William Kidd was a Scottish sailor whose early career started noble enough. His true story is one of murder and conviction for piracy.
Stede Bonnet was known as the “Gentleman Pirate” as he came from a background of relative wealth before turning to piracy.
Edward England, born Edward Seeger, was a notorious pirate known for his flag – the “Jolly Roger” complete with skull and crossbones.
Mary Read was one of several females active in the “Golden Age of Piracy.” Her true story ended in conviction.
John, or James, Martel was initially a privateer in the Spanish Succession. He turned to piracy and reportedly killed an entire crew.
John Evans was a Welsh pirate whose short career started with a rowboat and an island raid. This is his true story.
Henry Avary, who went by many aliases, was labelled as the “King of Pirates” by his contemporaries. This is his true story.
Edward Teach, better known as Blackbeard, was a notorious pirate. This is the true story of Blackbeard, less fearsome than fables suggest.
The true story of Anne Bonny, a fiery red-head who was one of many women pirates. Born in Ireland, she lived a colorful life of crime.
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