Best Love Messages by Nikafl - HTML preview

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The Department for the Missing Persons would like to inform you someone is currently missing you; please send that person a message.

If a kiss is a rain drop send me a storm. If an embrace is a second send me hours. If a smile is water send me an ocean. If love is a person send me YOURSELF!

I don't know how to tell you this, but ever since I'm with you there has been grief inside me I feel frequently. And it’s time to tell you ... it’s caused by your absence.

You only realize you're fond of someone and you love them when that person leaves and takes the pieces of your shattered heart.

I love your gaze when you look at me! I go crazy when you smile! When you kiss me, I feel in heaven – but I only realize I need you when you're not by me.

I'm sending you a greeting for no reason so you have a good time, to keep your heart warm, and to remind you someone's always thinking of you!

I don't feel so well, I need you to take my temperature and temper...... I just might feel better afterwards.

Wanted! The prettiest eyes ever which have illegally crossed the borders of friendship, stolen my heart without permission and were last seen in my dreams....

I'm sending you two kisses straight from the heart – for you to keep as long as we're apart!

There's something about you that attracts me. It might be the gaze, it might be the smile, and it might be your soul reflecting in your eyes! I'm not sure; I only know I miss you a lot!

There's a day when I don't eat. There's a day when I don't go anywhere, and a day when I don't go to work.

But there isn't a day I wouldn't miss you and think about you....

I need you like a rose, like a poet needs grief. Without you I am nothing, and everything with you. You are my hope, my soul needs you.

Please accept this message from a person who's romantic, not very practical, fantastic lover, who sometimes forgets about herself but is ALWAYS thinking of YOU!

Hope is like the sky at night! It is never too dark to find at least one star.

It's pleasant to think about you, even more pleasant to hear from you, but to see you and embrace you is the most pleasant of all. That's why I will call you right away to agree on when to meet so I can see you and hold you.

When I'm alone, every fallen tear is for you; but I'm the happiest with you, when all the tears are forgotten.

With you I feel as high like a shooting star across the starlit sky. Good luck at work, I can be patient, give me a call when you have the time wish to rise again with me!

I'm looking for the signpost to your heart.

If you sincerely love someone, don't leave them - that can hurt so much.

The only consolation I have left is that we share the same sky, the same stars that protect us and watch over you.

Hey, aren't you forgetting something? What? Me?

Hello my pretty flowers who breathe and live for those short moments that will never last, and that's the way it should be. These boys of ours are like spices ... not too little, not too much, but when you get used to them you can't live without them!!!

When the rain falls over trees and the drops are bounced to your body I have to be with you otherwise it makes me feel blue to wonder who'll dry those raindrops for you.

The wind howls through the streets, my gaze is lost somewhere up above but my thoughts carry me to where I can feel your kiss.

When I need warmth – I remember your embrace. When I need consolation – I recall the feel of your kiss. When I need something beautiful – I have your eyes.

But the most beautiful moments are spent with YOU!

I hear your voice even if you don't speak, I see your face even if you're not here, I feel your touch even if you're miles away, I dream of you night and day.