The Reason for it all by Freeman George - HTML preview

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An explanation for Life, the Universe and Everything –

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Table of Contents

Legal Warnings -...................................................................................7

Reviews -..............................................................................................8

Introduction –........................................................................................9

CHAPTER ONE..................................................................................10

Where to begin?...............................................................................10

CHAPTER TWO................................................................................ .12

How it all started -........................................................................... .12

CHAPTER THREE............................................................................ .16

Development -..................................................................................16

CHAPTER FOUR.............................................................................. .20

(4) The Level of Mineral & Gas -..................................................... .20

CHAPTER FIVE................................................................................ .23

(19) The Human Level -.................................................................. .23

CHAPTER SIX....................................................................................26

Morals and misconceptions -.......................................................... .26

CHAPTER SEVEN............................................................................ .31

Why Reincarnate? -........................................................................ .31

CHAPTER EIGHT............................................................................. .33

Challenges as a human -................................................................ .33

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CHAPTER NINE.................................................................................38

(24) The Superhuman Level -......................................................... .38

CHAPTER TEN................................................................................. .42

(29) The Divine Level -.....................................................................42

CHAPTER ELEVEN.......................................................................... .43

(34) The Absolute Level -................................................................ .43

CHAPTER TWELVE.......................................................................... .45

Entropy and Chaos -....................................................................... .45

CHAPTER THIRTEEN........................................................................47

Flatulent Mythical Nonsense -..........................................................47

CHAPTER FOURTEEN......................................................................49

Joyful Reunion -.............................................................................. .49

CHAPTER FIFTEEN......................................................................... .51

Do indeed go gently -...................................................................... .51

CHAPTER SIXTEEN......................................................................... .53

Improvement and Development -.....................................................53

Epilogue -.......................................................................................... .55

Book Synopsis - The Reason for it All............................................... .56

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REFERENCES.................................................................................. .58

Images and Charts............................................................................ .69

Spirit Groups -................................................................................. .69

Proportions of Matter -.................................................................... .70

Proportions of Atoms -......................................................................71

Human Development -.................................................................... .72

Human Emotional Characteristics -..................................................73

Random Chart of Characteristics (1) -............................................ .74

Random Chart of Characteristics (2) -............................................ .75

Laniakea-Perseus – (return above)..................................................76

Laniakea alone -............................................................................. .77

Synopsis -

The law of entropy states that no matter what we do, we cause more chaos, and end in freezing darkness. The reason for it all starts with knowing that no manifestation can exist without a distinction between self and other. If there is no self and other, there is no universe. Here we see what Spirit is really doing. As Matter descends into Chaos, so Spirit moves or develops upwards and evolves into greater beings. Why we reincarnate when it is often such a challenging experience, and the delay before achieving another Earth incarnation.

Improvement and development happens as none of the original experience and individuality is ever lost - it simply becomes unimportant as growth continues, and all of our stories have happy endings. Spirit gains order for its return home by the increase in the disorder of matter, while enjoying wonderful entertainment all along. We are Immortal beings, surrounded by Infinity, and we have Eternity in which to explore it.

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The frontispiece or book cover image is a digital rendering of our immediate area in the universe, called Laniakea. The strings are composed of lines and rows of countless galaxies. Our galaxy, the

Milky Way, is marked at top right, and it has between 100 and 400

billion stars. Some are much larger. Stellar clusters around galaxies have thousands and tens of thousands of stars. Another galactic cluster nearby is called Perseus-Pisces, which has a similar structure of lines of galaxies (image Galactic Clusters).

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About the author -

Freeman George, AKA Giles Tomkin (he/him) has lived in different places, including, in reverse order: New Jersey, Manhattan, Scotland, Switzerland, Holland, Spain, London, Ireland, Tasmania, England. He has visited many others, learning French and Spanish. He was not in the military; the travel happened by accident after meeting people in bars and being impressed by their stories.

He currently lives in North Carolina, in a backwater 'township' that is of no interest to anyone. He no longer drinks alcohol, which limits his travel but this area has good drinking water to make up for it. He is married and looking at growing grandchildren, who will learn more than he ever knows, in this wonderful world.

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(Have you not always wanted to write that somewhere? But they never say why.

I am doing it to be annoying – that’s why.)

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Legal Warnings -

Read at your own Risk -

DISCLAIMER: Please read all instructions and warnings before use. Void where prohibited by law. Some assembly required. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Your results may vary. Do not read while operating a motor vehicle or heavy equipment. This is not an offer to sell securities. May be too intense for some readers. This product is meant for educational and recreational purposes only. Apply only to infected areas.

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Caveat emptor.

COPYRIGHT 2024 by Giles Tomkin AKA Freeman George. Controlled by the NSA, FBI, CIA and other 3-letter agencies in the United States of America. All rights reserved by them. Any part of this item may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems without permission in writing from the publisher, but please say where you got it. If you do not, the heavens will open and damnation will pour upon you from your loving God. Amazed you have bothered to read all this. Edition April 2024.

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Reviews -

It is to my mind a tongue in cheek, entertaining, but very factual take on existence. Cynical sometimes but a valued opinion of what the "Self2" has gleaned from many sources of Spiritual and scientific knowledge tempered by valuable personal experiences that complement the overall content. - WR, UK

I really love your book. It is humorous, profound, mind expanding, quirky, with the most enlightening set of references.

You have made a wonderful logical case for the grand adventure and the inevitability of a happy ending and indeed more happy beginnings.

My worldview is enriched.

- WZ, AU.

Giles has the most serious, complete & correct understanding of the universe than anyone I have ever met. This writing of yours is fairly impressive; entertaining, light comedy; profound understanding of creation; and very well explained. Stay humble, kind sir.


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Introduction –

Many ideas expressed here have been taken from other authors in their directly revealed automatic writing or from those believed to be realized masters. To my chagrin, I have lost the references for much of the source material as I read much of it many years ago. However, thanks to the internet, I can (and do) provide multiple references to many, many lovely ideas presented here.

Once I lived at Amberden House, Widdington, UK. I was too young to

notice the rotten English weather, but where I live today is much more clement -

unless a hurricane comes through. Somewhere, somehow, I lost the concept of

'home' - changing houses, languages and countries will do that to a person.

Most do not have these experiences. Those that do, are later thankful for the widened perspective forced upon them. However, while loosing a material

‘home’, I have been steadily gaining understanding of my/our spiritual home –

Much better!

As I am in general agreement with everything presented in Rob Cimperman’s video, you could watch this with great pleasure (ref. Rob

Cimperman). This picture makes logical sense to me, and I hope it does to the readers, as it answers many questions; and no, the answer is not “42” (ref.

Douglas Adams). All of the references to scientific principles are readily available on the internet, actually, as is much of this material.

I have lately discovered the work of the Danish author Martinus Thomsen (1890 – 1981) who largely confirms the views presented here of our future development – but I shall not re-write this because the astronomical discoveries have moved on beyond his lifetime (ref. Martinus).

The late great Dave Allen describes the beginning of it all to near perfection in one of his wonderful sessions; truly heartening stuff, as he is so kind and gentle (ref. Dave Allen).

For Chapter headings, there’s a famous and lovely haiku by a Japanese master. I am not sure how relevant they are to the material, but they are just delicious.

Giles Tomkin May 2024

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A world of Dew - And within every dewdrop - A world of struggle

Kobayashi Issa (1763 – 1828)

Where to begin?

It all began at the beginning, as one person has said, so he must have been Irish. While I was mainly raised in Ireland, that’s not really how I would start this. Perhaps it was sterling fate that Billy Banks was available to pull me out of quicksand in southern Tasmania, many moons ago. Aged about five, I had gone for yet another long stroll on our extensive sheep farm, this time without my elder brother, aged seven. I had seen a cleft in the field, perhaps a mile from home, and headed over to it. At the edge, I saw a lovely patch of golden sand ten or twenty yards wide at the bottom. Being fearless and careless, I ran down and jumped into the middle of it. Only to find myself sinking. Struggles only buried me deeper. Waist deep I cried and screamed for help, as I continued to sink.

Lo and behold, Billy Banks, a school-friend of my elder brother, appeared over the edge of the cleft, saw immediately the problem and found a branch to reach out to me. Unlike the movies, it was strong enough, and I was strong enough to hold onto it while he pulled me out.

I had no idea he was there, nor did he ever tell me why. Neither do I remember whether I told my mother or not. She had enough on her plate with her unpleasant husband, my father.

So, at first, I thought I should begin at the beginning; but now I think it is better to start at the end. Where we came from is somehow still in dispute, mainly by non-readers. Where we are going is a frightful story, according to the second law of physics, the law of entropy. The first law of physics is very cute, stating that energy cannot be destroyed. It also says that energy cannot be created, but recent astrophysical knowledge shows that it is being created all over the universe via ‘dark energy’, causing its expansion. How little we know –

as yet!

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The law of entropy states that no matter what we do, we cause more chaos, and end in freezing darkness (ref. Entropy).

The best we know at present is that the universe will run down. It will become colder and quieter, as the suns burn their energy, pass their lifetimes and extinguish themselves. Curiously, the small stars will burn much longer than the larger stars (ref. Red Dwarfs). When they are all gone, along with their planets, black holes will slowly unravel to their composite materials, as Stephen Hawking was at pains to explain, which in turn will unwind to their particles. And finally run down to, what? Nothingness. Not a promising outlook (ref. Stephen


But I have a serious addition to that negative knowledge, which makes it totally reasonable – simply put, as Matter unwinds, losing cohesion, this causes Spirit to wind up, gaining in cohesion and group development. Nothing is wasted.

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An old silent pond - A frog jumps into the pond - Splash! Silence again.

Matsuo Bashō (1644 –1694)

How it all started -

Once upon a No-Time and No-Place there was a giant No-Limits Thingy (NLT). Now read this next bit slowly, please, because we are in a “place” that has no “Time”; no “Space” and therefore no “direction”. So nothing happens because nothing can happen – “happening” always means individual items moving from one place to another, along with some time scale – the tectonic plate moves, the winning lottery ticket must be redeemed, the drink that slides across the bar to your hand – But now (!) we have no space and no individual items and no time. You cannot do anything. Nothing can happen. Quote the Rig

Veda by ancient Indian Rishis - No manifestation can exist without a

distinction between self and other. If there is no self and other, there is no

universe. That is a very powerful statement, so let that sink in for a while before we move on because it answers a lot of questions about “one-ness”, in fact, all of the questions.

Naturally, boredom sets in sooner (ahem) or later (ahem), as the NLT

could/can do nothing - go nowhere, see nothing, never check the e-mail, no doomscrolling, never dress up and swagger downtown to see a Las Vegas show or take a nature walk and a dump in the woods or watch decent movies or have

‘civil’ wars. All such activities need space, time and separation into separate things and beings – thee and me, self and other. At the instant of this aggravating realization of boredom, the NLT did the one thing possible for it to do – in fact the only thing the No-Limits-Thingy could do – which is what, exactly?

Here we need pause for rational thinking, which humans are allowed to do

– What can a giant (tiny) No-Limits Thingy actually do? And what would be the motivation? It seems a little trite to say that boredom is the reason for it all. Yes, you are welcome to provide a more lucid suggestion, but I bet you cannot. After considerable thought, the early great eastern masters realized there was only one thing this giant tiny massless NLT could do, and it was this – the NLT

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Image 3

could/can separate bits of itself by surrounding each with clouds and

layers of forgetfulness, which prevents the bits from seeing the whole of

the NLT and the other bits, which creates self and other. Self-administered partial anesthesia. You may have trouble thinking that this is the only thing the NLT can do – but with no time and no space, just consider this carefully and you’ll see it’s true. Take your time, as we now have plenty of it. And that’s why everything is part of the NLT.

When a (the?) No-Limits Thingy

does that, there's an almighty blast of

creation of matter and space we call

the Big Bang, which was the Great

Creation. We (scientists, not me) can

back-track this event with logical steps

to about the first billionth of a billionth

of a second after the actual moment,

when all matter in the universe was

contained in an impossibly tiny space,

which suddenly expanded as the Big

Bang, and all else follows from this up

to the present, and also a reasonable

estimate for the future.

Now, some readers might take

exception at this point, thinking this is

just some crazy drug-addled stuff, here. Which probably means they have not read about the Big Bang and/or quantum physics in the last few decades.

Perhaps we might pause here while they catch up (refs. Big Bang & Rig Veda).

And, just in case you are getting carried away about how smart we all are, there’s this - roughly 68% of the atomic ‘matter’ is dark energy, while dark matter makes up about 27%. Both of which have been deduced from their effect(s) and affect(s) on the matter we can perceive directly. The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the universe. Now we are faced with the fact that the atoms that make up stars, planets and us are in the huge minority, while the vast bulk of the universe is ‘other’. So, can we really say with certainty that the purpose of Page 13 of 77

Image 4

the universe is this 4.9% of atoms – or would it be more likely the other 95%?

For the purposes of this discussion, we will assume the former (ref. Dark


Pretty astonishing stuff, eh? Well, now we can get to the good bits –

especially about the bits of the NLT, the forgetful droplets - the whole point of the exercise. Because the droplets struggle about, knowing something's missing, go bumping into one another, thereby scraping away at their shells of forgetfulness

– experience, we call it. Also, this is the reason that everything is made of consciousness, everything is “God”; there is nothing outside of the NLT. So Matter was created and is maintained by Spirit – not the other way around. You might think this comes from my crazed imagination, but it was the ancient Indian Rishis that formulated all this, not me (ref. Rig Veda).

Before we go on, we might consider the percentages, or proportions, of actual atoms in our universe. Above we saw regular matter, made of atoms, as far as we understand it, comprises

less than 5% of everything. Now here

we go again, looking at that 5%, only

to discover that hydrogen gas

comprises the vast bulk, at 74%,

while helium gas makes up 25%. All

other types make up just one percent.

So what exactly is the purpose of the

universe? Once we get past dark

matter and dark energy, and the tiny

proportion of ‘real’ matter, we find

again that the bit that makes us, is

once again, just a tiny proportion. This

is not speculation or guesswork:

these are realities, which make it very

arrogant for us to assume we are the

purpose for the whole thing (ref.

Abundance). How little we know.

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The Reason For It All -

For each very tiny droplet, a little scraping (‘experience’) results in seeing a bit farther, and soon further development means a grouping or coalescing of droplets can happen, in fits and starts, but non-stop all over, each time resulting in more perception and a change in outlook; and thereby a larger chunk of Spirit forming that “individual”. Each droplet at first simply accepting its individuality and bit-by-bit seeing it is not alone, working partly through its own amnesia, seeing there are other individuals around. When this grouping of droplets happens, at first the simple atomic elements appear, group and form gases which ultimately form stars; which form heavy elements and compounds, and at last planets around suns that have ‘heavy’ elements like Earth; which have minerals and permit plants and fungi, all having experiences. Further grouping becomes animals, which can become more “advanced” beings, as we humans like to call ourselves – enough to have at least some conscience on how badly we treat animals. These divisions between group-types are not entirely arbitrary, as the grouping of spirit droplets makes for considerable advances in abilities and responsibilities in these emerging entities.

There is one clear overriding aim in all this apparent material chaos, which is ultimate return to the great now-very-much-something Great Spirit, the NLT.

And so, The Reason For It All is quite simply - Entertainment. Life with Hollywood and sunny beaches vs life of cold silent nothingness in the freezing darkness of a dungeon, we might say. The boredom choice here is not a real choice, since it means an absolute absence of any activity and, no, you cannot die and start again. Actually, very different from a dungeon, but totally boring notwithstanding. But now we have our dividing lines, our divisions, thanks to our Clouds-Of-ForgetFulness and amnesia, the game is on Big Time – Us vs Them, the Game of Eons, the Game of Thrones (which I refuse to watch because they did not use real history – maybe because real history is too depressing, as Selfishness and Greed overcome Greed and Selfishness, ready for another round once again) (ref. Game of Thrones), until total merging into the Oneness at last. Long, long, very long, immensely long last!

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I write, erase, rewrite - Erase again, and then - A poppy blooms.

Katsushika Hokusai (1760 –1849)

Development -

It’s worth describing development and its purpose at this point. Once the NLT droplets reach a cooler point after the Big Bang, and have coalesced (grouped) into gases, the formation of suns happens. Suns have a distinct types with different lifetimes and development. All heavy elements are created by suns ending their lives. In fact, a cosmic orgasm – how else to describe such events?. Those materials become gas clouds which go towards the formation of new suns, like ours, whose planets can then have these heavy elements in their makeup, like Earth, with its molten iron core, and five percent of its surface also being iron, and plentiful carbon and oxygen (ref. Iron). Yes, we are all made of stardust, to get fancy, from at least a second generation sun. Orgasmic results, no less.

My own development continued after my surprised relief from death by quicksand. The next surprise event (among lots of others, mostly forgotten) was traveling by car in Ireland with my parents and brother, when I was ten. We stopped on a mountain road to admire the scenery, which was a long fall off to our right hand side, and rocky mountain cliff to our left. Being a busy active kid not the least bit interested in the view, I immediately climbed over an inside fence, and made my way to a mountain stream, skinny and tricky as it went under a bridge on that road. To a long fall the other side. My brother came too, not to be outdone by his younger sibling. I walked sideways, carefully, across the trickling stream – why, I have no idea. Suddenly I slipped on the bacterial growth on the rock face over which the stream ran.

I have no idea if I made a noise or not, as I slid down, headed for the little bridge with a precipitous drop the other side. But, here comes my luck again, there was a bush growing right in my path, well-attached by its roots which halted my slide and caught me, so I could recover and make my way, carefully, to the bank I had just left. I think that bush saved my life. My parents were not Page 16 of 77

amused, but their punishment left no lasting effect on me, as I do not remember any such.

Onwards! - We may therefore see that early development of the droplets of NLT is necessarily “simple” – at first formation of quantum bits, or quarks which group to make atomic particles, matter and anti-matter – a whole equation showing how positive matter somehow overcame anti-matter, which must have been created in equal proportions, and so should have immediately annihilated all matter; which it did not, for unknown reasons – but I digress - then forming elements, which then further group to make compounds – note the “grouping”

here, as it appears in the next section too.

A second generation of suns live out their lives, then perhaps a third generation comes around, and at last these compounds can start getting clever in their corresponding planets, like our own sun. We have plenty of matter to be going on with, having billions upon trillions of suns and planets to play with.

Now we come to the seven levels as mentioned by the greatest realized master teachers. I say ‘mentioned’ because no-one describes them in detail that I know of. They are -

Gas & Mineral – Basic atomic particles with a huge range of ‘beings’

Plant – Grouping of Spirit forms plant life in many ways, with many levels.

Animal – Grouping of Plant Spirits form animal life, to include Sprites, Divas, et al.

Human – Grouping of Animal Spirits form Humans (as we like to call ourselves), but really the highest Animal level.

Superhuman – Grouping of Human Spirits forms these elevated beings, probably incarnating inside Suns – the realm of pure flame (Where else could they go?). This group includes Lunar, Planetary and Solar spirits.

Divine – Further grouping of Superhumans goes beyond any human understanding, as it must include Globular Clusters (of stars), Galactic arms and at last, whole galaxies.

Absolute – In our observable universe there are also three levels beyond individual galaxies – Local Group(s); Galactic Clusters, and at last Galactic Superclusters. These enormous Spirit bodies defy any human understanding.

Then reunion with the NLT, and what a party that must be!

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Image 5

These are the seven levels described by the great masters, which of course are not clearly defined by any semantics humans use. Examples include early forms of fungi – Mineral or Plant? Also, mollusks that swim in their early stages and then ‘plant’ themselves for the rest of their lives – Animal or Plant?

And where do the Sprites, Divas, Fairies and Elves come in to play? Mostly all alongside the rest, of course. Then the recent discoveries that insects and animals dream, just as humans do (ref. Bee dreams). Can we dare to define Humans as absolutely separate from the great apes – perhaps only by our creative and destructive capabilities? Yet, much as we like to play with Page 18 of 77

semantics, there are clear differences when we review the mid-range of a developmental type and compare it with a higher or lower level.

It is more than clear that we could argue about these groups until all the fat, greedy, racists grow old and die. Semantics is at play, here. But as the seven groups given by the ancient (and modern!) great masters are just vast in scope, I do not feel it is unreasonable to split each into three sections, as we somehow must include the whole of the known universe.

We can make a start with the above chart – which is repeated in the References for easy, um, reference (ref. Spirit Groups). Note the numbering is inverted.

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Over the wintry forest - Winds howl in rage - With no leaves to blow.

Natsume Sōseki (1867–1916)

(4) The Level of Mineral & Gas -

This comprises the quantum particles, elements and compounds, which are totally extraordinary to begin with, and, in more than one way, unreal. There is also the unreasonable reality of the fine tuning of mathematical constants, which, if left to chance, are of the order of sixty-four billion trillion to one against being just the way they are, which is a vanishingly remote possibility (ref. Fine


Crystals, glaciers and mountains do not fit our description of “Life”, which is defined as Miriam-Webster says, “an organismic state characterized by capacity for metabolism, growth, reaction to stimuli, and reproduction”, much sexier than minerals and gases. Here it is nonsense to ascribe emotional events, with the possible exception of boredom, as sitting around with nothing much going on is a perfect definition. This no one could survive unless the layers of forgetfulness remain thick, and you are largely satisfied with your current status. To move to the next level, the grouping of spirit droplets, coalesced into gases and minerals, arrives ready for a new being that becomes a plant, or enters the level of plants. (Yes, microbes and fungi get formed in here somewhere too, of course – but what do I know?). There must be monstrous numbers of planets with just these lowest forms of plant life, so there’s plenty from which to choose.

(9) The Level of Plants -

When do growing crystals start being called plants? I make no claims, as each “level” described here is just words. When we are stung by a nettle, or fall out of a tree, we are doubtless interacting with the plant world. So, yes, we know what they are. Sex rears its wonderful head here. Generally, we can refer to these “states of being” without doubt, when we are “in the middle” of a certain level. I mean, rocks inside a mountain are minerals in the middle of their stage, and are they lucky to be near the surface? Thank layers of amnesia that there’s not more volcanic activity, as we hate to think what a bored angry mountain Page 20 of 77

might do for entertainment. That could bring new insight to the meaning of the word ‘orgasm’. Nettles that sting us and trees we fall out of are also in the middle of their developmental stage as plants. But as plants, new things are appearing, which when in animals, are called emotions or desires.

It’s time to stop thinking of plants as just flowers that heedlessly grow, because plants can be shifty and opportunistic; including deception, fraud, misinformation and manipulation aimed at improving their situation, as well as drugging insects with caffeine, nicotine and of course sugar and thereby effectively enslaving them (ref. Ant-Acacia Symbiosis). So let’s not pretend that plants are dumb beings, as there is also plentiful evidence they have visual ability (ref. Plants can see). Plants also use animals to disperse their seeds, and that nettle stings to warn us animals not to go near them again. There is also the real possibility that plants deliberately fool humans into spreading them around, such as do spicy peppers. And the microbe of toxoplasmosis gondii is a whole other ball game, affecting animal and human emotions (ref. Toxoplasma gondii).

I cannot believe this behavior attracts Karma as yet, as it is hard to believe a plant has free will, and could therefore behave against its own principles; this we leave to the higher animals and humans. But there’s no doubt that sex and self-survival clearly figure in plants’ scope of life, growing more important as development within that level continues. In here somewhere comes the starting development of sprites, those entities largely ignored by humans, which include brownies, divas, faeries, and fairies; most likely far more widespread than we know. Your guess is as good as mine about the “grouping” these beings have, so they can emerge on the next level.

(14) The Animal Level -

Again, we can confuse ourselves with words. Oyster larvae swim freely in water for two weeks until rooting onto a hard surface – plant or animal?

Microbes? Fungi? Semantics, I say. When we experience the middle of the animal kingdom, such as when a bull chases you across a pasture – this is not a time for word definition but hoping the nearby tree will support your terrified scramble up, up and into safety. During the animal period those other elemental beings like dwarfs, elves, gnomes, goblins, gremlins, hobgoblins, leprechauns, pixies, fairies and trolls et al continue their development; which your guess is as Page 21 of 77

good as mine which one belongs where. During this period, both sex and individual survival become stronger elements than before. Here the emotions of pride, wrath, envy and sloth bloom, while lust and vanity loom large.

(13 & 12) The Animal Mid- & Top- range -

So Karma with a capital “K” certainly starts making an appearance; while we cannot assign negative karma to a snake, or to a tiger or a wolf bringing down its prey; yet we have no trouble distinguishing “bad” or “good” behavior to our pet Alsatian that we left in the house that day; as we all ascribe knowledge of good and bad to higher level animals, who most certainly have a generous measure of free will, which includes courage, empathy and self-sacrifice, and I do not need to go on here.. Once again, your guess is as good as mine about the grouping among animal individuals that takes place to emerge as a single being on the next level – how many and what types coalesce to make a greater spirit being – Humans – as we call ourselves.

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Image 6


A caterpillar - this deep in autumn – still not a butterfly.

Matsuo Bashō (1644 –1694)

(19) The Human Level -

Eastern masters stated we

need about 1,000,000 years

incarnated as human for

completion – to fill the human

experience, or about 40,000

lifetimes, if we assume 25 years a

lifetime. Now we have no excuses

for Karma in action – selfish and

unselfish behavior bring their own

results in equal measure. Average

human lifetimes are a tricky

subject, and range during

‘modern’ times from a truly

shameful 19 years for both men

and women in the north of

England during 1820 to 1860, the

start of the industrial age and their

blooming empire, to 45 years in 1950 (global longevity), and recently (2023) to 73 years, an amazing advance for modern medicine and society (ref. Life

Expectancy). As we need about a 1,000,000 years incarnated as human, this gives a range of incarnation lifetimes from about 52,000 to 14,000. However, few of these lifetimes will have taken place during the modern age, so 30,000 is a more reasonable figure to use. It’s worthwhile that the same (now forgotten) reference assumes no steps are taken to speed up (improve oneself) or slow down (the opposite) the process; but the outcome is never in doubt.

As humans, we are assailed with every temptation we can think of. During our c.30,000 incarnations we all get the message at some point that selfish =

“bad”; unselfish = “good”. The first few thousand times around we are focused Page 23 of 77

on basic survival, being food, sex and defense. Do not waste your time trying to talk of the wider understanding with these persons, they just are not ready (No, I will not mention trump supporters). You will not be doing yourself or them any favors.

For me, I consider there is no way any human can be lower in all aspects than any animal, as this would make nonsense of developmental grouping.

Animals do not have the capacity to realize that selfishness is not ultimately helpful, when such selfishness is obviously directly imperative for their survival.

Yet higher animals such as chimpanzees clearly use deception as a tactic; in my view, early conspiracy theories.

Conspiracy Theories - The terminology around this activity has grown by leaps and bounds after the internet ease in communication, but not so much the motivation, which, as always, follows the negative side of human characteristics that we see below. While some may blame the internet, the fact is that all of recorded higher animal and human history has stories of deception, occasioned by greed, war, lust, vanity and all 14 of the negative human desires.

The motives of the persons behind internet conspiracies are no different, just a more modern extension that has become even noisier (ref. Conspiracy


(18 & 17) The Human Mid- & Top- range -

I like to think the serious turn-over point is after half our lifetimes incarnated as human. Sometimes I think there is only one real difference between the higher animals and humans, and that is the ability to train oneself, self-discipline; if we can get off our lazy asses and do it. But as usual, ‘one size does not fit all’, despite advertisements to the contrary. Martinus Thomsen said humans are simply the highest form of animal; which, when reading the wretched media news makes a lot of sense (ref. Martinus - above).

Each human spirit is free to incarnate on planet(s) other than this Earth, which changes their needs when and if they return here for more punitive challenging lessons. Perhaps animals we see on Earth can also do so, although it’s hard to understand why. Then there’s the Afterlife, as we mistakenly call it, as it is of course also our “Beforelife”, our real Home, where the living is easy, and almost without challenges; which means in turn that possibilities for spiritual Page 24 of 77

growth are limited; hence the need for reincarnation to speed things along, and to overcome the boredom felt when there are negligable challenges.

Incarnation is so effective because of the two most stunning and wonderful miracles with which we are blessed honored, which are: first, how our spirit stays attached to our body and second, how the complete memory wipe works at our birth, each time. Without this wonderful memory wipe, who could face their current incarnation to completion?, as the knowledge of our previous selfish behavior and death(s) would be far too much to bear. So we can start fresh and take it all as though brand new; however, our sum-total of personality arrives intact.

But, as usual, one size does not fit all, and some persons’ incarnations are left with stronger or weaker memories of previous ones. Thankfully, a tiny minority! Grouping of individual human spirits next leads to a being with stunning capabilities, about which we can only speculate – which I do, a bit later on.

Among thousands of examples, Michael Newton’s work stands out for complete descriptions of Life Between Lives (ref. Michael Newton).

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After killing a spider, how lonely I feel in the cold of night! -

Masaoka Shiki (1867 – 1902)

Morals and misconceptions -

Little as I know of biology and the natural world, it appears that

plants, animals and finally humans develop their own altruistic moral code as they evolve without the need for any outside influence beyond evolution, or needing, um, stone tablets or similar. Our famous ten commandments apparently arrived somehow in Egypt 3,500BC

selected from their 42 (ref. Egyptian Law). It may even start with single-celled organisms, the earliest life forms, and develop as do life-forms.

This moral sense has simply developed along with all the other

development. This quote is as clear as it gets - “Altruism is defined as doing something that benefits someone else, at a cost to oneself. In the animal kingdom, the most astonishing examples of this selflessness occur in the rearing of the next generation. Animal societies that exhibit cooperative breeding include cichlids in Lake Tanganyika, some mammals, many bird species, and numerous insects. In these societies, typically a single, dominant breeding pair produces young, and the other members of the group help raising them. These members of the group are therefore acting altruistically by the care of young that are not their own.” (ref. Unselfish behavior).

Many hundreds of other examples exist, which show how this behavior evolves and improves.

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Early Human Days -

In early human days religion and medicine were combined by

early shamans who used altered states of understanding to provide

help for others (ref. Shamans). Such activities have never stopped, because they are useful to human society, and are somehow a bridge

between this dimension and others. They are not only healers but also spiritual mentors and their spiritual practices and knowledge of herbal therapy provides healing for both physical and metaphysical problems. Some beginnings are being made to incorporate such knowledge into modern practice (ref. Shamans Today).

So, as this pulls the wool away from the eyes of fundamental

religionists today, I am not sorry.

This is actually a bigger deal than these paragraphs suggest, as

our morals and ethics change and develop over time, and need concomitant legal changes to match.

This development continues to the highest levels of fully developed humans, being those who have completed their incarnations, are ready to merge into the group soul of the next level, called Superhuman as shown in the suggested chart. This is just a

rough outline, as I only have logic to guide me; given further amazing advances in astronomy, changes might be needed (ref. Spirit Groups).

I can do not better than add this long quote from Elysium

Unveiled by Jurgen Ziewe -

Turning away from darkness, the aberrations of ignorance and

blindness, which are largely the result of lack of insight, wisdom, love, and the many positive tools needed to lead a harmonious life, we can now rejoice and participate in the numerous freedoms and heavenly vistas so often reported by those who have moved across and then returned to their earthly bodies with all the negative aspects of our Page 27 of 77

corruptible human psyche laid to rest, which can cause so much pain and suffering.

We can breathe a sigh of relief. Whereas before, in the dark

realms of the Astral hells, people were trapped by their selfishness, a stubborn reliance on their bigotry, prejudice, their desire for revenge or by deriving joy from inflicting pain on others, or by simply being addicted to malignant and perverse compulsions to compensate for their perceived injustice, the lack of true fulfillment and true love.

Here, we abundantly favour love, freedom and goodwill because we begin to realise the base level of all reality is joy, creativity and freedom.

We are now on the verge of discovering our true heritage, reaping the knowledge and rewards along the way. In reality, we are already bathed in the light of our origin; we just don't remember and search for it blindly for where it never can be found.

Each of us already carries this light inside of us. We are already potential light shiners. Here to cast light and love into the darkness of ignorance. We are challenged to discover, learn and unfold, but most of all, we are here to serve each other and the world we live in because this is where true beauty lies and unfolds, and with this attitude, our inside world becomes our outside reality.

From here on, each nuance of our thoughts and feelings will find expression and manifestation in our surroundings. We live in a dynamic universe where we constantly interchange with other energies surrounding us and where we naturally enter into the energy slipstream which is made just for us, where we share our world with sympathetic and like-minded souls, all here for the service of bringing joy and love into this world. To walk freely and unhindered, forever exploring and lending a helping hand simply because of the joy it brings.

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Our worlds become brighter and more joyful. We begin to recognise that life is a blessing, not a chore, and with it, we begin to embrace and enjoy our new, more natural state. Being liberated from the limitations of the negative worlds and emotions, we begin to enter the vistas of an expanding awareness. We witness what lies beyond the vast realms of our own creation.

We learn new skills and experience aspects of a much more evolved life we did not even know we were capable of. Our sensory awareness unfolds. We see, hear, taste and feel more clearly. The world around us become more vibrant and more beautiful, and we find ourselves in the company of people we are truly in tune with.

We are just starting out, learning new powers and new forms of

enjoyment (ref. Elysium Unveiled).

Jurgen Ziewe is a multi-dimensional traveler who carefully reports his experiences, being one of the very rare persons who does this on a consistent basis, providing invaluable knowledge of our stunning surroundings. We are just starting out!

Back to regular science again, A recent scientific publication shows that all evolving material systems, including life, are made of diverse components that do combine into new states that are then

selected for or against, based on function.

It appears that the functional information of a system will increase over time - this means that chemical components become more complicated by themselves over time. The top example is the Earth,

which had about 20 minerals when first formed, now has nearly 6,000

or so.

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It seems that Darwinian theory is just a special case within a far larger phenomenon that applies equally to atoms, minerals, stars and many others subjected to selective pressure.

This is a whole mouthful, but fits perfectly with the picture that

morals and ethics evolve along with material beings (ref. Evolving


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From deep inside - the pretty flower – a mosquito

Kobayashi Issa (1763 –1828)

Why Reincarnate? -

So here we are in the Beforelife, our real Home. In our first rounds of incarnation as humans, I believe we spend very little time in the Afterlife, as we absolutely desire above everything to have another human incarnation as soon as possible. No matter if it is the middle of an Ethiopian famine and/or “civil” war.

We just will take anything. Again, let us not mention trump fans.

Later, after many incarnations, we begin to reflect in between incarnations, as we saw with Michael Newton. We know what our last incarnation was like, starting with painful, shocking birth and ending in (possibly) scary painful death.

Perhaps we have found out about our incarnations before that, also full of painful events. But, Hurray!, here we are in Summerland, free to stay as long as we like and do (almost) anything. So we do lots and lots of things, and at last get on with what we should have been doing all along – social work, helping those in need. The newly arrived always need gentle instruction and guidance –

You’re dead now, and this is Summerland, where you can relax as long as you like (ref Summerland). Huge sighs of relief as each realizes that now, there are almost no challenges. Much of the social work is about teaching the newly arrived persons they have in fact died, and passed over.

We hike about exploring for years; then we hike the other way, exploring for more years; then we visit alien planets, and get uncomfortable and return to our own dimension. All along, we attend the best in local entertainment, wonderful and uplifting plays and movies, reading delightful books; and going to live music displays. We watch and do them all again and again.

So what happens? Surprise! We get bored (this is where we came in, I think). And say to our friends – You know, I think it’s time I reincarnated again! -

To which the response is – Arrggh! No!. So, you drop the idea; but a century or so later, lo and behold, you’ve really had enough, and chose once again to reincarnate, knowing that your development is just not moving fast enough without the serious and tough challenges of an Earth reincarnation. Then you find that there’s a queue for planet Earth: because it is a popular place: as you Page 31 of 77

can really advance your spirit there. So you have to wait for the right time and parents. Which you do. Or you can chose an easier civilization on other planets, sure to be more ‘civilized’ than Earth. So you discuss possibilities with your guides and helpers and make a choice that will suit your spirit’s needs with those that know these things - And off we go again.

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Image 7


The march to life – Break into song, this new song - Clouds leap, flowers bloom.

Yone Noguchi (1875-1947)

Challenges as a human -

It is said that all humans are unique. Well, yes and no - the emotional characteristics chart shows the names we use in English to describe character.

The positive and negative are two ends of the same emotional characteristic.

People have trouble naming five of these when asked. This chart is by no means definitive, but it is simply exemplary, as human committees could argue the semantics of each category name for many moons (ref. Emotional

Characteristics). We are much more alike than we like to think, I suspect. All humans are unavoidably a mix of these characteristics, which number is huge, 14 to the power of 13 comes to be eight hundred trillion, providing a large possibility of character mixes. Note that it is 14 possibilities, not 28, as these are, to coin a phrase, two sides of the same coin. Nevertheless, the vast majority of humans are reasonable, kind, honest people; it’s the extremes to watch out for. Advertising works so well because most of us are are much the same mixed bag of characteristics, so are easily targeted, if we allow it!

Those in the afterlife tell us our human lifetime(s) present us with opportunities for meeting challenges that encourage development in all our Page 33 of 77

Image 8

Image 9

areas, especially those least worthy. We can hasten or delay development by how we use our free will.

Which reminds me, when on a skiing holiday with our mother in Austria, I was aged fifteen, my brother and I had tired of skiing after some days and went walking on some snowy slopes, well away from the regular ski runs. The side got steeper and steeper until we came up against a rock face. So, we turned about and headed off down the steep snowy slope. We went very carefully, because as any climber knows, down is often harder than up.

Tiring of this slow progress and being an impatient lad, I called out –

Watch this, I bet I can get down faster; and jumped into a sitting position to slide down. This turned out to be a very bad idea indeed. While climbing, we had progressed sideways on our slope, without noticing we were now above a cliff of at least one hundred feet, if not more, and my sliding turned within seconds into uncontrolled tumbling because it was steep slope. I had my hood up over my head and immediately lost all vision as snow blocked it. My brother was aghast, as I was headed straight for this cliff of certainly mortal height.

But, here comes blind luck again; there was a snow-covered boulder in my path into which I crashed, some few meters before the cliff. It immediately stopped the tumbling, and my brother came over to help me recover, not Page 34 of 77

Image 10

Image 11

forgetting to mention what an idiot I was in a number of ways. Saved by a boulder! Who would have thought it? Thereafter I proceeded with careful decorum, making slow but safe progress across the slope to find our original tracks. All’s well that ended well, once more!

In these two charts each bar represents the level achieved by that random person-spirit for their development; this is the character of that person and represents their essential spiritual development – so far. This sum of characteristics achieved at any one point, is the essential personality thus far in development and is not lost on reincarnation as it is now part of that Spirit’s makeup; while the previous lifetime’s upper memory is wiped – normally! We have chosen random development percentages for each characteristic. In Chart 1 above the average percent development for this person’s incarnation is around fifty-three overall.

I can only imagine that when the time comes that you actively want another incarnation, this is the kind of chart your guides and helpers will discuss with you and what the setup should be for best effect during their next lifetime, no doubt using state-of-art laser pointers and active 3-D graphing over a big theatre pit to make truly fancy presentations.

Chart 1 above shows my imagined random set of values for a regular

human’s development whereas this next Chart 2 shows a totally different Page 35 of 77

person’s development. Again, I have chosen random values, but this time allowing some to be negative.

This Chart 2 person’s average overall is twenty-eight percent, but in this case #s 3, 7 & 11, being avarice, vanity and cowardice, are negatively developed and will take some specialized incarnations with specific challenges to clear, and become positive values as generosity, modesty and bravery.

Alert readers will have realized the Emotional Characteristics list starts with the seven deadly sins, and the first is Greed, or Selfishness, which I suspect is the major source of all so-called Evil in the world. As this random person’s chart shows, they have made good progress in areas 2, 4, 5, 10 & 13, so have every reason for hope to correct 3, 7 & 11.

It is very hard, if not impossible to make judgment calls, about oneself or for any other person. Some years after my scrapes with death described above, I found myself in the company of two college friends heading south down the Valencian coast of Spain, aged twenty in 1967, and long before serious auto-route construction. We decided to visit the beach and take a swim, as it was June and a lovely hot day. So we drove down a bumpy unpaved road, and parked a few hundred yards from the beach, Which was empty except for a family of three, a mother with two young children and the calm Mediterranean sea. We changed at a discrete distance on the otherwise empty beach, and prepared to swim. I had just finished changing to my swim trunks when I saw one of the children, a boy aged about 12, starting to drown, about a hundred yards out from the shore. The mother was too far away and frantic, as, perhaps, she could not swim. Her other child was too small to help. Being the nearest, and a very good swimmer, I speedily made my way to the drowning child, who had submerged by the time I arrived, and performed the standard swimmer’s rescue, trailing the coughing young boy behind me, backstroking to shore.

There, the mother grabbed her boy, yelling effusively in Spanish, of which we understood not one word. No doubt swearing at her child and thanking me in long sentences. The boy appeared none the worse for his experience.

This experience was somewhat unsettling, so we dropped our idea of spending time at the beach, dried off, dressed, and went on our way south.

What to make of such an event? Did he grow up to become one among

countless others who drank himself into a stupor and killed a whole other family while drunk-driving? Did this boy drown the very next year at the same beach, Page 36 of 77

as his karma unwound? Maybe he lived a long life of doing nothing much; or was this child to become a Nobel winning medical scientist saving thousands of human lives, for which I had been saved at least three times so I could be there on that fateful day? Perhaps I will find out when I return home, if indeed I can remember to ask. Now, it seems a very long time ago.

I have heard somewhere that there are only two real miracles, among all the other amazing miracles in which we live, and they are (a) How our memories are wiped at birth and (b) How the spirit stays attached to the human body –

when it leaves every time we sleep and head out for astral travels – so what to make of the above? – Nothing much, I suspect.

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The rainbow stands - As if you are here - In this moment.

(For his beloved) Takahama Kyoshi (1874-1959)

(24) The Superhuman Level -

We use the term Superhuman, as we will each have lived some thousands of human lifetimes over one million years incarnated before filling the human experience, being somewhere between 52,000 and 14,000 as we saw above, where an average is about 34,000 lifetimes. And whatever alien experience aliens have on their billions of planets, where we may have taken a break to incarnate on a much more relaxed and kind civilization as an ‘alien’. This works perfectly because of the memory wipe at birth.

Moving to the next level, Superhuman, means further spiritual bonding, or grouping, with between ten to forty other humans who are also ready to move on – now we are seriously soul-mates. This means that on average, about one million one hundred thousand human lifetimes are fully known, understood, and accepted into this new being, this Superhuman. Even if you like lower numbers than the foregoing, the total incarnation count is enormous. Try and wrap your mind around that experience! The TV show “Sense8” touches on this, where eight (only 8!) single persons incarnated learn to use all their abilities of that single lifetime together, a fascinating undertaking (ref. TV Sense8).

Among other things, it means the individual lifetimes of any one Human lose all importance, yet are still available for review, along with all the knowledge gained. From the SuperHuman point of view, who cares about any single incarnation with such realistic knowledge? Such beings might be androgynous, as they combine male and female characteristics. But can this be the last stage of sexuality? I suspect not.

I believe that angels are a superior level of human, probably ready to

“group” and move level, and not a separate class of beings. Why? Because I find it unreasonable to believe that the huge, unimaginably powerful entities that are Superhumans might be ‘angels’ that would stoop to fiddle with an individual human incarnation at one or another point. It makes no sense, as Superhumans are mighty beings that know beyond all doubt that everything turns out alright ( all right!), no matter how dire it may look to the individual at a particular Page 38 of 77

moment in its incarnation. All stories have happy endings, and Superhumans know this beyond all doubt, and that Love is the answer to it all.

The sun is very large. One million three hundred thousand Earths would fit within it. It would be an enormous waste of space if living beings did not use this space. And one thing that the NLT does not do is waste anything! (The No Limits Thingy – in case you forgot). This is where Superhumans would live and move and have their being – why not?

Their motivation during such incarnations can only be Love with a large capital, as each human spirit will have learned Love is so!. We can but guess at the twists and turns of Love, which must have its aches and pains for incarnations to unfold. No manifestation can exist without a distinction between self and other.

To my understanding, Geraldine Cummins’ description of the Plane of Pure Flame coincides with that of Superhumans. She has a further two planes she calls "Plane of Pure Light" and the Plane of White Light. Cummins says -

“The plane of flame is when the new being … becomes emotionally whole, aware not alone of himself, but of all those other souls who are of his group"

(ref. Geraldine Cummins). Which is a perfectly good description of the “group” being greater than the individual parts. Then she goes on to describe these incredible states of being, or rather those communicated by the psychologist and psychic researcher Frederic W. H. Myers (ref. Myers).

Differing "Races" of SuperBeings -

We refer to Superhumans as though only humans can reach this combined superior level. Logically, beings grouping after their incarnations on other planets in "our" solar system would also arrive to have incarnations in the

"Realm of Pure Fire".

This might be a bit of a stretch, until we learn from Jurgen Ziewe and his astral travels, that those planets that appear to be barren and totally inhospitable for life, do often have a perfectly reasonable civilization(s) in other dimension(s).

This is pure speculation on my part, but why would the development of such beings be so different from our own? So, planets such as Mercury, Venus and Mars have beings whose development ends in grouping much like ours, and these SuperBeings can now join the others inside our sun for their next round of higher incarnations (ref. Jurgen Ziewe).

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Gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn may also be home for beings, which in their turn complete their development, and are ready to join other planets' SuperBeings inside our sun. Each of these two planets has many moons of different sizes; these too can be part of this grand picture.

This makes the activity inside our sun, and all suns, really interesting, as the beings will be from differing planetary and lunar civilizations, giving a whole new round of customs, and probably appearance, for these SuperBeings to understand and work with.

Such a variety of SuperBeings will have a new meaning for 'racism' as we understand it as humans, as it is now ‘planetism’ alongside ‘moonism’!. One can reasonably assume that each planet's SuperBeings will have already achieved the understanding that Love is the reason for it all, but learning and dealing with the ‘cultural’ differences will provide ups and downs. Talk about Entertainment.

Here we might again mention red dwarf stars because they make up the largest population of stars in the galaxy, but they are too dim to be seen with the naked eye. Scientists think that 20 out of the 30 stars near Earth are red dwarfs.

Spread across the universe’s galaxies, they can be by far the most common star. Also, the lifetime of red dwarfs is trillions of years; far beyond the 10-billion-year lifetime of sun-like stars. They have planets which in turn will have moons also. So there’s plenty more living space for Superhuman beings! (ref. Red


(22 & 23) The Superhuman Level, Planetary & Stellar -

And their next step up from millions of beings inside a sun would be grouping once again to become planetary spirits. Or would they think that is a step down? It’s hard to know, when they have the knowledge of perhaps one million human lifetimes and whatever new things they picked up being Superhuman inside our sun for multiple incarnations.

Somehow we need to understand that we all will move beyond such a

stupendous intra-stellar state of being. Bit by bit we come to understand that further grouping takes place once we learn the lessons of Love by experience.

Development and birth of planets is a very long undertaking, with many twists and turns around the newly-formed sun. There are many failures on the way, before a relatively-calm set of ten or so stable planets are formed. When Page 40 of 77

we know most suns and even binary sun systems have multiple planets, the numbers become truly astronomical, to coin a phrase. So there is plenty of time and ‘real estate’ available for spirit grouping to take place, each one according to development (ref. Planetary Formation).

Trillions upon trillions of planets, each with its own spirit. We call our Earth spirit “Gaia” and the Egyptians had “Thoth” for the moon spirit (ref. Gaia

Hypothesis). No doubt the Greeks have named other planets’ spirits also.

Planetary spirit grouping would reasonably lead to sun spirits – whole sun spirits. Billions of trillions of stars, each with its own spirit. We call our Sun spirit

“Ra”. Is there any reason to doubt every star has its own spirit? Of course they do, and the mind boggles (ref. Ra Sun God).

A lovely diary kept by a clairvoyant Victorian boy says it directly - “...the sun is the physical body of a Great Spirit and the ancient sun-worshipers were not just superstitious ignoramuses worshiping a myth” (ref. Cyril Scott). Perhaps we can speculate that suns have sex – a nova or supernova is an awesome orgasm. Or two suns (a binary system) finally colliding after all those years of close orbiting. I speculate, of course.

As a more practical scientific outlook, we have the directive from the White House (USA) to NASA to organize and start atomic clocks on the moon. Here on Earth we run time using multiple atomic clocks around the planet, from which we take an average. On Earth’s moon, these same clocks run slightly faster, at 58.7

microseconds every day (gravity, space-time, don’t ask!).

Kevin Coggins, manager of NASA's Space Communications and Navigation Program, said that it makes sense that when you go to another body, like the moon or Mars, that each one gets its own heartbeat (ref. NASA Space

Comms). Of course, he does not mean it in the sense that I use it, but it’s an interesting confirmation of our reasonable logic nevertheless.

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You married - It’s like a death note - From far away.

Takayanagi Shigenobu (1923-1983)

(29) The Divine Level -

This is a short chapter which refers to the image-chart Spirit Groups, to describe monstrous things in the universe. Once we take the larger view, our next step would be discrete (26) Globular Clusters, as they stand out from the galactic plane. They usually consist of thirty thousand to one hundred thousand stars.

Next up, we have (27) Galactic Arm(s), with fourteen to sixty million stars in each. The Milky Way has seven arms. And at last, the whole (28) Milky Way galaxy itself, with estimations of star numbers ranging from one to four hundred billion stars.

Each of these must have their own individual Great Spirit, composed of stellar spirits, who have grouped again and again. So where have we got to, now? - An unimaginable glory to which we are all headed!

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Image 12


The cool breeze - Twisted and crooked - Then it came here.

Kobayashi Issa (1763-1828)

(34) The Absolute Level -

Attempting to describe these levels

is not quite pointless speculation. Like a lot

of this document; you have to start

somewhere. But the ‘real estate’ or

‘bodies’ of incarnated spirit beings should

match what astronomers know is out

there. Our (31) Local Group has fifty

galaxies. Our local (32) Galactic Cluster

has about thirty thousand galaxies. At long

last (!) we have perhaps ten (33) Galactic

Super Clusters with untold billions of

galaxies within each. This again refers to

the image-chart Spirit Groups.

I think the same Eastern master(s) agreed that once the period of development as individual beings is concluded at the end of the Absolute stage, the spirit, all spirits, return to oneness with the NLT. With stories to tell – and what stories! This is Absolute Entertainment by anyone’s reckoning.

Soul Mates -

The term “soul-mate” is bandied about, implying spirits whose friendship may span many lifetimes. But just consider the reasonable possibility that you make one really good new friend every two lifetimes; this would mean perhaps 15,000 such. One every ten lifetimes would mean 3,000 exceptional friends, which is still way over the top, as you would go broke sending Christmas cards to all of them. I really think this term actually applies to souls who are nearing the end of their term as humans, and are getting together for the next stage, being a limited number of spirits who agree to unite as a single being. For the time being, let’s consider that as between ten and forty-two (ref. Soul Mates).

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Matter and Spirit -

Consider the first law of thermodynamics, which observes that energy cannot be created or destroyed. Just like Spirit - which it most certainly is (whatever that is – scientists as yet have not even formulated a theory, any theory, as to the nature of consciousness – but they have learned just lately (1999) to call it The Hard Problem! (ref. The Hard Problem). But energy can be converted from one form to another; and there are myriad conversions in both directions (matter to heat & vice-versa) happening at all times across our material universe, of which we can see only 5% so far, as mentioned above.

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Image 13


On New Year's Day - I long to meet my parents - as they were before my birth.

Natsume Sōseki (1867–1916)

Entropy and Chaos -

As you were left hanging

earlier on, let's go to the second law

of thermodynamics, the law of

entropy, which states that in any

isolated system, the degree of

disorder (chaos) can only increase. If

we imagine our whole universe to be

an isolated system, we see the

degree of disorder is always

increasing - or otherwise put,

material order always degenerates.

This could get to be a pessimistic

outlook – if we see only this

dimension. No, and negentropy only covers the improved, or ordered part of the actions – i.e. an automobile is the final result, the “ordered” part of the activity leading there – while the whole picture shows smelting factories, mines, plastics, forever chemicals and somehow always toxic waste – required to produce the automobile. The whole picture, depressing as it is, always means entropy (disorder), chaos, increases (ref. Negentropy).

Everything uses energy to form and sustain itself, be it mineral, plant, animal and ourselves. Each energetic transformation is less than perfectly efficient, so energy is wasted (not destroyed) each time. So while we are apparently increasing the level of order directly around us with highways, bridges, prisons(!), vehicles and shopping malls, the whole of order is inevitably decreasing. In forming everything that is ourselves and our civilization we are actually only increasing chaos. Like I said, this can get depressing.

Even if we could collect a whole sun from another nearby star system (uninhabited, hopefully) and use up its entire mass of energy cleaning up our Page 45 of 77

system with food, palaces, aqueducts, schooling and finally decent medical care and a basic income for everyone, weekend trips to Mars, flying cars for the masses - no matter what the scale of the fancy engineering, the inescapable reality is there - we would have once again be increasing the overall level of chaos.

Descent to disorder can only be delayed, never prevented. Like rainwater from a mountaintop to the sea (forget evaporation), it always descends, can only be delayed, never goes uphill and always reaches the great ocean.

While it's acceptable for rainwater to do that - we have a lot of fun with it while it does so - the fact that energetic order always tends to bring matter to chaos is an ultimately depressing truth, as the material universe will end in freezing darkness. So say our astronomers, who generally ignore Spirit in their musings.

The End of the Material Universe -

Pretty depressing, really, when it comes to the inescapable realization that the universe is in process of expanding to a cold dark emptiness with sparse atoms doing nothing much but unravel (ref. Big Freeze), or a total final breakdown (ref. Big Rip), as the Big Crunch (ref. Big Crunch) is looking most unlikely, as we have dark matter and dark energy comprising 95% (!!) of matter in the universe, neither of which have been seen, only inferred. How little we know!

Like any sane person, after taking interesting drugs and contemplating suicide, I blotted all this knowledge out of my mind for many years, until I

realized how the universe as a whole must balance itself, so that this

dreadful outlook really has a perfect purpose.

=== o0o ===

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In the cicada's cry - No sign does foretell - How soon it must die.

Matsuo Bashō (1644 – 1694)

Flatulent Mythical Nonsense -

Religion and religionists were all very well in the human days before theatre, perhaps ten thousand years ago, providing pricey entertainment where there was none, unless you really liked dancing in front of your fire after dark.

Religionists today continue to trumpet the same flatulent mythical nonsense as they did then, with almost always vanity, greed, money and power as their motives. This may sound cynical, but the rational among us see it to be so in the finances of any megachurch (I mean, private jet airplanes? Really!) (ref. Pastors

with Jets). It is truly inexplicable that church-goers continue to give money to such persons.

Stunning Constants -

We can see another striking reality, that of the Fundamental Physical Constants, of which there are at least 40, or even 354 depending how you count them. If any one of these varied by as little as one percent, the whole game would not work; that is, the universe could not have formed in this nearly ‘stable’

state. As mentioned above, the chances of this happening are of the order of sixty-four billion trillion to one against being just the way they are, which is a vanishingly remote possibility (ref. Fine Tuning & ref. Constants). Now, how’s that for imaginative foresight by the Great Thingy, the NLT? We call the resulting mental shambles in humans cognitive dissonance, and hope that we can hold these two conflicting ideas steady, that of purposeful design and accident (ref.

Cognitive Dissonance).

Much as we fail to accept the Eye-In-The-Sky theories (Religions, um, constantly dog us), it is my understanding that the major religions might actually agree on one thing, while perhaps presenting it in different ways. This is that

Spirit creates, forms, maintains and uses Matter for its own purposes - the grand illusion. We might even also agree that the Great Spirit's purpose in the universe is actually Entertainment - by seeking the light, by increasing perception, understanding and love in all its forms. Fundamentalists will not like Page 47 of 77

this, of course, because how can you browbeat your huddled masses with the fear of eternal damnation unless you make them believe hell is real?

Before we leave this amazing concept, let us briefly recognise another concept – Imagine, if you will, that all the Earthly religious believers, all of them, were one day to ascend to their own heavens, all at once, in their own version of their rapture(s). What would the result be? Blissful Peace on Earth! The Heavens probably would not be impressed by these arrivals.

Of course, this is what social work is for – explaining to these persons in the afterlife that there is more to come.

So what is the purpose behind all this universal fading to nothingness? As

Matter descends into Chaos, so Spirit moves or develops upwards and

evolves into greater and greater beings – that’s what happens!

=== o0o ===

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In the twilight rain - these brilliant-hued hibiscus - A lovely sunset Matsuo Bashō (1644 – 1694)

Joyful Reunion -

The inevitable end to all this immortality is reunion of all portions of the Great Spirit, the Atma, the No-Limits Thingy, call it what you will. Now, there’s a home-coming party, when the last chunk of spirit reunites. There must be no interference from the great NLT, as this begs the question, which is to let each droplet get back home, finally cleared of its fog of forgetfulness, and telling its own story - "For a while there I thought I was queen of Sheba" and/or “Lord of a star system”, etc. amid gales of laughter and tears of joy. The great Thingy is no longer bored to impossible tears and can now watch sunsets, hear the Mormon tabernacle choir and send money to televangelists - because we are it, every little bit of it. Total and complete enlightenment, with lots of stories to tell about the journey in all its amazingness. And it’s not just one party on returning Home

– achieving the grouping at each stage will bring stupendous delight! Talk about Entertainment!.

Then, I guess, the time for another Big Bang will come, when boredom sets in once again. But I digress…..

Let us not misunderstand each other here – social work is always good and useful. Those who ask for help should be able to receive it – not from a much higher being jumping them forward to greater knowledge, but from a being that’s just a bit higher than they, who helps them help themselves; and who most certainly cannot pull them forward until they are ready. Hence the no interference rule holds good, as each asks for help (ref. Post Mortem Journal).

Balancing Entropy -

The happy and stunning reality is that each time matter slides toward further chaos during an energetic transformation, this event causes an opposite and upward increase in spiritual order, or development, or evolution, in a one-to-one relation. I have no proof whatever for this, other than believing in the essential balance of the universe. We all know that development can only take place by action and reaction - (Was this Jane Page 49 of 77

Fonda? ref. No Pain No Gain). Most of us also recognize that we can only learn from personal experience; because our development cannot happen while watching TV or reading books, even when they show others learning from personal experience – well, maybe just a little bit. Thus, while it is my opinion that spiritual development takes place as inevitably as rainwater reaching the mighty ocean, almost all of it has to take place during incarnation of one kind or another.

Try as you might, you can only delay (or speed up) the growth and development of your own spirit being, but you cannot prevent its ultimate upward thrust to final union any more than the descent of matter to ultimate chaos can be prevented. It probably takes about the same length of time, too. Is it not a Buddhist prayer that asks to be the last person into heaven? This might be arrogantly overdoing it; I do not think I need wait that long, as I know all the others are also, inevitably, moving upwards, and yes, it’s going to take a while!.

Well, maybe I will change my mind after a few more incarnations, I have free will, after all.

Reincarnation is needed -

This means we need incarnation to be able to increase the size of our Spirit and scrape away our forgetfulness. As life in the Afterlife (Home!) cannot have any worthwhile challenges, we need to incarnate to develop in any meaningful way, by increasing the size of our Spirit. And they say that Earth, believe it or not, is one of the most sought-after locations for an incarnation, as life here has enormous challenges and therefore can provide significant spiritual growth (We have “civil” wars here, among other things such as plagues of obesity and hunger at the same time. And we call this “civilization”). They say that most of the other countless millions upon millions of other planetary systems with sentient life generally have their civilizations much better organized, and therefore less spiritually demanding than on Earth. Our complete memory wipe on each birth allows us to get on with it, as an incarnation would be truly unbearable were we to know of home all the while, and our previous failures. This comes later, while our personality changes and grows with each encounter in our incarnation(s).

=== o0o ===

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Image 14


Do not go gentle into that good night,

Old age should burn and rave at close of day;

Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Dylan Thomas [1914-1953]

Do indeed go gently -

While the above quote is supposed to energise us into pointless raving and raging, it overlooks our endless immortality. There is no need whatever to rage against the dying of the light, as it will soon be replaced by a brighter and lovelier light. We must try to understand that we are Immortal beings,

surrounded by Infinity, and we have Eternity in which to explore it. The process of our death is easy and smooth, according to all accounts, so we go gently into the Afterlife, coming Home.

Spirit gains order through Entropy -

Spirit gains order by the increase in the disorder of matter. The material universe is finally discarded as a silent, dark, empty husk, having served its purpose. For me, this is the whole point of it all, the evolution and development of Spirit beings for ultimate return to the NLT, once they have removed their ‘cloud of forgetfulness’.

Everything matters, just like they

always said “Not a sparrow shall fall

….” - which appears to be overdoing

it, until we know that not even a

quantum particle shall disperse

without commensurate useful growth

in spirit. And if the energetic waves

that form the matter are no longer

energetic, and are no longer vibrating,

is the “matter” still there? Perhaps not

– as usual, the design is perfect and

nothing is wasted.

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Does it, um, matter? This kind of question, they tell us, is still being explored in the upper realms, with no clear answers as yet; which we could not understand even if explained to us.

Actually, that’s one of the things that impresses on me the truth of the psychic contacts with the afterlife, where they never say they know it all, and that always the search goes on. It is just so wonderful to be human; and more.

The search continues here on Earth, as the latest understanding of quantum physics contains some serious science which is improbably difficult to understand – atoms are not really there at all (ref. Made of Atoms).

It is also my opinion that there can be no high-level interference - after the initial separation from the Big Bang, and totally unlike the rain returning to the ocean, and unlike the movie stories, the droplets of spirit cannot just jump home to reunion, or jump forward in their development. This is where the simile breaks down, as Spirit is not like water.

=== o0o ===

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The wren - Earns his living - Noiselessly.

Kobayahsi Issa (1763–1828)

Improvement and Development -

But any human can voluntarily cause improvement in their own development; and, in my opinion, this is the only real difference between animals and humans: as a human, one can deliberately delay or improve one's development: delay it by being selfish or bad, improve it by being unselfish or good – helping others in need, while lower orders perforce follow more basic

“instinctive” patterns, both necessarily and rightly so. As the cloud of forgetfulness is slowly worn thinner through interaction with matter and

‘other’ beings, so greater perception causes changes in outlook.

Grouping of spirit droplets happens between levels of development the whole becomes a greater Spirit including all of its parts - yet none of the original experience and individuality is ever lost - it simply becomes unimportant as growth continues. Groups of fairies, goblins, sprites, trolls, gnomes, dwarfs, water nymphs, sylphs (air spirits), salamanders (amphibian wonder workers) yes: all of them, follow their own paths in wonderfully complex and varied iterations. While there is no doubt as to their individual existence, it is up to truly psychic persons to discuss their development,

In this awesome game there can never be a loss. As the fog slowly lifts, it can never return. Perception increased can never be diminished; spirit droplets once joined can never be undone. This is where I part company from the basic concepts of at least two major religions, Christianity - which has a one-shot eternal heaven-or-hell, three-gods-in-one illogical nonsense, and Hindus who have bought the upper-class Brahmin story that you can reincarnate as a worm if you annoy a Brahman or other suitable sin – It always comes down to -

Pay us money to make your problem go away. Yes, you can seriously slow down your progress by selfish behaviour but you can also speed it up following positive emotional characteristics.

Religion apart, all of our stories have happy endings. This might seem excessive to some of us, but when we take the larger view, this is not in doubt.

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Death & Return -

The pettiness of painful death hurts us in our ignorance; but only as humans - when we were lower, as plant and lower animal we did not fear it.

They and ourselves certainly try to avoid it, though. Once we are beyond the human vibration (level), we will again be able to face such transitions and partings with an equanimity born of certain knowledge of the multi-dimensional aspect of our beings. It was Jaladin El Rumi, I think, who first stated that - First we were mineral; then we became plant; then we became animal and at last human. And beyond human we shall be among the angels blessed and even beyond that. When were we ever less by dying?. He also said that Sharia religious law prevented him from saying more – now there’s a surprise (ref.


This is as far as my little human mind can understand; but even this pales before what really awaits us. Once beyond the human experience, these further layers of development are each as enormous as the stunning stages of mineral-plant-animal-human development in scope, and even enormous beyond imagining.

I have tried to give some idea of the stunningly huge scope of the experience that awaits us in my chart of Spirit Groups. Each stage will have incarnation and reincarnation in some form, indeed it must have, as ‘without Self and Other there is no universe’. As for distinction between levels, let’s look to the atom – electrons have particular orbit-shells around their nucleus, and appear to

“move” from one to another instantaneously, apparently without passing through the space between. I suspect similar action happens when spirit grouping has taken place, in the “move” from one dimension, level or vibrational rate to another – spirit simply “becomes” – when ready. No cheating allowed. And yes, quantum physics grapples with a scientific impossibility – an observed experiment behaves differently than one without a human observer (ref.

Observer effect). But not impossible when Spirit is included in the evidence.

The future is more fantastically tremendous than we can dream of,

and thither are we all bound sooner or later. So take heart, nothing is ever

wasted. Just remember we are immortal beings; surrounded by infinity;

and we have eternity in which to explore it.

That's what I think, anyway.

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Epilogue -

I live calmly in the reasonable expectation that all the above bears close resemblance to reality. With the odds of sixty-four billion trillion to one against things being just the way they are, one can but wonder at this titanic, awesome universe and our experience within it.

=== o0o ===

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Book Synopsis - The Reason for it All

C1 - The law of entropy states that no matter what we do, we cause more chaos, and end in freezing darkness. Apparently very depressing, but in fact very purposeful.

C2 - The reason for it all starts with knowing that no manifestation can exist without a distinction between self and other. If there is no self and other, there is no universe. Here we see what Spirit is really doing.

C3 - Development and its purpose along with the major grouping of spirit levels described by the great masters.

C4 - The Level of Mineral & Gas comprises the quantum particles, elements and compounds. Next, The Level of Plants, which can be shifty and opportunistic; including deception, fraud, misinformation and manipulation aimed at improving their situation. Next, the lowest animal level, which includes other elemental beings. And then the animal Mid- & Top- ranges that have a generous measure of free will, including courage, empathy and self-sacrifice.

C5 - The Early Human Level sees the number of human reincarnations typically needed. Also, the Human Mid- & Top- range after about half our required incarnations, and the wonderful memory wipe that allows experience of each incarnation without hindrance.

C6 - Morals and 'humanity' evolve and develop without the need for any outside influence beyond evolution. In early human days religion and medicine were combined by early shamans who used altered states of understanding to provide help for others, and the start of the bigger picture.

C7 - Why we reincarnate when it is often such a challenging experience, and the delay before achieving another Earth incarnation.

C8 - Human challenges and our emotional characteristics provide a wide variety of types. Two charts show possible states of a different spirits' partial development, and indicate the difficulty of fairly judging one's own or anyone else's development.

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C9 - Superhuman beings appear after voluntary grouping by multiple individual human spirits, with potential incarnations within the sun, and full knowledge of Love as the real truth. Superbeings from the fully-developed grouped spirits from other planets and moons within our solar system will be there also. We mention the next grouping levels, being individual Moon and Planet Spirits, and then Stellar Spirits.

C10 - The Divine level will also have three gigantic levels, being Globular Clusters, Galactic Arms and finally whole Galaxies, each with its own grouped individual Spirit.

C11 - The Absolute level necessarily includes genuine monsters, being Local Groups (c. 50 galaxies), Galactic Clusters (c. 30K galaxies), and at last Galactic Super Clusters with billions of galaxies in each. Back to Earth, we consider 'soul'


C12 - Entropy and chaos always increase during the material universe's development, leaving a depressing picture for the material future. This dreadful outlook really has a perfect purpose.

C13 - Mythical nonsense is still with us, but now comes the cognitive dissonance of the scientific perfection of the values of the fundamental physical constants, which can only be purposeful design. Thus, as Matter descends into Chaos, so Spirit grows and develops upwards and evolves into greater beings.

C14 - Balancing the depressing entropy with the final beyond-fabulous home-coming parties when reunion of portions of the Great Spirit takes place.

Reincarnation can happen in any of the other countless billions of other planetary systems where sentient life generally has more 'civil' arrangements than Earth.

C15 - We are Immortal beings, surrounded by Infinity, and we have Eternity in which to explore it. Spirit gains order by the increase in the disorder of matter.

C16 - Improvement and development happens as none of the original

experience and individuality is ever lost - it simply becomes unimportant as growth continues, and all of our stories have happy endings.

=== o0o ===

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The web links given here all worked in April 2024. If this document is in PDF or DOCX format they should all connect to your browser directly with Ctrl-Left-Click. These references occur in the order in which they appear in the text.

Rob Cimperman - (return above) 2 hrs 22 mins Youtube which pulls it all together, with some really great AI imagery Too long, you think? - Not once you get started! https://www

Martinus - (return above) Martinus Thomsen, (1890 - 1981) was a Danish author, philosopher and mystic. Born into a poor family and with a limited education, Martinus experienced cosmic consciousness in March 1921 and wrote the books called "The Third Testament".

and here his cosmology -


Douglas Adams – (return above) - Author known for ‘The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy’ and other science fiction books. Especially the number ‘42’.


Dave Allen - (return above)- Thoughts about Adam and Eve - YouTube

link -

Entropy - (return above) - Entropy is the scientific concept, as well as a measurable physical property, that is most commonly associated with a state of disorder, randomness, or uncertainty, e.g. chaos.

The truly depressing principle that everything material inevitably descends to chaos. The really good news is that as Matter descends in quality, Spirit does the opposite, and that is the whole point!

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Red Dwarfs - (return above) -… have estimated lifespans far longer than the present age of the universe… and may continue burning for 10 trillion years.

This is a very long time! and here Stephen Hawking - (return above) - (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018) was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author.

Big Bang - (return above) - How Did The Universe Begin? 2h 27m - well worth watching, showing the latest understanding

Rig Veda – (return above) - The Hindu scripture known as the Rig Veda, whose oral tradition and texts date from the 2nd millennium BCE, describes how

it all began -

Then [before the beginning]

there was neither death nor no-death,

no sign of night or day.

The One breathed, breathless,

through its own impulsion,

and there was no Other of any kind.

No manifestation can exist without a distinction between self and other.

If there is no self and other, there is no universe.

These appear to be simple words but contain wonderful knowledge.

Dark Energy - (return above) - More is unknown than is known. (Surprise!).

We know how much dark energy there is because we know how it affects the universe's expansion. Other than that, it is a complete mystery. But it is an important mystery. It turns out that roughly 68% of the universe is dark energy.

Dark matter makes up about 27%. The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the universe. Come to think of it, maybe it shouldn't be called

"normal" matter at all, since it is such a small fraction of the universe.

Page 59 of 77

Abundance - (return above) - Hydrogen and helium account for nearly all the nuclear matter in today's universe. This is consistent with the standard or "big bang" model. The process of forming the hydrogen and helium and other trace constituents is often called "big bang nucleosynthesis". ... helium is about 25%

by mass and hydrogen about 73% with all other elements constituting less than 2%. Carroll & Ostlie give 23 to 24% helium. There is a window of uncertainty, but it is clear that hydrogen and helium make up 98% of the ordinary matter in the


Game of Thrones (return above) - an American fantasy drama television series created by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss for HBO.

Iron - (return above) - makes up 5 percent of Earth’s crust and is second in abundance to aluminum among the metals and fourth in abundance behind oxygen, silicon, and aluminum among the elements.

Bee dreams - (return above) - Learning and Memory: Do Bees Dream? In mammals, evidence for memory reactivation during sleep highlighted the important role that sleep plays in memory consolidation. A new study reports that memory reactivation is evolutionarily conserved and can also be found in the honeybee.

Spirit Groups (return above) - (see Images and Charts) This is my own chart, so do not blame anyone else. It expands knowledge given from multiple sources about the Seven Levels of development.

Elysium Unveiled (return above) - A visual odyssey of life eternal, a book by Jurgen Ziewe. Passage from page 62 quoted verbatim as it is perfectly relevant here.



Page 60 of 77

Evolving Materials - (return above) - On the roles of function and selection in

evolving systems (2023) M. Wong leading a nine-member team — scientists from the Carnegie Institution for Science, the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Cornell University, and philosophers from the University of Colorado and included two astrobiologists, a data scientist, a mineralogist, and a theoretical physicist, as well as three philosophers of science. Pretty outrageous thinking, but backed up by observation, as usual!

Summerland (return above) - By no means decent explanations here, but at least it shows I am not making this up!


Fine Tuning (return above) - Why Is Everything Made Of Atoms? The Fine Tuning Problem (46 mins). At the end (45 mins 58 secs) it says “64 billion trillion to one” against the constants being just the way they are. Cognitive dissonance occurs.

Ant-Acacia Symbiosis - (return above) - Acacia cornigera, also known as the bullhorn acacia tree, is known for its large thorns that are teeming with stinging acacia ants. Pseudomyrmex ferruginea, are small stinging ants that live among the swollen thorns of the bullhorn acacia tree. The tree relies on these ants to defend its leaves by attacking hungry herbivores that try to snack on the



Plants can see - (return above) - Veggies with Vision: Do Plants See the World around Them? The concept of a “seeing plant” fell by the wayside in the early 20th century - only to reemerge in the past few years


Page 61 of 77

Toxoplasma gondii - (return above) -10 surprising facts about the 'mind-control' parasite T. gondii; one of the most common infectious parasites on Earth, but it is also one of the most interesting to learn about, as it may affect

humans. Feb 2023


Life Expectancy - (return above) - Life expectancy at birth of the World Population. Data based on the latest United Nations Population Division estimates.

Conspiracy theories - (return above) - Conspiracy Web Sites, by Christian Cawley Published Oct 17, 2019; named Conspiracies refuse to die away even in this day and age.

and here - 20 of the best conspiracy theories - By Stephanie Pappas, Benjamin Radford, July 2023: From a faked moon landing to wild ideas about JFK's assassination, conspiracy theories and believers abound. and more positively these two - The best way to fight a conspiracy theory isn’t with facts, viz:


and - Fake or fact: how to recognise a conspiracy theory. Here’s how to know when to follow your intuition and/or look for more facts -


Michael Newton - (return above) - (1931 – 2016) Psychologist & Hypnotherapist, Author, Life Between Lives – His career spanned over 35 years and he guided over 7000 clients back to explore the spirit world during the time

between lives.


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Egyptian Law - (return above) - Historians believe that these laws existed at least 2000 years before the 10 commandments were given to Moses in 1490 BC, i.e. c.3,500 BC. The 42 laws given by the daughter of Ra, the sun spirit and Thoth, the god of the moon. (Here’s our 42 again!).


Unselfish behavior - (return above) -This has evolutionary reasons - In a new study (30 May 2022), researchers at the University of Bern show that animals that help others -selflessly- to raise their young generate an evolutionary advantage.


Shamans - (return above) - Shamans acted as the first professional class in human society - The names may vary — medicine man, witch doctor, holy man, prophet — but the notion of the shaman, someone who uses trance to

commune with the supernatural and effect real-world change, is one that crosses virtually all cultural boundaries.


Shamans Today - (return above) - Healing in African shamanism often involves rituals and ceremonies. These practices, whether they involve dance, music, or spiritual invocation, are designed to heal not just the body but also the soul. They emphasize the interconnectedness of all life and the belief that illness can stem from spiritual imbalance or disharmony.

Spirit Groups – (return above) - (see Images and Charts) This is my own chart, so do not blame anyone else. It expands knowledge given from multiple sources about the Seven Levels of development.

Emotional Characteristics – (return above) - This chart prepared by the author; obviously there can be interminable arguments about this; so, just see this as one possible view. This URL has some starter charts

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You may have noticed our list starts with the infamous seven deadly sins, which Wikipedia shows as actually eight after early struggles with semantics.

TV Sense8 - (return above) - Sense8 begins when the psychic connection of eight strangers of a variety of walks of life from different parts of the world … The first season, consisting of 12 episodes, became available for streaming on Netflix on June 5, 2015, and was met with generally favorable critical reception. ... The eight are shown trying both to live their everyday lives and to figure how and why they are connected.

Geraldine Cummins - (return above) -… Geraldine Dorothy Cummins (1890

– 1969) was an Irish spiritualist medium, novelist and playwright. She began her career as a creative writer, but increasingly concentrated on mediumship and channeled writings. ... She described human progress through spiritual enlightenment. The Road to Immortality (1932) provided a glowing vision of the afterlife. … communicated by the psychologist and psychic researcher Frederic W. H. Myers.

Myers - (return above) - Frederic William Henry Myers (1843 – 1901) was a British poet, classicist, philologist, and a founder of the Society for Psychical Research. Myers' work on psychical research and his ideas about a "subliminal self" were influential in his time.

Jurgen Ziewe - (return above) - Ziewe sees dream-like states as being another form of reality. By his own account, he has since 1975 had out-of-body experiences and interactions with interdimensional beings in other dimensions of existence, accessed via meditation and lucid dreaming. Wikipedia is always cautious!


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Jurgen’s main website with fascinating material. He has multiple videos on YouTube and some books, which are well worth reading!

Red Dwarfs - (return above) - … have estimated lifespans far longer than the present age of the universe… and may continue burning for 10 trillion years.

This is a very long time! and here Planetary Formation – (return above) - A tough subject as there’s a real mess while this happens over a very long time - NASA’s Webb Findings Support Long-Proposed Process of Planet Formation


and this one - What’s in that Dusty Gap? - Planet Formation is a Messy Process

- Adam Gattuso · September 2018


Gaia Hypothesis - (return above) - also known as the Gaia theory, Gaia paradigm, or the Gaia principle, proposes that living organisms interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic and self-regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet.

Ra Sun God - (return above) - Often shown as a powerful king with the disc of the sun above his head, Ra took many forms and names in his role as Egypt’s father god.

Cyril Scott - (return above) - The Boy Who Saw True, diary entry for 11th May 1887 (page 181 in my version). 2005 “… the sun is the physical body of a Great Spirit”

NASA Space Comms - (return above) - For spacecraft above low Earth orbit, NASA uses "Spacecraft Event Time" to catalog key mission events, like Page 65 of 77

science observations or engine burns. On Earth, time is measured by numerous atomic clocks placed in various locations around our planet. A similar ensemble of atomic clocks on the moon itself may be used for lunar timekeeping.

Soul Mates – (return above) - Wikipedia says a soulmate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, a romantic or platonic relationship, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility, and trust. Sounds like a pretty good description of persons grouping to become SuperHuman to me.

The Hard Problem - (return above) - … of consciousness is a philosophical problem concerning why and how humans and other organisms have qualia, phenomenal consciousness, or subjective experiences. … in contrast to the

"easy problems" of explaining the physical systems that give humans and other animals the ability to discriminate, integrate information, perform behavioral functions, or provide behavioral reports …

Negentropy - (return above) - In information theory and statistics, negentropy is used as a measure of distance to normality. Negentropy is used in statistics and signal processing.

Big Freeze - (return above) - How the universe will die. The cosmos will come to a close through a cold and lonely death called the Big Freeze.


Big Rip - (return above) - In physical cosmology, this a hypothetical cosmological model concerning the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the matter of the universe, from stars and galaxies to atoms and subatomic particles, and even spacetime itself, is progressively torn apart by the expansion of the universe

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Big Crunch - (return above) - is a hypothetical scenario for the ultimate fate of the universe, in which the expansion of the universe eventually reverses and the universe collapses in on itself.

Pastors with Jets - (return above) - There is something undeniably odd about the combination of pastors and private jets. And … Yet for many megachurch pastors across America, it’s all part of their “Prosperity Gospel.” This Neo-Calvinist theology asserts that things like massive wealth – as exemplified by, say, private jets – are apparently a sign of God’s favor. Let us see how they fare in the afterlife!

Fine Tuning - (return above) - Why Is Everything Made Of Atoms? The Fine Tuning Problem (46 mins). Toward the end (45 mins) it says “64 billion trillion to one” against the constants being just the way they are.

Constants - (return above) - A physical quantity that is generally believed to be both universal in nature and have constant value in time. … used in the foundation of modern science and technology from the Physical Measurement Laboratory of NIST (listing 354)



Cognitive dissonance - (return above) - is the mental discomfort that results from holding two conflicting beliefs, values, or attitudes.

Post-Mortem Journal - (return above) - Automatic writing by Jane Sherwood. This is the extensive diary of Colonel T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia 1888–1935), providing a realistic review of the immediate afterlife dimensions and varied responses that we are all bound to experience.

No Pain No Gain - (return above) - is a proverb, used since the 1980s as an exercise motto that promises greater value rewards for the price of hard and even painful work.,_no_gain Page 67 of 77

Made of Atoms - (return above) - Why Is Everything Made Of Atoms? The Fine Tuning Problem (46 mins). The particles that make up atoms jump in and out of “reality” in the most extraordinary ways.


Rumi - (return above) - Jalaluddin Rumi (1207–1273) is the name by which the Persian poet Jalal al-Din Mohammad-e Balkhi is conventionally known in the West. In the Muslim world he is generally called Maulavi or Maulana.


Observer effect - (return above) - .... the experiment's results have been interpreted by some to suggest that a conscious mind can directly affect reality. Wikipedia being cautious as always.

=== o0o ===

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Image 15

Images and Charts

Spirit Groups -

Seven huge Spirit groups given by the great masters, each with three levels -

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Image 16

Proportions of Matter -

Current Scientific Understanding (2024) of the Proportions of Matter in the Universe

A space telescope called Euclid has been sent to Lagrange #2 to map the heavens as never before, and somehow “throw some light” on Dark Matter & Dark Energy; we happily await amazing results.

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Image 17

Proportions of Atoms -

Current Scientific Understanding (2024) of the Proportions of Atoms in the Universe

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Image 18

Human Development -

Current Estimated Proportions (2024) of Human Development according to Rob Cimperman

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Image 19

Human Emotional Characteristics -

Positive and Negative Human Emotional Characteristics, whose developmental level makes up each human personality -

While these are suggested emotional characteristics, they still allow for 14 to the 13th power variations, meaning these are the varieties of humans around us, being about 800 trillion possibilities.

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Image 20

Random Chart of Characteristics (1) -

Random Chart of Human Development Characteristics – Chart 1

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Image 21

Random Chart of Characteristics (2) -

Random Chart of Human Development Characteristics – Chart 2

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Image 22

Laniakea-Perseus(return above)

Laniakea-Perseus - Here’s an image of the latest astronomical knowledge about the Galactic Clusters (32) of which the solar system is but a tiny part. The spaghetti are strings of galaxies, hundreds of thousands of them. Beyond this, there are at least ten Galactic SuperClusters (33)

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Image 23

Laniakea alone -

Laniakea alone - This image shows where we are within the Galactic Supercluster – somehow this really does not help, because these monster scales are hard to understand (32). This is about 520 million light years in diameter.

I have removed the color and converted this image to B&W for less wasteful printing, if that is your wish.

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