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CHAPTER SIX Little-Known But Perfectly Legal Strategies To Reduce Your Taxes, Postpone Your Taxes & Even Avoid Taxes Altogether

If you’ve read this far, chances are you are very serious about paying less tax. You realize that there must be "a better way" to deal with this complex monster we call The Tax Code.

But you are trying to run a business. You’re not supposed to know everything about taxes and dealing with the IRS. As a smart business owner, you need to find someone to be "on your side" who does know about taxes and who can help you when dealing with the IRS.

The tax laws can be incredibly complicated to understand, especially for the Small Business Owner like yourself. How can you be expected to run your business AND keep up with all the tax rules and regulations? That’s just not possible. If you are not a full-time Tax Professional, you’ll run yourself ragged trying to become a "tax expert".

That’s why over the years I’ve discovered many tax-saving strategies that will reduce your tax bill each and every year. These "strategies" are not difficult to understand, nor are they hard to implement.

These tax-slashing techniques are not exclusively reserved for the "rich and famous" who can afford expensive tax lawyers to "finagle" complicated tax-avoidance schemes.

No, I’m not talking about anything illegal or even the least bit "shady." I’m taking about simple methods that are well within reach of the "average middle-class" Small Business Owner. In fact, many of these strategies are available to all taxpayers regardless of how much money you make.

And I’ve helped literally dozens of "real live" Small Business Owners to successfully use these strategies.


Take my client Gary, for example . . . Listen to what Gary has to say about how much money he has saved just in the past three years.

"Thank you for the great tax-saving strategies you’ve helped me to use in my business. During that one 30-minute phone call in November 2000, you made one simple suggestion that saved me $2,295 in taxes in 2000. I never would have thought of this strategy on my own. I’ve been able to utilize this same technique again in 2001 and 2002 -and this year I’ll save over $6,000 from this one "legal loophole."
Gary Ritter, Mid-West Mortgage Corp., Fort Wayne, IN

How would you like to save over $6,000 dollars this year from one simple strategy? And as Gary continues to use this strategy year after year, he will continue to save $6,000 each and every year. That’s over $30,000 in 5 years; $60,000 in 10 years!!!

What could you do with an extra $6,000 in your pocket? Pay off some debts? Expand your business? Purchase some much needed equipment? Or just give yourself a "raise" and take a vacation with your family? Or how about only spending $2,000 of the $6,000, and taking the remaining $4,000 and investing it for your retirement. Remember STEP #4? Invest $4,000 every year for 30 years at 11.5% and presto, you’re a millionaire!

Here’s another example of the way my strategies have helped a local Small Business Owner:

"Over the past year, Wayne has found and made recommendations that have resulted in some very real tax savings. I take pride in understanding many accounting principles and a healthy measure of tax law. However, Wayne saved us $3,700 this year with two simple suggestions. I wasn’t aware of one of them; the other I didn’t think of, and I wouldn’t have until too late. We’ve been with Wayne just a year, and he has called with those two suggestions. I don’t recall our previous accountant coming up with anything, in almost three years."
Dennis J. Malott, Adaptive Design & Development Corp., Fort Wayne, IN

And here’s one more:

"I just wanted to drop a quick note of thanks for all of your help to minimize taxes. In such a complicated tax world, you showed me how to save $2,000 in taxes on just one tax strategy alone. No other tax professional has taken the time to show these tax saving opportunities for my company. Your services have been professional and timely, and also articulate and accurate - a very important facet of your business. It's nice to know that I can run my business and not have to worry about the "tax" side of my business. I look forward to learning more strategies for tax savings in the future. Keep up the great job!" Ron Schmucker, Advantage Insurance Services Corp., Fort Wayne, IN

As you can see, the amount of taxes saved varies from client to client and from year to year. Which is to be expected. Every business is different. Every taxpayer’s situation is different.

But what do all these clients have in common? They are all saving literally thousands of dollars each year by using simple strategies I have revealed to them . . . .

SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS IN TAXES EACH YEAR, TOO!!! Now, let me ask you a very simple question:


Aren’t you tired of paying so much tax to the IRS each year?

Aren’t you just fed up with the outrageous amount of tax you have to fork over to the IRS? (not to mention your state and local government!) Income taxes, payroll taxes, sales taxes, real estate taxes, personal property taxes, excise taxes, estate taxes, gift taxes
-- when will it ever end?

What do you think? The never-ending list of taxes is just that!!! IT’S A NEVER-ENDING LIST!!! IT WILL NEVER END - the IRS has been given the license to legally "steal" your money year after year.

Sure, there are some good things that our tax dollars are used for -- things like our public education system, national defense, keeping our streets safe at night, etc.

But don’t you think the IRS has gone a little too far? I sure do. And the only way I know to "beat the system" -- legally -- is to take advantage of the many "legal loopholes" that are there for you to use. You just have to know what those loopholes are and how to use them.

You work hard for you money. Why just sit there and let the IRS take it away? It’s time for you to do something about the IRS’s "legalized theft."


The same tax-slashing strategies that my clients use are now being offered to you!

I’ve put together a unique TAX REDUCTION TOOLKIT that gives you direct access to all my tax-saving strategies, plus the opportunity for you and I to work together to implement these strategies that can put literally thousands of dollars in your pocket every year!

Here’s what you get with the TAX REDUCTION TOOLKIT: