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1. Environmental Assessment.

2. Environmental Assessment Exemptions.

3. JEMB. OFFICIAL: s/ t/

Major General

Director, J-4 t/ General Commander


Figure B·1. Sample environmental considerations annex (annex L) (continued)


Issuing Headquarters





a.        JP 3-34. Joint Engineer Operations. 12 February 2007.

b.        DODD   6050.7.   Environmental   Effects   Abroad   of   Major   Department   of   Defense   Actions. 31 March 1979.

c.        JSI 3830.01B. Environmental Engineering Effects of DOD Actions. 1 May 1998.

d.        DODI 4715.5. Management of Environmental Compliance of Overseas Installations. 22 April 1996. e.        DODI 4715.8. Environmental Remediation for DOD Activities Overseas. 2 February 1998.

f.         Applicable Country-Specific FGS. g.        DOD OEBGD.

1.       Purpose.  State  the  regulatory  or  legal  requirement  for  conducting  an  environmental  assessment  in conjunction with the supported operation.

2.       Description of the Action. State whether an exemption applies to the proposed action, including whether the  proposed  operation  is  a  "major"  action  which  does  "significant  harm  to  the  environment  or  a  global resource." If no exemption is being invoked, state the type of assessment being prepared (environmental impact statement, environmental study, or environmental review).

3.       Exemption or Exclusion. Describe the basis for exemption. Determine and document its applicability to the operation or seek approval from a higher authority.

4.       Analysis of Options or Alternatives. If an environmental report, environmental study, or environmental impact statement is required or federal law in conjunction with an operation, document the actions and/or alternatives   that   were   considered   in   the   planning   of   the   supported   operations   to   minimize   the environmental impacts.

5.       Environmental Setting of the Operation. Describe the following: (a) general environmental condition of the operational area, (b) vegetation, (c) climate, (d) wildlife, (e) archaeological and historical sites, (f) water quality, and (g) air quality.

6.       Environmental  Impact  of  the  Operation.  Describe  the  impact  on  (a)  topography,  (b)  vegetation, (c) water quality, (d) air quality, (e) ecology, (f) archaeological and historical sites, (g) wildlife, (h) the socio- economic and political end state, (i) land use, (j) safety and occupational health, and (k) HM and HW.

7.       Mitigation and Monitoring Requirements. Describe actions and assign responsibilities for mitigation and monitoring of environmental impacts of the supported operation.

8.       Compliance Responsibilities. State applicability and responsibility for implementation of the OEBGD or FGS during the post hostilities phase.


Figure B·1. Sample environmental considerations annex (annex L) (continued)


Issuing Headquarters





a.        DODD   6050.7.   Environmental   Effects   Abroad   of   Major   Department   of   Defense   Actions. 31 March 1979.

b.        JSI 3830.01B. Environmental Engineering Effects of DOD Actions. 1 May 1998.

1.       Purpose.  State  the  basis  for  invoking  or  requesting  an  exclusion  or  exemption  from  environmental assessment for the supported operation.

2.       Background.   State   facts   identified   in   the  planning  process  that  support  an  exemption  from  the requirement for environmental assessment documentation.

3.       Discussion.  Provide  factual  rationale  for  invoking  exemption.  Assign  responsibility  for  making  the exemption determination.

4.       Determination. Identify and document the authority making the exemption determination.


Figure B·1. Sample environmental considerations annex (annex L) (continued)


Issuing Headquarters





1.       Purpose. Describe the composition and function of the JEMB.

2.       General.

a.        The JEMB is a temporary board which may be activated by the combined joint task force.

b.        The  JEMB  establishes  policies,  procedures,  policies,  and  overall  direction  for  environmental management requirements in the theater.

c.        If  appropriate,  it  may  assume  responsibility  for  the  preparation  of  annex  L,  Environmental


d.        Joint task force engineer has overall staff responsibility for the JEMB.

3.       Organization. Upon notification of the joint task force engineer, the JEMB will meet at the joint task force headquarters. The composition of the JEMB will vary depending on the nature of the contingency, the joint task  force,  and  the  other  forces  and  agencies  involved.  It  may  include  representatives  of  all  Services involved,  along  with  the  judge  advocate  general,  surgeon,  PAO,  Defense  Logistics  Agency/DRMO, American Embassy, United States Agency for International Development, real estate, contracting, safety, and CA.

4.       Procedures.

a.        As required by the joint task force mission, the JEMB will be activated under the authority of the combined joint task force by the joint task force engineer.

b.        The  JEMB  meeting  locations  and  physical  arrangements  will  be  coordinated,  executed,  and announced by the joint task force environmental engineer.

c.        JEMB meetings will be chaired by the joint task force engineer.

d.        Members of the JEMB must be empowered as decisionmakers for their organizations.

e.        JEMB decisions will strive for unanimity. In the absence of unanimity, a majority of voting members will decide the issue. The chairman will vote only in the case of a tie.

f.         JEMB decisions will be forwarded to the joint task force Chief of Staff for final approval. g.        Reclamas of JEMB actions are to be forwarded to the joint task force Chief of Staff.

h.        The joint task force environmental engineer is responsible for preparing the meeting agenda and read-ahead  materials,  maintaining  the  minutes  of  all  JEMB  meetings,  preparing  appropriate documentation   of   all   JEMB   actions,   coordinating   the   final   approval   of   JEMB   actions,   and dissemination of approved JEMB actions.


Figure B·1. Sample environmental considerations annex (annex L) (continued)

Appendix C

Environmental Appendix to the Engineering Annex for

Army Operation Plans and Operation Orders

The  following  annex  lists  typical  environmental  considerations  for Army  OPLAN, concept  plan,  and  OPORD  development  and  execution.  For  small  units  (battalions and companies), the format will provide a guide for finding necessary information for developing  their  own  orders.  For  larger  units  (brigade  and  division),  the  format provides an example for developing a similar appendix. Ensure that current examples are   verified   with   these   current   references.   Army   orders   normally   include environmental  considerations  in  the  coordinating  instructions  (paragraph  3)  if  not included in a separate appendix within the engineer annex. When specific command procedures  dictate,  staff  officers  include  some  environmental  considerations  in logistics  and  medical  annexes. All  operations  must  comply  with  federal  law  to  the extent  possible.  This  example  assumes  an  overseas  deployment  in  which  the  vast majority  of  federal  environmental  law  is  not  applicable.  Plans  for  training  or operations in the U.S. must conform to federal and state laws. Tab A of the sample appendix  5  to  annex  G  in  Figure  C-1  implements  the  requirement  of  EO  12114  to conduct  environmental  assessments,  in  the  form  of  the  EBS,  before  taking  actions that  would  significantly  harm  the  environment  of  a  foreign  nation  or  the  global commons. DODD 6050.7, which implements EO 12114, defines the environmental impact statement, environmental statement, and ECR directed in this tab.


Copy       of       copies

Issuing Headquarters

Place of Issue

Date-Time Group of Signature

Message Reference Number



a.  JP 3-34. Joint Engineer Operations. 12 February 2007.

b. JSN 3820.01E. Environmental Engineering Effects of DODA. 30 September 2008.

c. DODI 4715.5. Management of Environmental Compliance at Overseas Installations. 22 April 1996.

d.  DODI 4715.8. Environmental Remediation Policy for DOD Activities Overseas. 2 February 1998.

e.  Applicable country-specific FGS.

f.   DOD OEBGD, or in-theater equivalent, 1 May 2007.

g.  Foreign nation agreements, local operating standards if different from FGS, command special instructions, SOPs, policies, guidance for environmental considerations, or references pertaining to significant environmental factors in the AO. h.  Unit SOPs.


a.  Enemy forces.  Refer to an OPORD or to an environmental annex/appendix to an OPORD.  State any environmental factors or conditions that could adversely affect the successful completion of the mission, and/or the health or welfare of friendly forces and the indigenous population.  Environmental threats can be natural, collateral, accidental, or caused by actions of the population or enemy forces.  (This operation depends on our ability to provide water for both our forces and the indigenous population through desalinization plants drawing water from the Gulf…the enemy has large amounts of chemical munitions.  Special care must be taken when destroying enemy munition dumps to ensure chemical munitions are not being detonated…due to the extremely high water table in the area, special care and considerations must be taken in the siting of landfills and the collection of all waste products…)


Figure C-1. Sample appendix 5 (environmental) to annex G (engineering)


(1)  Terrain.  List all critical terrain aspects that impact functional area operations.

(2)  Weather.  List all critical weather aspects that impact functional area operations. (3)  Enemy functional area capability and/or activity:

(a)   List known and templated significant environmental hazards.  If the information is large and specific enough, this list may become an overlay.

(b)   List significant enemy capabilities to use environmental manipulation as a means to impede friendly forces or jeopardize long-term objectives.  (Enemy may release oil directly into the Gulf…Enemy may set oil wells afire to cover their retreat…)

(c)   State the expected employment of enemy functional area assets based on the most probable course of action.  (Enemy will not be effected by international opinion…they will use all means at their disposal to include releasing oil directly into the gulf and setting oil wells afire in an orgy of destruction…)

(4)    Limiting  factors.    Outline  limitations  that  are  due  to  lack  of  foreign  access,  time, operations security, foreign nation rules or sensitivities, public affairs (foreign and domestic), legal considerations, and resources.   (Operations by 54th Mechanized Division will inherently have an environmental  impact.    Environmental  considerations  require  early  integration  in  the  planning process  and  will  be  accomplished  in  conjunction  with  other  planning  and  the  risk  management process.  The environmental protection level will vary as levels of risk are anticipated to be lower and the correspondingly environmental efforts more comprehensive in proportion to the distance from  the  combat  zone.    This  appendix  does  not  address  munitions  storage/disposal,  CBRNE activities, or activities on naval ships at sea.)

b.   Friendly forces.   Refer to an OPORD or to an annex to an OPORD. State the concept of environmental operations for the higher headquarters. This concept covers relationships between environmental considerations and the supported OPORD, OPLAN, concept plan, or support plan.

c.    Attachments and detachments.  Refer to an OPORD or an annex to an OPORD (annex L

if it is a JOPES OPORD).  Identify special environmental teams or personnel.

2.  MISSION.  State the commander's concept for environmental actions.  This concept answers the who, what, when where, how, and why of the relationship between environmental considerations and the supported OPORD, OPLAN, concept plan, or functional plan.  Normally, the mission will be to protect, as much as practicable, the health and welfare of U.S. personnel and the indigenous population from environmental threats during the conduct of the operation; to reduce long-term, adverse impact on the economy and public health; and to reduce U.S. costs and liabilities at the completion of the operation.


Figure C-1. Sample appendix 5 (environmental) to annex G (engineering) (continued)



a.  Scheme of environmental operations.  Summarize the commander's concept of environmental actions required to support the OPLAN, OPORD, or concept plan.  Identify issues and actions that should be addressed during all phases of the operation.  Identify the desired environmental end state.

(1)  Operational effect on the environment.  List critical resources that should be protected during the operation, such as forests, croplands, or water- and sewage-treatment facilities.  Describe factors to be considered by subordinate unit commanders when making collateral damage decisions.

(2)  Environmental resource effect on the operation.  List any environmental conditions or factors that could impede successful completion of the operational mission or jeopardize the desired end state.  Identify possible targets of environmental sabotage or terrorism.

(3)  Compliance requirements.  State regulatory, legal, and foreign nation compliance requirements that will apply and under what conditions they may be applicable (combat versus nonhostile, stability operation, or support operation; geographical differences; or event-triggered changes).

(4)  Phased compliance.  Describe in general terms the major environmental concerns and requirements during different phases of the operation.  Specify transition tasks and measures and the appropriate initiating control measures.

b.   Tasks to subordinate units.  It will be unusual to have an entry here.  If it is important enough to task a given maneuver element to accomplish an environmental task, this tasking must be identified in paragraph 3b of the base order.  An example is the tasking of specific units (in conjunction with the surgeon or eBRN officer) to perform environmental reconnaissance missions.  If only placed here it is likely to be overlooked by the tasked unit.  If including tasks to subordinate


(1)  List functional area tasks that specific maneuver elements must accomplish and that the base OPORD does not contain.

(2)  List functional area tasks the functional area units supporting maneuver elements must accomplish only as necessary to ensure unity of effort.

c.  Coordinating instructions.  Outline key coordination that must be accomplished by two or more units and not routinely covered in unit SOPs.   Pay particular attention to coordination requirements with higher headquarters, the Office of the Secretary of Defense, and other federal agencies. Unit responsibilities and requirements may vary according to location, activity, or phase of the operation; attach   a   matrix   that   specifies   various   levels   of   environmental   protection.      Environmental responsibilities of the surgeon and the logistics officer may be included here if not incorporated in their respective annexes.



Figure C-1. Sample appendix 5 (environmental) to annex G (engineering) (continued)


(1)  Environmental reconnaissance.  Identify general responsibilities here.

(2)   Environmental vulnerabilities.   Specify general responsibilities for intelligence collection, identification, and response planning for environmental threats to mission success.

(3)   Environmental  assessments.   List  conditions  under  which  environmental  assessments may be required, conditions when assessments may be sensible even when not required by law or order, and responsibilities for conducting and approving assessments (See tab A and tab B).

(4)  Occupation of base camps and rear assembly areas.  (Occupation of base camps or rear assembly  areas,  and  subsequent  operations,  will  be  accomplished  incorporating  environmental considerations whenever feasible and commensurate with the operational situation.)

(a)  An initial EBS (see tab A) will be conducted to determine the preexisting condition of the site and its ecological resources.  Direct the conduct of ECRs based on the duration of stay at a given site (to give interim snapshot condition reports) and in response to environmental incidents.

(b)   Before departure or abandonment, units will ensure the performance of a final EBS (see tab A) to document the condition of the site, to include water sources, soil, flora, archaeologicall historical facilities, air quality, and other environmental conditions.  Document the location of latrines, hazardous  waste  sites,  landfills,  hospitals,  maintenance  activities,  POL  storage,  and  any  other environmentally sensitive activities.

(5)  Facilities.

(a)   Environmental  baseline  surveys.   Specify  conditions,  formats,  responsibilities,  and reporting of initial EBS, final EBS, and any interim ECRs (see enclosure 1, enclosure 2, and tab C).

(b)    Operating  procedures.    Provide  guidance  for  environmental  considerations  and services in established facilities.

(c)  Closure.  Specify closure activities, such as documentation of the location of latrines, HW  sites,  landfills,  hospitals,  maintenance  activities,  POL  storage,  and  other  environmentally sensitive activities.  Publication of these procedures may be delayed until a more appropriate phase of the operation.

(6)   Construction.   When  planning  and  conducting  general  engineering  operations,  military designers should consider the project's effect on the environment, as well as the applicable U.S. and foreign nation agreements and applicable environmental laws and regulations.   (Soil erosion/runoff control  procedures  and  other  common  sense  procedures  will  be  applied  to  the  maximum  extent possible in any case.)

(7)   Claims.   (Under the provisions of Article XXIII of the United States - Republic of Korea SOFA, claims  by local national individuals or organizations for damages arising from spills will be handled through established claims procedures.)



Figure C-1. Sample appendix 5 (environmental) to annex G (engineering) (continued)



a.  Identify those environmental planning factors that, although not mandated as law or regulation, will support successful execution of the OPLAN, OPORD, concept plan, or functional plan in all phases and protect the health and safety of U.S. forces, allied forces, and noncombatants.  As a minimum, address certification of local water sources by medical field units, solid and liquid waste management, HM management, flora and fauna protection, archaeological and historical preservation, and spill response. Disposal of solid and liquid waste will depend upon the location and surrounding environment of the disposal area. The intent is to minimize the environmental impact and to limit potential contamination to the holding site.

(1)   Development,  use,  and  protection  of  potable  water  sources.   Certification  of  water sources include special considerations for the protection of surface water, groundwater, and water in  distribution  systems;  location  and  special  protection  requirements  for  water  and  wastewater (gray  water,  see  below)  treatment  facilities;  disposal  of  effluents  from  showers  and  laundry facilities;  disposal  of  brine  water  (or  wastewater)  from  reverse  osmosis  water  purification  unit operations.   In CONUS, training exercises require a permit to discharge reverse osmosis water purification unit brine into a water source.   Returning brine (or wastewater) directly to the source, untreated,  also  violates  the  OEBGD.    (Water  will  be  obtained  or  processed  from  approved sources.   Water quality certifications will be accomplished according with procedures outlined in the 54th Mechanized Division field SOP. Operational and support elements will not contaminate potable water resources.)

(2)   Solid and liquid waste management.   (Disposal of solid and liquid wastes will depend on  location  and  surrounding  environment  of  the  disposal  area.  The  intent  is  to  minimize  the environmental impact and to limit potential contamination to the holding site.)

(a)    Solid  waste.  Requirements  include  disposal  of  solid  waste  (includes  sludge); approval   process   for   the   use   of   landfills   or   incinerators;   and   protection   of   solid   waste transportation,  transfer,  and  disposal  facilities.  (Solid  waste  will  be  removed  and  disposed  of  at ministry of environment-approved facilities via wartime foreign nation support agreements. In the absence of foreign nation support, solid waste should be incinerated as the preferred method of disposal.  Alternatively, burial of waste is acceptable and will employ the characteristics of landfill operations.   Trenches will be perpendicular to the prevailing winds, deep enough to contain the long-term waste stream expected and to execute a daily cover of not less than 6 inches of earth, with a final cover of not less than 30 inches. Any trench will be properly marked when closed.)

(b)   Human  waste.  Handle  storage  and  disposal  of  human  waste  in  a  way  that  best supports the mission and is most protective of human health. This factor is particularly significant in densely populated areas where basic public health services may be disrupted and standard field sanitation  procedures  are  inadequate.  (Existing  sanitary  latrines,  sewers,  and  treatment  plants should be used to the maximum extent possible.  If such facilities have exceeded their capacity or do  not  exist,  human  waste  will  be  disposed  of  according  to  the  operation  and  the  situation encountered.  The preferred methods of disposal in order of precedence are sanitary wastewater disposal  systems,  portable  latrines,  and  slit  trenches.  Expeditionary  sewage  collection  and disposal  will  be  sited  and  operated  to  minimize  environmental  impact  according  to  unit  field sanitation procedures.  If possible, do not conduct open burning upwind of populated areas. As a minimum, all slit trenches will be covered with not less than 24 inches of earth fill [12 inches of compacted fill level to the ground surface, and 12 inches of mound fill] before departure from the site.  A  sign  showing  the  date  of  closure  and  the  words  "Closed  Latrine" will  be  posted  at  each closed site.)

Figure C-1. Sample appendix 5 (environmental) to annex G (engineering) (continued)



(c)   Gray water.  (At locations that lack sewage treatment facilities, the preferred method of handling gray water will be by collection and proper disposal via wartime foreign nation support. In the event these preferred options are not achievable during contingency operations or wartime, effluents from showers/bathing  facilities  will  be  located  downstream  of water  sources,  both  civilian  and  military.  Most rivers in the Republic of Korea supply water to Korean populations, and gray water discharges into central waters are prohibited. Construction of temporary drainage facilities must ensure proper drainage of gray water runoff that precludes pooling. Measures will be taken to prevent creation of pest breeding sites.)

(3)   Medical  waste.  This  section  includes  procedures  and  locations  for  storage  and  disposal  of medical waste under normal and emergency conditions, as well as the responsibilities and procedures for approval of disposal methods. (Disposal of medical waste will be according to guidelines established by the XX [United States] Corps Surgeon. Should facilities be unavailable for permanent disposal, suitable temporary   disposal   should   be   accomplished   through   the   use   of   a   suitably   labeled,   segregated containment area. Wastes will be held in sealed containers or another appropriate manner that minimizes the release of biological contamination into the environment. A record will be made of the type, quantity, and location of the containment area. A copy of the report will be forwarded to the XX [United States] Corps Staff Engineer Section and the surgeon.)

(4)  HM/HW management.

(a)   HW  management.  This  section  includes  procedures  and  locations  for  the  storage  and disposal of HW under normal and emergency conditions, operations of the DRMO or approved contractor facilities, and the recording of abandoned HW sites. (HW will be collected, packaged, and transferred to the  Defense  Logistics  Agency/DRMO  when  feasible  according  to  guidelines  established  by  the  XX [United  States]  Corps  G-4.)  (If  the  operational  situation  dictates  abandonment  of  HM/HW,  consolidate, contain, and record the location of the items, type of items, and any other information that will facilitate future  recovery  operations.  Forward  a  copy  of  the  report  to  both  the  XX  [United  States]  Corps  Staff Engineer Section and G-4.)

(b)   HM  management.  (HMs  will  be  stored,  transported,  and  used  according  to  established procedures  and  in  a  manner  that  precludes  improper  human  or  ecological  exposure.  To  the  extent practical, consolidation and reutilization will be applied to reduce the amount of HM expended and waste generated.)

(c)      Abandonment.   (If   the   operational   situation   dictates   abandonment   of   hazardous material/waste; consolidate, contain, and record the location of the items, type of items, and any other information that will assist future recovery operations. Forward a copy of the report to both the XX [United States] Corps Staff Engineer Section and G-4.)

(d)    Spill  prevention/control  procedures.  (Commanders  will  maintain  spill-prevention/control plans  with  battalion-level  spill  response  teams,  according  to  the  54th  Mechanized  Division  field  SOP. Units will take immediate action to contain the spill, clean up the site to the limit of their capability, mark the  site,  and  report  the  spill  through  their  chain  of  command  to  the  XX  [United  States]  Corps  Staff Engineer Section, PAO, and G-4. The spill report should be in basic ECR format [see tab B] and at a minimum contain the location, type, and quantity of contaminant[s], status of the cleanup, and an estimate of additional resources required to complete the cleanup.)



Figure C-1. Sample appendix 5 (environmental) to annex G (engineering) (continued)


(5)     Ecosystem  protection.  Protect  special  flora  and  fauna,  wetlands,  forests,  and croplands  and  seek  approval  for  the  clearing  of  large  areas  and  approved  methods  and chemicals, if any, for clearing. (The requirement to clear fields of fire [as well as limited clearance for health, safety, and troop welfare] may cause the destruction of ecosystems. Destruction and clearing  of  areas  in  excess of 100 acres requires the approval of the Commander, XX [United States] Corps.)

(6)    Air  and  noise  emissions.  Give  special  consideration  to  preventing  air  and  noise emissions-normally  confined  to  theater  rear  areas  or  to  security,  support,  or  humanitarian missions. (Generators will be operated only in the reduced sound signature mode as defined in division  field  SOP…Movement  of  tracked  vehicles  outside  of  designated  assembly  areas,  from

0001-2400 on Sundays during this exercise, is prohibited without permission of the Commander, XX [United State