Pregnancy A-Z by Dalia AL-Rousan - HTML preview

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Skin, hair, and teeth:


You may find that your skin looks better in pregnancy due to hormonal changes, mild fluid retention, and increased blood f low. These can all result in smoother skin and are responsible for the famous “pregnancy glow." On the other hand, you may find that your skin gets drier and more pimply and you may need to take extra care of it during pregnancy. Skin also tends to darken during pregnancy, although the cause for this is unknown. One possible explanation is the increased levels of estrogen and melanocyte- stimulating hormone, which stimulate skin pigmentation.

A healthy pregnancy Stretch marks (striae gravidarum):

Many women develop stretch marks during pregnancy, which can occur on bellies, breasts, hips, or legs. These initially appear as pink or purple lines and may be quite itchy. After pregnancy they fade into pale wrinkles.

Nobody knows for sure why these occur, but they probably result from a combination of pregnancy hormones and your skinstretching. You’re more likely to get stretch marks if you’re very young, if you gain a lot of weight in pregnancy, or if you have a very big baby.

There is less agreement about the role of other factors such as a family history, being very overweight before pregnancy or belonging to a particular ethnic group.

Many creams, lotions, and oils have been marketed for the prevention or treatment of stretch marks but none has been proven to work. Studies have shown that some creams containing ingredients such as vitamin E, elastin, collagen- elastin hydrolysates, and menthol can reduce the development of stretch marks; but other trials have shown that creams containing vitamin E had no effect. If you want to use a commercially recommended cream, lotion, or oil, they are safe to use and may help prevent stretch marks, but unfortunately there is no guarantee.


This describes the increased pigmentation of the cheeks, nose, and chin that affects around 50–70 percent of pregnant women. Using a protective sunscreen and avoiding the use of any photosensitizing skin-care products may reduce chloasma. A recent study found that using a highly protective sunscreen (SPF 50 and UVA-PF 28) prevented most pregnant women from developing chloasma.

Hair and nails:

Hair stays longer in the growth phase during pregnancy, meaning that your scalp hair is likely to grow and thicken. Not so welcome is the fact that facial and body hair may also increase. After the birth, many women find that they suddenly lose a lot of hair as the growth phase stops. You should find that your hair is back to normal within six months. Fingernails may also change, often becoming stronger, although some find that they become softer and brittle. Nails may develop white spots or transverse grooves, but these are rarely anything to worry about and don’t mean that you’re lacking in vitamins.


Pregnant women are more prone to tooth decay (dental caries), bleeding gums, and chronic gum infection (periodontal disease). Poor dental health not only affects you, but can also have an impact on your baby. Studies have linked infection of the gums in pregnant women to premature birth, and if a woman has ongoing tooth decay after the birth, her baby may acquire bacteria directly from her saliva, leading to tooth decay in the child later on. It’s therefore important that you take care of your teeth during pregnancy and visit your dentist and dental hygienist regularly. To keep your mouth healthy during pregnancy, brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and floss every day. Routine dental treatment and some local anesthetics are safe in pregnancy, although it's better to postpone elective dental treatments until after pregnancy or take care of them before pregnancy. Many women worry about having their teeth x-rayed in pregnancy. The radiation exposure from dental X- rays is minimal and the risk to your baby probably negligible.

However, dentists will take every precaution to minimize your radiation exposure, covering you with a leaded apron before the X-rays.
