Drive, Ride, Repeat: The Mostly-True Account of a Cross-Country Car and Bicycle Adventure by Al Macy - HTML preview

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Chapter Forty-Three

Low Gravity



May 30, 2009—East Table to Bully Creek: After breakfast, I used warm water for washing my hair (mixed some boiling water in with the cold water). This worked great until Lena forgot to mix in the cold water at rinse time—ow!

Next was a quick detour to Craters of the Moon National Monument. This would have been boring, but the whole place is set to 1/6 of normal gravity, making it hard to walk. This is one place where overweight tourists have an advantage.

We drove all the way through Idaho, and got the very last campsite at Bully Creek Reservoir in Oregon. You may have noticed that all the campgrounds on this trip have either been deserted, or almost full.

This place was very well maintained and neat, except for the bathrooms. These, in contrast, were straight out of a third world country with peeling paint and slimy floor surfaces. They also smelled of rotting fish, because the fish cleaning stations adjoined the bathrooms.

Here's a picture of the shower. This picture will be relevant for the next chapter, so keep it in mind.

Am I the only one who sees an image or Geraldo Rivera in the bottom of the shower?

I got in a pleasant ride followed by a nice sunset. Since it was Saturday, and this was a party-type campground, there was lots of drinking and celebrating going on. Our earplugs blocked all that out, and we slept well.

Stay tuned to find out who slept in the bathroom and why.