Earn a Little Extra and Save a lot Doing Surveys by Elli - HTML preview

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Frequently Asked Questions about Making Money with Online Surveys

1.) Can I really get paid just for taking surveys online?
Absolutely, surveys are an excellent way to make money online from the comfort of your own home. There are over 7 million companies that actively survey consumers to find the best way to promote their products. These companies are willing to pay you to give your opinion. Your opinion allows them to get in touch with consumers and their views, habits, and opinions.

2.) What is the difference between a survey and a focus group? Can I participate in both?
A survey is normally a page or two of questions. Surveys can range from 10 to 30 questions. They are normally short and take little time to fill out. Focus groups on the other hand are normally longer forms that can sometimes follow you for a few days about a particular subject. They might ask you a series of questions, receive your response and then ask you another series of questions. Because of this they pay much more. You can participate in surveys, focus groups or both depending on the time you have available.

3.) Can I do this from any computer? Do I need to download anything? There is nothing to download. You do not need any special computer or operating system. You simply log in and find surveys. This can be done from any computer, at any time. You can work from anywhere that you can establish an internet connection. This gives you the freedom to work from a variety of locations, including coffee shops

4.) How many surveys can I take? How much income can I earn? You can take as many surveys as you want. The amount of surveys taken, and income earned will depend on how much time and effort you put into the surveys. Average monthly income will depend on each individual, and their effort put forth. Fill out more surveys and you will get paid more money it is as simple as that. A person who checks their email often and responds to surveys invitations quickly, or logs into the members area to see what new surveys are available often will obviously make more than someone who only logs in one a week. Income is solely dependent on an individual’s effort and attention to survey offers. The only thing that will limit you is certain survey companies will only let you participate if you come from a certain country.

5.) How am I paid and how often? Am I sent a check by postal mail? The company you will be doing the survey for will pay you by company check sent by postal mail. Some companies will allow you to be paid by Paypal online. Paypal is a online payment center which you can use only if you choose. NO, you do not have to accept PayPal for paychecks. You can specify you only want payment sent postal mail by company check. Most paychecks are sent twice monthly .. some will pay once a month.
6.) Does it matter where I live? Are the surveys open to everyone - even world wide? Can I take surveys if don't stay in the US?
Yes, there is plenty of surveys available for non-US residents. Although there is others that you wont be eligible for.
Most paid survey opportunities require that you are at least 18 years of age, but other than that there are no specific requirements. Some companies will only accept survey takers in the USA, but most are looking for Survey takers from all over the world.

7.) Can I participate in the same surveys as others? Are there enough surveys to go around?
Will surveys ever "run out"?
Yes, hundreds of people can, and will take the same survey. There are hundreds if not thousands of surveys available every day. Most surveys will require a very large amount of participates so there are always plenty of surveys to go around.

8.) This all sounds a bit too good to be true are you sure this isn't a scam?
Yes, we're sure it isn't a scam - my family and I all did online surveys and made cash from them. Some companies take a bit longer than others but you do get paid in the end.

9.) Are you a survey company, will you send me surveys?
No, we are not a survey company. We will provide you with a fresh list of the best surveys companies that can register with. Based on your registration profile this companies will send you surveys, not us

10.) What about privacy, is it okay to give out personal details? Generally you will be asked basic details about age, sex etc. Then once accepted to take part you will then be asked views or options on products or services. Never give out information you are not comfortable supplying.
If you are looking for an easy way to make money at home, I recommend paid online surveys as an excellent place to start .
Taking online surveys has proven to be an exciting, legitimate way of making money online. Market research companies have questions they want answered, they pay you to answer them, and consequently are able to make better marketing decisions regarding their products and services. It’s a win-win situation.

Unfortunately however, there are few people who are able to generate large amounts of income from online survey taking. Most panelists participate in one or two surveys monthly, and not on a weekly, nevermind daily basis. Why is this?

1)Panelists limit registration to one or two market research companies – there are no rules that state that one cannot register with more than one online survey company. Then why limit yourself? Statistically the more market research companies you register with, the better your chances are of being invited to participate in an online survey.

2)Panelists never confirm their registration – some people assume that just because they’ve filled out an online registration form with a survey company, that they are part of their database of panellists. This is untrue. Many market research companies require applicants to verify their e-mail addresses by clicking a special hyperlink contained within an e-mail sent from the market research company to the potential panelists e-mail address. Clicking on this hyperlink and verifying one’s e-mail account is an important final step in the registration process.

3)Panelists never check their e-mail – this is so obvious yet is overlooked many times. Online survey invitations are sent via e-mail. If an e-mail account is never checked, how can one expect to participate in survey and make money? E-mail accounts should be checked at least twice a week, but preferably, daily. This ensures that survey invitations are received and that they haven’t expired by the time they are read.

By following these simple suggestions, one can get a head start with online survey taking. Getting paid for your opinion is fun and can act as a great way to supplement one’s income. Good luck and have fun!
Research is done in some crazy ways. But most research is done in more conventional ways, via consumer surveys and focus groups - and that's where the real opportunities are.It's really a simple 3-step process:

Step 1: Go to my website www.globalwebsurveys.com

Chances are you weren't even aware you can get paid for your opinions, right? That's because the hardest part is finding and sorting through all the research programs out there.
It would probably take you monthsto find, evaluate, and keep track of all the good ones!
But you won't have to worry about any of that - becausewe've done it all for you.
This package contains a list of over 100 of the very best paid survey opportunities

... Plus tips, tricks, and strategies to help you get started as quickly as possible.


Don't live in the U.S.?Don't worry - you can take advantage of this too.


Step 2: Participate in Surveys and/or Focus Groups

Because most of the research companies operate online, it's usually just a matter of filling out a simple survey form at their site, or joining a special online "chat" session. Sound easy? It is! You simply follow the instructions and complete the "job" in your spare time.

We even give you software that'll help you fill out your surveysup to 300% faster! (download ithere for free)