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Appendix F

Hazardous Material/Hazardous Waste Management

Procedures for Field Operations

This  appendix  provides  guidance  for  assisting  units  in  the  proper  management  of HM/HW during operations. Proper management practices will safeguard the health of military  personnel  and  protect  the  environment.  Additionally,  these  measures  will ease logistical burdens and produce cost savings through HW minimization and P2. They  are  intended  to  assist  military  personnel  in  the  development  of  unit  and operation-specific   SOPs   for   HM/HW   management   in   any   AO.  Although   this appendix  focuses  on  maneuver  brigade  and  battalion  operations,  the  information provided may be adapted to company- and platoon-size units during any operation.


F-1.   Key references for HM/HW handling are as follows:

•      29 CFR and 40 CFR.

•      Applicable  laws  and  regulations  regarding  HM  usage  and  waste  management  (consult  your higher headquarters or supporting environmental management office).

•      OPLANs and OPORDs.

•      TM 38-410.

•      Unit SOPs.

•      USACHPPM TG-217.


F-2.   Many commodities used by the military are hazardous or contain HMs with special requirements for storage and handling. The dangers posed by these items may be serious, and personnel should be aware of the domestic and international laws and regulations associated with them. These laws and regulations place special emphasis on communicating the hazards associated with these products, as exposure may result in serious personal injury, permanent disabilities, and even death. Property and the environment may also be damaged  or  destroyed.  It  is  imperative  that  all  military  personnel  recognize  and  understand  the  hazards associated with these commodities.


F-3.   Proper management of HM/HW during operations is critical to the protection of human health and the environment. Without a management program backed by command emphasis, military personnel, and the environment are at risk of potential exposure to HM/HW.


F-4.   Severe   injuries   or   irreparable   environmental   damage   could   result   from   improper   HM/HW management. In addition to protecting human health and the environment, proper management of HM/HW produces  cost  savings  through  HW  minimization  and  P2.  A  portion  of  the  funds  used  for  cleanup procedures due to mismanagement of HM/HW may impact unit training budgets and military readiness.


F-5.   The key to a successful management program lies in planning and informing. HM/HW management plans should be specific for the given operation, and commanders must place an emphasis on the program to ensure that all personnel are aware of the requirements. Plans may be altered based on the mission or tactical situation, but informing the command of proper procedures is critical in maintaining a successful program.


F-6.   Several important aspects exist in HM/HW management. At a minimum, personnel must know how to properly handle, transport, and store HM and how to properly collect and dispose of HW. Proficiency in these  management  practices  will  ensure  that  neither  personal  safety  nor  the  environment  is  jeopardized during operations.


F-7.   Emergency HM/HW spill response plans must be prepared before any operation. These plans should address  all  aspects  of  spill  response,  to  include  site-specific  response  procedures  and  spill  response equipment requirements for each major HM/HW operation. They should be distributed throughout the unit before any operation.


F-8.   Using   the   correct   procedures   for   HM/HW   handling   is   critical   to   protection   measures   and environmental  protection.  Field  environment  operations,  whether  during  training  or  deployment,  present additional hazards to the management of HM. Proper measures-including enforcement of the use of PPE and  proper  procedures  for  the  handling,  storing,  and  transporting  of  HM/HW-must  be  developed  and implemented. See the following vignette.


Field expedient HW accumulation sites pose environmental and safety risks.


The DRMO Forward Support Team-Europe established two main HW accumulation sites and nine feeder sites in Iraq for storing large volumes of waste oil generated in- country. Mission variables dictated that the inherent risks of convoy operations in the hostile environment were high, requiring commanders to reduce the frequency of HW convoys or to discontinue transport altogether. Commanders were forced to set up their own HW accumulation site inside their base camps.

These areas had problems associated with-

•    HWs that were not segregated.

•    Lack of secondary containment.

•    Leaders that did not provide proper supervision on the sites.

•    Sites  that  were  situated  too  close  to  camp  perimeters-creating  a  protection issue. (Sites are a potential target for hand grenades and IEDs.)

•    Actions that put the health and safety of Soldiers and Marines at risk.

Techniques and Procedures

•    Commanders must ensure that personnel are trained in the handling of HM/HW

before setting up a base camp HW accumulation site.

•    Leaders must familiarize themselves with the combatant command's (command authority) requirements for managing HW in-theater and ensure compliance.

•    Trained personnel and leaders must supervise site operations and Soldiers and Marines to ensure proper handling and management of HW.

•    When setting up an HW accumulation site, units must-

▪   Identify a manager for the HW accumulation site.

▪   Identify the types of HW materials present.

▪   Specify the authorized amounts of HW collected.

▪   Segregate the HWs.

▪   Locate the HW accumulation site at a safe distance from troop bedding/duty areas and perimeters (a minimum of 50 feet).

▪   Maintain adequate storage and proper collection containers on hand.

▪   Provide electrical grounding for containers.

▪   Label the containers.

▪   Maintain MSDSs on hand for each item.

▪   Set up an emergency wash/decontamination site.

▪   Plan for adequate secondary containment.

▪   Plan for spills and maintain appropriate PPE and spill kits readily available.

▪   Secure the HW accumulation site.

▪   Supervise all activities within the HW accumulation site.

Note.  The  fence  is  the  perimeter  around  the  HW  accumulation  site,  not  the  base camp perimeter.


F-9.   The most important aspect of HM/HW handling is in identifying the hazard(s) associated with each individual  chemical.  Once  appropriate  hazards  are  identified,  steps  may  be  taken  to  minimize  personnel and environmental exposure. Hazardous characteristics may be found on the MSDS for each chemical.

F-1O. MSDSs provide critical information for safeguarding human health and protecting the environment. They  include  information  on  the  hazardous  characteristic(s)  of  the  chemical,  the  appropriate  PPE,  spill response  procedures,  signs  and  symptoms  of  overexposure,  and  first  aid  procedures.  MSDSs  may  be obtained  through  the  unit  supply  channels  and  should  be  maintained  at  the  following  operations:  HM storage  and  HW  accumulation  sites,  tactical-refueling  operations,  maintenance  operations,  and  medical treatment  facilities.  It  is  important  to  note  that  MSDSs  are  material  and  manufacturer-specific,  which means  that  each  chemical  brand  name  contains  a  different  MSDS.  HW  managers  should  ensure  that appropriate MSDSs are available during operations.

F-11. Primary  operations  requiring  the  use  of  PPE  include  the  transportation  and  accumulation  of HM/HW,  tactical-refueling  operations,  and  maintenance  operations.  In  the  event  that  MSDSs  are  not available and cannot be obtained during an operation, a field expedient PPE should be used to help protect personnel when handling HM/HW or in the event of a spill. Table F-1 lists national stock numbers (NSNs) for PPE commonly used when handling HM/HW in a field environment.



F-12. HW should be collected at the point of generation. The key to proper collection is in segregating, containerizing, and labeling the waste. HW managers should coordinate with brigade and battalion S-4s to ensure that all units have the resources needed for proper collection. Units establish HW accumulation sites to temporarily store HW until arrangements can be made to remove it. Each waste stream needs to have its own  container.  Containers  need  to  be  inspected  for  dents,  leaks,  and  corrosion;  should  be  labeled;  and should be kept closed when not being filled. HW containers should be removed from the site as soon as possible after being filled to 85 percent capacity. Secondary containment needs to be established, and the site needs to be protected from damage (such as accidental spills, vehicle accidents, and weather effects) and possible hostile actions (such as a mortar attack). HW accumulation sites should be located away from troop billeting areas and should be located to avoid potential contamination of water sources (such as storm drains, drainage ditches, and water courses).


F-13. Generators of HW must ensure that waste streams remain segregated. Improper segregation of HW streams at the point of generation could result in an incompatible waste mixture, posing a significant health risk. In addition, a mixture of HW and non-HW (such as general trash) must be managed and disposed of as  HW,  drastically  increasing  HW  disposal  costs.  Proper  segregation  at  the  point  of  generation  will simplify the overall management process, protect human health and the environment, reduce disposal costs, and enhance the potential for recycling the HW.


F-14. HW must be collected in appropriate containers. The best type of container is the original container (if it is capable of being closed) in which the material was shipped in before being rendered a waste. If the original container is not available or the waste volume exceeds the capacity of the original container, use any container compatible with the waste stream. When filling a container, ensure that adequate headspace remains  to  allow  for  expansion  of  the  material  (3  to  4  inches  in  a  55-gallon  drum,  1.5  to  2  inches  in  a 5-gallon can, and 1 inch in a 1-gallon can). Only nonsparking tools should be used when containerizing a reactive or flammable waste.


F-15. HM/HW should be transported only in approved vehicles. These vehicles should contain appropriate placards and manifests for the materials being transported. In addition, drivers must be certified to transport hazardous cargo. Certification training may be coordinated through the supporting transportation unit. The supporting  transportation  unit  can  also  provide  site-specific  information  or  waive  certain  requirements, based on the tactical situation encountered during the operation.


F-16. Personnel  transporting  hazardous  cargo  should  be  supplied  with  the  required  PPE.  In  addition  to PPE,  each  vehicle  approved  for  HM/HW  transport  must  be  supplied  with  a  spill  response  plan  and  the appropriate spill response equipment.

F-17. Units should be prepared to respond to emergency operations. The unit should maintain-

•      Spill kits. Based on unit mission and the type of HM/HW used, spill kits provide containment and cleanup should an accidental spill occur.

•      Fire extinguisher. Each storage area containing flammable materials or waste is supplied with an

ABC-type (monoammonium phosphate) fire extinguisher.

•      Emergency  eyewashes.  Potable  water  must  be  readily  available  for  emergency  eye  washing.

This will help in providing first aid measures on-site in the event of a leak or spill.

•      PPE. Two sets of the PPE are readily available at each storage area. Reference the MSDSs for the required PPE.

•      Spill response. A spill response plan and spill response equipment are readily available at each accumulation area.


F-18. As  a  rule,  an  HW  accumulation  site  is  considered  a  storage  area  when  it  contains  more  than  55 gallons  of  HM/HW.  HW  accumulation  sites  are  temporary  sites  where  HW  may  be  stored  for  up  to  90 days. Storage sites should be identified during the predeployment phase of the operation or as soon as the unit establishes its operating area. Set up HM/HW storage areas at least 15 meters (50 feet) downwind and down  gradient  of  personnel  billeting  and  dining  facility  operations.  Eight-digit  grid  coordinates  and inventories of the storage areas should be maintained in the event that the unit must rapidly evacuate the area.

F-19. HW accumulation site areas must be properly secured within the unit's AO to prevent unauthorized access from both U.S. and foreign nation personnel. The material stored may be considered valuable to the local population and scavengers. Concertina wire may be necessary to properly secure the storage area.

F-20. HW accumulation sites must be segregated into the following four general categories or sections:

•      Reactives.

•      Flammables/ignitables.

•      Corrosives.

•      Toxics.

F-21. Further  segregation  may  be  required  based  on  the  compatibility  of  individual  materials  (reference MSDSs for each material to identify appropriate storage sections). Each storage section must be separated by a distance of 6 feet or a physical barrier to prevent incompatible materials from mixing and producing an  adverse  chemical  reaction  or  toxic  fumes.  A  recommended  storage  segregation  chart  for  materials commonly  used  during  operations  is  shown  in  table  F-2.  Containers  holding  reactive  or  flammable materials or waste should be grounded during storage, and only nonsparking tools should be used when handling these containers.


F-22. Secondary containment is designed to protect human health and the environment in the event of a leak  or  spill.  Proper  secondary  containment  includes  hardstands,  tarps,  plastic  liners,  and  sandbags.  For storage  of  materials  on  a  hardstand,  ensure  that  the  containers  are  placed  on  a  pallet  with  a  sandbag perimeter for containment of spilled liquids. If a hardstand is not available, place all materials within each category on a tarp or plastic liner with sandbags surrounding the containers. Secondary containment should be large enough to contain 10 percent of the overall volume or 100 percent of the volume of the largest container of HM/HW stored, whichever is larger. An additional tarp or plastic liner should be available to cover the tops of the containers during adverse weather conditions.


F-23. All containers must be kept closed and maintained in good condition at all times. Supervisors should not  permit  open  funnels  or  tubes  to  be  attached  to  containers.  Rusty  or  residue-covered  containers  are unacceptable.


F-24. Five-gallon  fuel  cans  are  usually  scattered  throughout  a  unit  during  operations.  They  should  be consolidated within each company or platoon AO, placed on a tarp or piece of plywood, and surrounded by a  soil  berm  or  sandbags  for  secondary  containment,  if  possible.  This  will  prevent  spills  from  adversely affecting personnel or the environment. When filling fuel cans, personnel must ensure that 1.5 to 2 inches of headspace remains to allow for vapor expansion.





F-25. An  activity  that  includes  battery  storage  must  provide  fire  suppression  equipment.  In  addition, storage areas and equipment must be approved by the local fire department. A point of contact must also be provided to the local fire department. TM 38-410 and TB 43-0134 outline the requirements to-

•      Protect bulk storage of batteries with sprinklers.

•      Keep  batteries  cool,  dry,  and  away  from  open  flame,  heat,  and  combustibles  and  in  a  well- ventilated  area  with  temperatures  not  to  exceed  130  degrees  Fahrenheit  (54  degrees  Celsius). Refrigeration is not necessary.

•      Do  not  mix  new  and  used  batteries  because  it  is  difficult  to  distinguish  between  them.  Many next generation batteries contain state of charge indicators.

•      Segregate  storage  from  other  HM  and  other  battery  chemistries.  It  is  critical  that  lead  acid batteries be kept away from nickel cadmium or nickel metal hydride batteries.

•      Protect batteries against being damaged, crushed, punctured, or short-circuited.

•      Do not smoke or eat in battery storage areas.

•      Store batteries separately from other HM.

•      Use open flame devices only under proper supervision and with adequate safeguards.

•      Do not accumulate nonhazardous solid waste batteries.

•      Do not store batteries collected for turn-in to the DRMO more than 90 days.

•      Ensure  that  fire  extinguishers  are  available.  Use an AB-type (water) fire extinguisher to  fight fires involving small quantities of batteries.


F-26. Detailed  HW  records  start  at  the  accumulation  site.  A  log  should  be  kept  of  the  type  of  waste received,  the  quantity  received,  the  date  received,  and  information  on  the  unit  that  generated  the  waste. This log should be kept at all accumulation areas at brigade and battalion level. The unit HW manager is responsible for completing the appropriate turn-in documentation and applicable local forms. These should be completed once the waste is retrograded from the maneuver battalion accumulation areas to the brigade storage area. The unit should prepare a plan for the closure of HW accumulation sites. This plan should detail the way in which all waste and waste residues will be removed from the accumulation areas when they are no longer needed or in use.


F-27. HW  managers should conduct daily inspections of HM/HW  accumulation areas. They will ensure that all requirements described above are met and that containers are in good condition.


F-28. Two  primary  disposal  options  for  HW  exist  that  can  be  implemented  in  any  joint  operations  area (JOA):  disposal  through  an  approved  contractor  or  retrograding  HW  back  to  CONUS.  Units  must  not incinerate  or  bury  any  HW  unless  explicitly  approved  by  both  U.S.  and  foreign  nation  authorities. Commanders must determine the most viable means of approved HW disposal before entering the JOA by contacting their higher headquarters/supporting DRMO.


F-29. Supply officers should maintain a system to monitor the amount of HM on hand to ensure that units are not stockpiling HMs. Excess HM storage may lead to unnecessary personal or environmental exposure. Supply and logistics personnel should coordinate among themselves and with the various environmental agencies to identify available alternative products, which can reduce the overall HW production.


F-30. POL  personnel  should  conduct tactical-refueling operations at a designated logistics release point. Conducting tactical-refueling operations in a unit's AO should be avoided due to safety hazards associated with  maneuvering  a  fuel  tanker  or  heavy,  expanded-mobility  tactical  truck  (HEMTT)  and  conducting grounding operations at each vehicle. POL personnel should conduct actual refueling whenever possible.

F-31. During refueling operations, secondary containment (such as large drip pans) should be placed under the vehicle and under the fuel hoses. When refueling 5-gallon fuel cans, the cans should be placed inside the   drip   pans   used   for   secondary   containment.   This   will   prevent   small-volume   fuel   spills   from accumulating and contaminating the soil. The spilled fuel should be transferred to a labeled 5-gallon waste fuel  container  and  disposed  of  as  HW.  Ensure  that  proper  emergency  equipment  is  present  during  all refueling operations.


F-32. Maintenance  operations  should  be  conducted  on  a  hardstand,  tarp,  or  plastic  liner,  if  available. Maintenance personnel will be required to supply their own PPE, spill response equipment, potable water for  emergency  eye  washing,  and  liquid  waste.  All  wheeled  vehicles  should  contain  drip  pans,  and  all tracked  vehicles  should  contain  belly  plates.  Collected  fluids  must  be  placed  in  appropriate  waste containers and disposed of as HW. Each company-size unit must maintain one labeled 5-gallon container for drip pan waste.

F-33. All drained fluids must either be returned to the vehicle or placed in an appropriate waste container for  recycling  or  disposal  as  an  HW.  Maintenance  areas  should  be  supplied  with  two  labeled  55-gallon liquid-waste containers for each of the following waste streams: used oil, waste fuel, waste antifreeze, and POL-contaminated  solids.  HW  managers  can  coordinate  the  proper  set  up  of  accumulation  site  and  the turn-in  of  waste  containers  and  acquire  empty  55-gallon  liquid-HW  containers  from  the  appropriate support platoon.


F-34. Dining facility personnel may use M-2 burners, which operate on motor gasoline, during operations. Major safety and environmental issues include fuel storage, filling, and lighting operations.

F-35. Whether  using  motor  gasoline  or  diesel  fuel,  filling  operations  should  be  conducted  on  a  tarp  or plastic liner with a soil berm or sandbag perimeter for secondary containment in the event of a spill. Spilled fuel  must  be  collected  immediately  using  an  absorbent  material.  The  used  absorbent  material  should  be placed in a plastic bag and disposed of as HW.

F-36. Lighting operations must be conducted at least 50 feet away from fuel storage and M-2 burner filling operations. Lighting operations should be conducted on open soil so that any residual fuel will freely burn during the operation.


F-37. Personnel  who  use  field  heaters  must  ensure  that  the  fuel  supply  (usually  a  5-gallon  fuel  can) possesses secondary containment in the event of a leak or spill. The best way to provide this secondary containment is to elevate the fuel supply on a tripod or the back of a vehicle and place a drip pan under the fuel hose to collect any spilled fuel. The overflow fuel line should also have secondary containment, and all leaking fuel lines must be repaired or replaced. Collected fluids must be placed in appropriate waste containers and disposed of as HW. Each company-size unit should maintain one labeled 5-gallon container for waste fuel from the operation of heaters.

F-38. Generators and light sets must be operated in a manner protecting the environment from potential contamination.  To  provide  this  protection,  operate  generators  on  a  piece  of  plywood  and  completely surround  the  generator  with  a  soil  berm  or  sandbag  perimeter.  This  will  prevent  leaking  fuel  from contaminating the surrounding soil. Another alternative is to operate generators on a trailer and ensure that all  spilled  fuel  is  collected  and  placed  in  appropriate  waste  containers;  each  company-size  unit  should maintain  one  labeled  5-gallon  container  for  waste  fuel  from  the  operation  of  generators.  In  addition, personnel  should  conduct  preventive  maintenance  checks  and  ensure  that  all  leaking  generators  are repaired or replaced.


F-39. While good HM/HW management practices will minimize the chance of spills and thereby avoid the additional  effort  required  to  clean  up  any  incidents,  accidents  will  still  happen.  When  they  do,  it  is imperative that personnel are trained and prepared to mitigate the damage and to clean up the spills.


F-40. A spill response plan must be available for each operation. The following major operations should have  a  copy  of  this  plan:  tactical refueling, maintenance, and HM/HW  accumulation and transportation. The  plan  should  address,  at  a  minimum,  site-specific  response  procedures  and  spill  response  equipment requirements for each major operation.


F-41. In the event of an HM/HW spill, the procedures listed below must be implemented immediately by trained personnel within the unit. Personal safety must never be compromised during the response. Should the situation exceed unit capabilities, evacuate the area, inform the chain of command, and contact the local HM spill response team or range control. Emergency telephone numbers or radio frequencies should be obtained and distributed throughout the unit as necessary before the operation begins. Personnel-

•      Protect  themselves.  Use  the  required  PPE  for  the  spilled  material  specified  in  the  MSDS  and evacuate all nonessential personnel from the immediate area.

•      Stop the flow. The flow of HM/HW must be stopped at the source to control the spill. This may be  as  simple  as  placing  the  container  upright  or  closing  a  valve.  In  the  event  of  a  spill  of flammable  material,  use  only  nonsparking  tools  and  ensure  that  metal-to-metal  contact  is avoided.

•      Contain the spill. Proper containment includes placing drip pans where the material contacts the soil,  placing  soil  berms  or  sandbags  around  the  contaminated  area,  and  placing  absorbent material  in  the  area  of  the  spill.  The  purpose  of  this  step  is  to  prevent  the  spread  of contamination.

•      Report the spill. Notify the chain of command and unit HW manager immediately.

•      Clean the spill. Equipment used to clean a spill must be chosen carefully. Use only nonsparking tools if the material is flammable or explosive. For corrosive materials, use equipment that will not  corrode  or  deteriorate  (for  example,  nonmetallic  equipment).  Collect  used  absorbent  and contaminated  soil  in  plastic  bags  and  transfer  the  bags  into  a  labeled  sturdy  container  to  be disposed of as HW.

•      Replace spill response equipment. Obtain replacement spill response equipment through the unit supply channels to ensure that personnel can properly respond in the event of another spill.


F-42. Spill response equipment is essential to protecting the environment in the event of an HM/HW spill. The type and amount of spill response equipment needed depends on the operation. Units may also need to acquire hydrophobic-absorbent materials for operations conducted in areas susceptible to large amounts of precipitation.  Spill  response  equipment  required  for  specific  operations  is  discussed  in  the  following paragraphs.

Tactical-Refueling Operations

F-43. Tactical-refueling operations are limited to the handling of fuel products, such as diesel and motor gasoline. The extent of the operations and load-carrying capabilities of fuel tankers and HEMTTs restricts the  amount  and  type  of  spill  response  equipment  needed.  In  the  event  of  a  major  spill  during  refueling operations,  personnel  primarily  need  two  nonsparking  picks  and  two  nonsparking  shovels  to  excavate contaminated  soil  and  several  large  plastic  bags  to  contain  the  excavated  soil  for  disposal  as  HW. Approximately 10 pounds of absorbent and several small plastic bags are sufficient to respond to small- volume spills on a hardstand. Nonsparking tools should also be readily available. Additional resources may be obtained through supply channels as required.

Field Maintenance Operat