Understanding Alcohol: Investigations into Biology and Behavior Grades 7- 8 by National Institute of Alcohol Abuse - HTML preview

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Introduction to

Introduction to Understanding

Alcohol: Investigations into

Biology and Behavior

“Although alcohol is sometimes referred to as a

The second objective is to use the topic of alcohol

‘gateway drug’ for youth because its use often

as a way to understand important scientific con-

precedes the use of other illicit substances, this

cepts. The activities in this module incorporate

terminology is counterproductive; youth drinking

concepts such as concentration and solubility

requires significant attention, not because of

(miscibility), as well as build important skills in

what it leads to, but because of the extensive

observation, critical thinking, experimental

human and economic impact of alcohol use by

design, and data analysis.

this vulnerable population.”43

The third objective is to convey to students the

—Dr. Enoch Gordis, former Director

purpose of scientific research. Scientific research

of the National Institute on Alcohol

changes the way we understand the world

Abuse and Alcoholism

around us and gives us the foundation for

Despite the legal drinking age of 21, alcohol con-

improving our choices about our personal health

sumption by underage individuals is not rare. A

and the health of the public. In this module, stu-

recent survey showed that 26 percent of eighth

dents see that science provides evidence that can

graders reported consuming alcohol within the

be used to support ways of understanding and

month prior to the survey, and 16 percent reported

treating human disease. Because the mission of

binge drinking during the two weeks before the

NIAAA includes increasing the public’s under-

survey.42 The effects of adolescent drinking involve

standing about the causes, consequences, treat-

both health- and safety-related problems, includ-

ment, and prevention of alcoholism and

ing auto crashes, domestic violence, and suicide.

alcohol-related problems, the Institute believes

Alcohol abuse among teenagers may also be

that education provides one context in which it

related to behavioral problems linked to impul-

can fulfill its mission.

siveness and sensation seeking. Youth-alcohol-use

We have designed the lessons in this module to

data indicate that the earlier an individual begins

drinking, the greater is his or her risk of develop-

encourage students to think about the relation-

ing alcohol-use disorders in the future.26

ships among knowledge, choice, behavior, and

enhanced human health in this way:

What Are the Objectives of the Module?

Understanding Alcohol: Investigations into Biology

Knowledge (what is known and not known) +

and Behavior has four objectives. The first is to

Choice = Power

help students understand how alcohol consump-

tion affects the functioning of the body. By focus-

Power + Behavior = Enhanced Human Health

ing on the scientific issues that explain how the

body reacts to alcohol, the module seeks to help

The final objective is to encourage students to

students make informed decisions about the use

think in terms of these relationships now and as

of alcohol in their lives.

they grow older.


Understanding Alcohol: Investigations into Biology and Behavior Why Teach the Module?

• The module has a Web-based technology com-

Middle school life science classes offer an ideal set-

ponent that includes videos and interactive sim-

ting for integrating many areas of student interest.


In this module, students participate in activities

• Finally, the module includes built-in assess-

that integrate inquiry science, environmental stud-

ment tools, which are noted in each of the les-

ies, human health, history, decision-making con-

sons with an assessment icon.

cepts, and mathematics. The real-life context of the

In addition, the module provides a means for pro-

module’s classroom lessons is engaging for stu-

fessional development. Teachers can engage in

dents, and the knowledge gained by participating

new and different teaching practices like those

in the module can be applied immediately to stu-

described in this module without completely

dents’ lives.

overhauling their entire yearlong program. In

Designing Professional Development for Teachers of

“It [the module] could be easily done by my

Science and Mathematics, 33 Susan Loucks-Horsley

special-ed students, as well as keeping the interest

et al. write that supplemental modules such as

of the gifted students.” – Field-Test Teacher

Understanding Alcohol: Investigations into Biology

and Behavior can “offer a window through which

“I thought that the lessons were very informative,

teachers can get a glimpse of what new teaching

and it is all information that everyone needs to

strategies look like in action.” By experiencing a

know about.” – Field-Test Student

short-term unit like this one, teachers can

“change how they think about teaching and

What’s in It for the Teacher?

embrace new approaches that stimulate students

Understanding Alcohol meets many of the criteria

to problem solve, reason, investigate, and con-

by which teachers and their programs are

struct their own meaning for the content.” The


use of a supplemental unit like this module can

• The module is standards based and meets sci-

encourage reflection and discussion and stimulate

ence content, teaching, and assessment stan-

teachers to improve their practices by focusing on

dards as expressed in the National Science

student learning through inquiry.

Education Standards. It pays particular attention

to the standards that describe what students

The following table correlates topics often

should know and be able to do with respect to

included in the middle school curriculum with

scientific inquiry.

the major concepts presented in this module. This

• As described above, it is an integrated module,

information is presented to help teachers make

drawing most heavily from the subjects of sci-

decisions about incorporating this material into

ence, history, mathematics, and health.

the curriculum.


Correlation of Understanding Alcohol to Common Middle School Topics Topic

Lesson 1 Lesson 2

Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6

Chemical composition of matter

Individual variation and susceptibility

Human health and medicine

Risk assessment and management

Scientific methods

Relationship among science,

technology, and society