food Guide or in DASH will help you

Grains—5 to 7 ounces, at least half get needed nutrients. But, people over 50

of which are whole grains

have trouble getting enough of some vitamins Vegetables—2 to 3 cups with a variety and minerals through diet alone, including of colors and types

calcium and vitamin D (see page 20). Just Fruits—11/2 to 2 cups

remember that these recommendations

Milk, yogurt, and cheese—3 cups of include how much of each nutrient you

milk or the equivalent

get from food and drinks as well as any

Meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs,

supplement you use. Women past menopause

and nuts—5 to 6 ounces of lean meat, who are still having a menstrual cycle

poultry, or fish or the equivalent

because they are using menopausal hormone

*From the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) therapy might need some extra iron over



M E N O P A U S E : T I M E F O R A C H A N G E

the 8 mg (milligrams) recommended for

1.5 mg of vitamin B6 daily. This vitamin is women over age 50. Iron, important for

found in fortified cereals, as well as meats, healthy red blood cells, is found in meat, legumes, and eggs.

duck, peas, beans, and fortified bread and Don’t forget to drink plenty of fluids,

grain products.

especially water. If you drink alcohol, do Women over 50 also need more of two

so in moderation—for a woman, only

B vitamins. Getting 2.4 mcg (micrograms) of one drink a day according to the Dietary

vitamin B12 per day will maintain the health Guidelines for Americans. A drink could

of your blood and nerves. Some foods, such be one 12-ounce beer, 5 ounces of wine, or as cereals, are fortified with this vitamin.

11/2 ounces of 80-proof distilled spirits.

Vitamin B12 is also found in red meat and, HEALTH CARE

to a lesser extent, fish and poultry. But, up to Eating well, exercising, and not smoking are one-third of older people can no longer

things you can do for yourself to stay healthy absorb natural vitamin B12 from their food.

as you get older. It is also important to discuss Furthermore, common medicines taken to

your goals for healthy aging with your doctor.

control the symptoms of GERD (gastroe-

He or she may be able to help you prevent sophageal reflux disease), also known as

health problems or recognize problems early acid reflux, slow the release of

when they are probably easier to manage.

certain stomach acids and,

therefore, interfere with

See your doctor. Continue to visit the body’s absorption

your doctor regularly. When

of vitamin B

you meet with any doctor, be

12. You

might need a supple-

prepared to discuss your

ment if you have GERD.

family medical

Another B vitamin, B

history. You might be at


helps your body breakdown

increased risk for certain

proteins and make hemo-

diseases, like diabetes or

globin, a part of red blood

heart disease, if other close

cells. Women should have

family members had them.




Teeth and mouth. See your dentist once or twice a year. Not only will he or she clean your teeth, but the dentist will also check for cavities and gum disease. If you have dentures, you should still see a dentist periodically to check their fit and to look for gum problems.

Knowing about this family history will help Eyes. As you age, reading may become your doctor decide whether you need any

harder. You may need to hold things farther screening tests, like cholesterol or blood away in order to see them clearly. Reading sugar tests, more often or earlier than other glasses might help. Start regular visits to an people your age.

eye care professional, who can check for

You should have routine screening tests,

glaucoma. This eye problem becomes more

pelvic and breast exams, and a Pap test for common after your forties. In glaucoma

cervical cancer. After age 50, you need to there is increased pressure on the optic

be checked for colon cancer, and don’t

nerve. The pressure can permanently damage forget your mammogram every 1 to 2 years, your vision before you realize you have

especially if you are still using menopausal glaucoma. Special eye drops often control it.

hormone therapy. And remember to talk to

your doctor about whether or not you are

Medications. Make sure all your doctors at risk for osteoporosis and what types of know which medications you are taking.

physical activity are best for you.

This includes vitamins, minerals, other

dietary supplements, and over-the-counter Skin. Check your skin every month for medicines like aspirin, antacids, or antihista-unusual blemishes, especially moles that

mines. Some of these may change how your

seem to change size, shape, or color. Have prescription medicines work; others might your doctor look at your skin during check-not be safe for you to use at all.

ups. Use sunscreen, SPF 15 or higher, when If your health care professional prescribes you are outside during the day. Try to stay a medicine, take it as directed. Make sure out of the sun when it is strongest—from

you understand the possible side effects of about 11 a.m. until 3 p.m.

the prescribed medicines. Some drug stores 29

M E N O P A U S E : T I M E F O R A C H A N G E

or mail order services keep a computer file of fevers, a cough that won’t go away, or recurring all your prescriptions so they can check for headaches, for example. Check with your

possible drug interactions if a new medicine doctor about any of these symptoms.

is added. That is a benefit of getting all your Know the warning signs of a heart attack, medicines from the same place. But the

although the signs are sometimes less clear pharmacist still doesn’t know what non-in a woman. They include:

prescription medicines and supplements

Pain or an uncomfortable feeling

you are taking, so it is important to keep in the center of your chest

your doctors informed.

Pain or discomfort in other parts

of the upper body, including the

Get vaccines. If you are over age 50, you arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach

should get a flu shot every fall, especially

Other symptoms, such as shortness

of breath, breaking out in a cold sweat,

if you have other health problems. The

nausea, or light-headedness

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Call 9-1-1 if you feel chest discomfort,

(CDC) recommends that people over age 65

especially with any of the other signs. If 9-1-1

get the pneumococcal pneumonia vaccine—

emergency service is not available where you most need it only once. You should also

are, call the operator or get someone to drive have a tetanus shot every ten years, or sooner you to the hospital.

if you have an injury that puts you at risk You should also know the warning signs

for getting tetanus. Tetanus or lockjaw is a of a stroke. In the case of a stroke, one or serious, painful infection that causes muscles more of these signs come on very suddenly.

all over the body to tighten.

Numbness or weakness, usually in

A vaccine to prevent shingles is now

the face, arm, or leg, and often on

available. Most adults 60 years and older just one side

should get one dose. Check with your

Strong headache for no reason

doctor to see what you should do.

Confusion or trouble speaking or


Listen to your body. Don’t wait for your

Problems seeing with one or both eyes

next checkup if you notice any suspicious

Trouble walking, feeling dizzy, losing

changes in your body—swelling, unexpected balance or coordination

weight loss or gain, persistent pain, unexplained 30



There are drugs that can help if you get to an emergency room fast enough. Call the

ambulance and get medical help as soon as possible, so you can get treatment that may lessen the damage.

Ovarian cancer (cancer of the ovaries)

is rare and difficult to diagnose in its early stages, making it hard to treat. Ovarian

age, who is not in a long-term relationship cancer is more common in women who:

with a faithful partner and has unprotected sex, is at risk of sexually transmitted disease.

Are older

If you have more than one sexual partner or

Have a family history of this disease

have recently begun dating again, you need

Are overweight

to be aware of the risk of these diseases and The early symptoms are often similar to

take necessary precautions to make sure you signs of other illnesses. They might include: don’t become infected.

Pain in the abdomen or pelvis

The list of familiar and unfamiliar

Urinating often or needing

sexually transmitted diseases includes

to urinate quickly

syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia, genital

Feeling full more quickly than usual

when eating

herpes, human papillomavirus/genital warts, and HIV/AIDS (human immunodeficiency

Frequent bloating in your abdomen

virus/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome).

Normally these symptoms are nothing to

Some can be cured—Chlamydia, syphilis,

worry about. But, talk to your doctor if

and gonorrhea. But some—genital herpes,

they happen frequently, perhaps more than human papillomavirus/genital warts, and

twelve times a month, or if they continue for HIV/AIDS—can’t. Being informed about

more than a few weeks.

HIV/AIDS is critical because an HIV infection PRACTICE SAFE SEX

that develops into AIDS is life-threatening.

After menopause, some women may think

HIV/AIDS can be treated, although not

they needn’t worry about sexually transmitted cured, and new drugs enable people to

diseases. But, any woman, regardless of her live longer with HIV/AIDS.


M E N O P A U S E : T I M E F O R A C H A N G E

HIV is found in body fluids such as

a degree. You could join a book group or

blood, semen, and vaginal secretions. The learn to garden. This is the time to do some-virus can enter your body through any

thing you always wanted to try, but never opening in the skin. Postmenopausal

had the time before. Or maybe now is a

women are at special risk because of the

good time to reconnect with an interest

fragile tissues of the vulva (the external you had when younger.

female genital area around the opening

While exploring new things and keeping

of the vagina) and the lining of the vagina.

active, try to avoid adding stress to your life.

These delicate tissues may be more

Stress can make it harder to deal with the susceptible to virus-infected fluids.

symptoms of menopause. Mid-life can be a

Don’t be afraid to talk to your partner

complex time for many women. For exam-

or potential partner about HIV/AIDS. Ask

ple, if you have a family, there are probably if he or she has been tested for HIV recently.

changes at home—maybe you now have an

There are other ways women can protect

“empty nest” because your children are

themselves. Check with the FDA and the

leaving home for college, work, or marriage.

CDC. Contact the FDA and CDC, listed in

Maybe you have young children who are

For More Information, to learn more. Be sure still in need of attention, which can be extra you are making safe choices.

challenging if you are tired because you

aren’t sleeping well at night.