Traffic Rules and Control System by Anoop S. R. - HTML preview

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The Motor Vehicle Act 1989

An act to consolidate and amend the laws related to motor vehicles. The Motor Vehicle Act shall come into force on the 1st day of July -1989. Various committees like, National Transport Policy Committee, Low Powered Two- wheelers Committee, as also the Law commission have gone into different aspects of road transport. They have recommended updating, simplification and rationalization of this law.

In motor vehicle act 1988, some of the more important modifications so suggested related for taking care of;

a. The fast increasing number of both commercial vehicles and personal vehicles in the country.

b. The need for encouraging adoption of higher technology in automotive sector.

c. The greater flow of passenger and freight with the latest impediments so that islands of isolation are not created leading to regional or local imbalances.

d. Concern for road safety standards, and  pollution control measures, standards for transportation  of hazardous and explosive materials.

e. Simplification   of   procedure   and   policy liberalization’s for private sector operations in the road transport field; and

f.  Need for effective ways of tracking down traffic offenders.


In these rules;

a. “Act” means the Motor Vehicle Act, 1989.

b. “Agricultural tractor means any mechanically propelled 4- wheel vehicle designed to work with suitable implements for various field operations and/or trailers to transport agricultural materials. These type of vehicle is a non- transport vehicle.

c. “Agricultural trailer means a trailer generally left uncovered with single/ double axle construction which is coupled to an agricultural tractor by means oftwo  hooks  and  predominantl use for transporting agricultural materials.

Construction  equipment  vehicle”  means rubber tyred, rubber padded or steel drum wheel mounted, self-propelled, excavators, loader, backhoe, compactor roller, dumper, motor grader, mobile crane, dozer, fork lift truck, self-loading concrete mixer or any other construction equipment vehicle  or combination thereof designed for off- highway operations in mining, industrial undertaking, irrigation and general construction but modified and manufactured with “on or off or “on and off highway capabilities.

d. “Financiermeans a person or a title holder-cum- dealer who lets a motor vehicles on hire under an agreement of hire purchase or lease or hypothecation to the operator with a permission to get it registered in operators name as registered owner.

e. “Form means a form appended to these rules. f “Section” means a section of the act.

g. “Trade certificate means a certificate issued by the registering authority under rule 35.

h. “Non-transport vehicle means a motor vehicle which is not a transport vehicle.

i.“Category L-1” means a motorcycle with maximum design speed not exceeding 45 km/hr and engine capacity not exceeding 50 cc, if fitted with a thermic engine.

j.“Category L-2” means a motor cycle with a maximum design  speed exceeding 45 km/hr and engine capacity exceeding 50 cc, if fitted with a thermic engine.

k. “Category M” means a motor vehicle with at least four wheels used for the carriage of passengers and their luggage.

l.“Category M-1” means a motor vehicle used for the carriageand  of  passengers and  their  luggage comprising no more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat.

m. “Category M-2” means a motor vehicle used for the carriageof  passengers and  their  luggag and comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat and having a maximum mass not exceeding 5 tonnes.

n. “Category M-3” means a motor vehicle used for the carriageof  passengers and  their  luggag and comprising more than eight seats in addition to the driver’s seat and having a maximum mass exceeding 5 tonnes.

o. “Category N means a motor vehicle with at least four wheels used for the carriage of goods.

p. “Category N-1” means motor vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass not exceeding 3.5 tonnes.

q. “Category N-2” means motor vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes but not exceeding 12 tonnes.

r.“Category N-3” means motor vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass exceeding 12 tonnes.

s. “Smart card means a device capable of storing data and executing commands which is a microprocessor chip mounted on a plastic card and the dimensions of the card and chip are specified in the<