q Types of Verbs
q Verb Endings
q Useful Words
q Example Sentences
q Anime Videos and Music
Types of Verbs
There are three groups of verbs in Japanese - Irregular, Ichidan, and Yodan.
Ichidan and Yodan verbs (all but TWO verbs) use the same verb endings, and
you conjugate them the same way. However, there is a subtle difference between
the two groups.
Irregular Verbs
I bet I scared you by telling you there was a whole GROUP of irregular verbs!
Actually, there are only two.
suru - to do (used with 100's of verbs)
kuru - to come
Ichidan Verbs
Verbs in this group end with -eru or -iru. Verbs from this group include:
deru - to go out
taberu - to eat
miru - to look, watch
ochiru - to fall
Yodan Verbs
This group contains every verb except for those that belong to the Irregular and
Ichidan groups. Here you find your familiar -RU, -TSU, -U, KU, -GU, -SU, -
BU, and -MU verbs.
au - to meet
tatsu - to stand
suwaru - to sit
hairu - to enter
There are some Yodan verbs that look a lot like Ichidan verbs. Be forewarned.