Other Books for Boys
Boy Fortune Hunters
The Boy Fortune Hunters in Alaska
The Boy Fortune Hunters in Panama
The Boy Fortune Hunters in Egypt
The Boy Fortune Hunters in China
The Boy Fortune Hunters in Yucatan
Mr. Akers, in these new books, has at a single bound taken front rank as a writer for boys. The stories are full of adventure, yet clean, bright and up-to-date. The first volume tells of the exciting scenes in the early days of the Alaskan gold fields. The next book takes “The Boy Fortune Hunters” to the “Canal Zone,” and the third story is filled with stirring incidents in a trip through Egypt. The fourth book relates thrilling adventures in the Flowery Kingdom, while the last story carries the youthful heroes through further exciting times in Yucatan.
Illustrated 12mos. Uniform cloth binding, stamped in three colors.
Price 60 cents each
Transcriber’s Notes:
Punctuation and spelling inaccuracies were silently corrected.
Archaic and variable spelling has been preserved.
Variations in hyphenation and compound words have been preserved.
The Chapter IX title in the Table of Contents (Bud Wilson Makes a Strange Contract) was changed to reflect the title within the contents (Bud Makes a Strange Contract).