A Short History of Women´s Rights by Eugene A. Hecker - HTML preview

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527 A.D.

[Sidenote: Guardianship.]

The age of legal capability for the Roman woman was after the twelfth

year, at which period she was permitted to make a will.[1] However, she

was by no means allowed to do so entirely on her own account, but only

under supervision.[2] This superintendence was vested in the father or,

if he was dead, in a guardian[3]; if the woman was married, the power

belonged to the husband. The consent of such supervision, whether of

father, husband, or guardian, was essential, as Ulpian informs us,[4]

under these circumstances: if the woman entered into any legal action,

obligation, or civil contract; if she wished her freedwoman to cohabit

with another's slave; if she desired to free a slave; if she sold any

things _mancipi_, that is, such as estates on Italian soil, houses,

rights of road or aqueduct, slaves, and beasts of burden. Throughout her

life a woman was supposed to remain absolutely under the power[5] of

father, husband, or guardian, and to do nothing without their consent.

In ancient times, indeed, this authority was so great that the father

and husband could, after calling a family council, put the woman to

death without public trial.[6] The reason that women were so subjected

to guardianship was "on account of their unsteadiness of character,"[7]

"the weakness of the sex," and their "ignorance of legal matters."[8]

Under certain circumstances, however, women became _sui iuris_ or

entirely independent: I. By the birth of three children (a freedwoman by

four)[9]; II. By becoming a Vestal Virgin, of whom there were but

six[10]; III. By a formal emancipation, which took place rarely, and

then often only with a view of transferring the power from one guardian

to another.[11] Even when _sui iuris_ a woman could not acquire power

over any one, not even over her own children[12]; for these an agnate--a

male relative on the father's side--was appointed guardian, and the

mother was obliged to render him and her children an account of any

property which she had managed for them.[13] On the other hand, her

children were bound to support her.[14]

[Sidenote: Digression on the growth of respect for women]

So much for the laws on the subject. They seem rigorous enough, and in

early times were doubtless executed with strictness. A marked feature,

however, of the Roman character, a peculiarity which at once strikes the

student of their history as compared with that of the Greeks, was their

great respect for the home and the _materfamilias_. The stories of

Lucretia, Cloelia, Virginia, Cornelia, Arria, and the like, familiar to

every Roman schoolboy, must have raised greatly the esteem in which

women were held. As Rome became a world power, the Romans likewise grew

in breadth of view, in equity, and in tolerance. The political

influence wielded by women[15] was as great during the first three

centuries after Christ as it has ever been at any period of the world's

history; and the powers of a Livia, an Agrippina, a Plotina, did not

fail to show pointedly what a woman could do. In the early days of the

Republic women who touched wine were severely punished and male

relatives were accustomed solemnly to kiss them, if haply they might

discover the odour of drink on their breath.[16]

Valerius Maximus tells

us that Egnatius Mecenas, a Roman knight, beat his wife to death for

drinking wine.[17] Cato the Censor (234-149 B.C.) dilated with joy on

the fact that a woman could be condemned to death by her husband for

adultery without a public trial, whereas men were allowed any number of

infidelities without censure.[18] The senator Metellus (131 B.C.)

lamented that Nature had made it necessary to have women.[19]

The boorish cynicism of a Cato and a Metellus--though it never expressed

the real feelings of the majority of Romans--gave way, however, under

the Empire to a generous expression of the equality of the sexes in the

realms of morality and of intellect. "I know what you may say," writes

Seneca to Marcia,[20] "'You have forgotten that you are consoling a

woman; you cite examples of fortitude on the part of men.' But who said

that Nature had acted scurvily with the characters of women and had

contracted their virtues into a narrow sphere? Equal force, believe me,

is possessed by them; equal capability for what is honorable, if they

so wish." The Emperor Marcus Aurelius gratefully recalls that from his

mother he learned piety and generosity, and to refrain not only from

doing ill, but even from thinking it, and simplicity of life, far

removed from the ostentatious display of wealth.[21] The passionate

attachment of men like Quintilian and Pliny to their wives exhibits an

equality based on love that would do honour to the most Christian

households.[22] All Roman historians speak with great admiration of the

many heroic deeds performed by women and are fond of citing conspicuous

examples of conjugal affection.[23] The masterly and sympathetic

delineation of Dido in the _Aeneid_ shows how deeply a Roman could

appreciate the character of a noble woman. In the numerous provisions

for the public education at the state's expense girls were given the

same opportunities and privileges as boys; there were five thousand boys

and girls educated by Trajan alone.[24]

[Sidenote: Decay of the power or the guardian.]

Such are a few examples of the growth of respect for women; and we

should naturally conclude that, as time progressed, the unjust laws of

guardianship would no longer be executed to the letter, even though the

hard statutes were not formally expunged. This was the case during the

first three centuries after Christ, as is patent from many sources. It

is to be borne in mind that because a law is on the books, does not mean

necessarily that it is enforced. A law is no stronger than public

opinion. Of this anomaly there are plenty of instances even to-day--the

Blue Laws of Massachusetts, for example. "That women of mature age

should be under guardianship," writes the great jurist Gaius[25] in the

second century, "seems to have no valid reason as foundation. For what

is commonly believed, to the effect that on account of unsteadiness of

character they are generally hoodwinked, and that, therefore, it is

right for them to be governed by the authority of a guardian, seems

rather specious than true. As a matter of fact, women of mature age do

manage their own affairs, and in certain cases the guardian interposes

his authority as a mere formality; frequently, indeed, he is forced by

the supreme judge to lend his authority against his will." Ulpian, too,

hints at the really slight power of the guardian in his day, that is,

the first three decades of the third century. "In the case of male and

female wards under age, the guardians both manage their affairs and

interpose their authority; but in the case of mature women they merely

interpose their authority."[26] The woman had, in practice, become free

to manage her property as she wished; the function of the legal guardian

was simply to see to it that no one should attempt a fraud against her.

Adequately to observe the decay of the vassalage of women, we must

investigate the story of their rights in all its forms; and the position

of women in marriage will next occupy our attention.

[Sidenote: Women and marriage.]

As in all Southern countries where women mature early, the Roman girl

usually married young; twelve years were required by custom for her to

reach the marriageable age.[27] In the earlier period a woman was

acquired as wife in three different ways: I. By _coemptio_--a mock sale

to her husband[28]; II. By _confarreatio_--a solemn marriage with

peculiar sacred rites to qualify men and women and their children for

certain priesthoods[29]; III. By _usus_, or acquisition by prescription.

A woman became a man's legal wife by _usus_ if he had lived with her one

full year and if, during that time, she had not been absent from him for

more than three successive nights.[30]

All these forms, however, had either been abolished by law or had fallen

into desuetude during the second century of our era, as is evident from

Gaius.[31] A man could marry even if not present personally; a woman

could not.[32] The woman's parents or guardians were accustomed to

arrange a match for her,[33] as they still do in many parts of Europe.

Yet the power of the father to coerce his daughter was limited. Her

consent was important. "A marriage cannot exist,"

remarks Paulus,

"unless all parties consent."[34] Julianus writes also that the daughter

must give her permission[35]; yet the statement of Ulpian which

immediately follows in the Digest shows that she had not complete free

will in the matter: "It is understood that she who does not oppose the

wishes of her father gives consent. But a daughter is allowed to object

only in case her father chooses for her a man of unworthy or disgraceful

character."[36] The son had an advantage here, because he could never be

forced into a marriage against his will.[37] The consent of the father

was always necessary for a valid marriage.[38] He could not by will

compel his daughter to marry a certain person.[39] After she was

married, he still retained power over her, unless she became independent

by the birth of three children; but this was largely to protect her and

represent her in court against her husband if necessity should

arise.[40] A father was not permitted to break up a harmonious[41]

marriage; he could not get back his daughter's dowry without her

consent,[42] nor force her to return to her husband after a divorce[43];

and he was punished with loss of citizenship if he made a match for a

widowed daughter before the legal time of mourning for her husband had

expired.[44] A daughter passed completely out of the power of her father

only if she became _sui iuris_ by the birth of three children or if she

became a Vestal, or again if she married a special priest of Jupiter

(_Flamen Dialis_), in which case, however, she passed completely into

the power of her husband. Under all circumstances a daughter must not

only show respect for her father, but also furnish him with the

necessaries of life if he needed them.[45]

[Sidenote: "Breach of Promise."]

Under the Empire no such thing as a "breach of promise"

suit was

permitted, although in the days of the Republic the party who broke a

promise to marry had been liable to a suit for damages.[46] But this had

now disappeared, and either party could break off the betrothal at

pleasure without prejudice.[47] Whatever gifts had been given might be

demanded back.[48] The engagement had to be formally broken off before

either party could enter into marriage or betrothal with another;

otherwise he or she lost civil status.[49] While an engagement lasted,

the man could bring an action for damages against any one who insulted

or injured his fiancée.[50]

[Sidenote: Husband and Wife.]

The Roman marriage was a purely civil contract based on consent.[51] The

definition given by the law was a noble one. "Marriage is the union of a

man and a woman and a partnership of all life; a mutual sharing of laws

human and divine."[52] The power of the husband over the wife was called

_manus_; and the wife stood in the same position as a daughter.[53] No

husband was allowed to have a concubine.[54] He was bound to support his

wife adequately, look out for her interests,[55] and strictly to avenge

any insult or injury offered her[56]; any abusive treatment of the wife

by the husband was punished by an action for damages[57]. A wife was

compelled by law to go into solemn mourning for a space of ten months

upon the death of a husband[58]. During the period of mourning she was

to abstain from social banquets, jewels, and crimson and white

garments[59]. If she did not do so, she lost civil status. The emperor

Gordian, in the year 238, remitted these laws so far as solemn clothing

and other external signs of mourning above enumerated were

concerned.[60] But a husband was not compelled to do any legal mourning

for the death of his wife.[61]

The wife was, as I have said, in the power of her husband. Originally,

no doubt, this power was absolute; the husband could even put his wife

to death without a public trial. But the world was progressing, and that

during the first three centuries after Christ the power of the husband

was reduced in practice to absolute nullity I shall make clear in the

following pages. I shall, accordingly, first investigate the rights of

the wife over her dowry, that is, the right of managing her own


Even from earliest times it is clear that the wife had complete control

of her dowry. The henpecked husband who is afraid of offending his

wealthy wife is a not uncommon figure in the comedies of Plautus and

Terence; and Cato the Censor growled in his usual amiable manner at the

fact that wives even in his day controlled completely their own

property.[62] The attitude of the Roman law on the subject is clearly

expressed. "It is for the good of the state that women have their

dowries inviolate."[63] "The dowry is always and everywhere a chief

concern; for it is for the public good that dowries be retained for

women, since it is highly necessary that they be dowered in order to

bring forth offspring and replenish the state with children."[64] "It is

just that the income of the dowry belong to the husband; for inasmuch as

it is he who stands the burdens of the married state, it is fair that he

also acquire the interest."[65] "Nevertheless, the dowry belongs to the

woman, even though it is in the goods of the husband."[66] "A husband is not permitted to alienate his wife's estate against her will."[67] A

wife could use her dowry during marriage to support herself, if

necessary, or her kindred, to buy a suitable estate, to help an exiled

parent, or to assist a needy husband, brother, or sister. The numerous

accounts in various authors of the first three centuries after Christ

confirm the statement that the woman's power over her dowry was

absolute.[68] Then as now, a man might put his property in his wife's

name to escape his creditors,[69]--a useless proceeding, if she had not

had complete control of her own property.

When the woman died, her dowry, if it had been given by the father (_dos

profecticia_) returned to the latter; but if any one else had given it

(_dos adventicia_), the dowry remained with the husband, unless the

donor had expressly stipulated that it was to be returned to himself at

the woman's death (_dos recepticia_),[70] In the case of a dowry of the

first kind, the husband might retain what he had expended for his

wife's funeral.[71] The dowry was confiscated to the state if the woman

was convicted of lèse majesté, violence against the state, or

murder.[72] If she suffered punishment involving loss of civil status

under any other law which did not assess the penalty of confiscation,

the husband acquired the dowry just as if she were dead.


operated as no impediment; if the woman wished to leave her husband

under these circumstances, her father could recover the dowry.[73]

A further confirmation of the power of the wife over her property is the

law that prohibited gifts between husband and wife; obviously, a woman

could not be said to have the power of making a gift if she had no right

of property of her own. The object of the law mentioned was to prevent

the husband and wife from receiving any lasting damage to his or her

property by giving of it under the impulse of conjugal affection.[74]

This statute acted powerfully to prevent a husband from wheedling a wife

out of her goods; and in case the latter happened to be of a grasping

disposition the law was a protection to the husband and hence to the

children, his heirs, for whose interests the Roman law constantly


Gifts between husband and wife were nevertheless valid under certain

conditions. It was permissible to make a present of clothing and to

bestow various tokens of affection, such as ornaments.

The husband could

present his wife with enough money to rebuild a house of hers which had

burned.[75] The Emperor Marcus Aurelius permitted a wife to give her

husband the sum necessary to obtain public office or to become a senator

or knight or to give public games.[76] A gift was also legal if made by

the husband in apprehension that death might soon overtake him; if, for

instance, he was very sick or was setting out to war, or to exile, or on

a dangerous journey.[77] The point in all gifts was, that neither party

should become richer by the donation.[78]

Some further considerations of the relation of husband and wife will aid

in setting forth the high opinion which Roman law entertained of

marriage and its constant effort to protect the wife as much as

possible. A wife could not be held in a criminal action if she committed

theft against her husband. The various statements of the jurists make

the matter clear. Thus Paulus[79]: "A special action for the recovery of

property removed [_rerum amotarum iudicium_] has been introduced

against her who was a wife, because it has been decided that it is not

possible to bring a criminal action for theft against her [_quid non

placuit cum ea furti agere posse_]. Some--as Nerva Cassius--think she

cannot even commit theft, on the ground that the partnership in life

made her mistress, as it were. Others--like Sabinus and Proculus--hold

that the wife can commit theft, just as a daughter may against her

father, but that there can be no criminal action by established law."

"As a mark of respect to the married state, an action involving disgrace

for the wife is refused."[80] "Therefore she will be held for theft if

she touches the same things after being divorced. So, too, if her slave

commits theft, we can sue her on the charge. But it is possible to bring

an action for theft even against a wife, if she has stolen from him

whose heirs we are or before she married us; nevertheless, as a mark of

respect we say that in each case a formal claim for restitution alone is

admissible, but not an action for theft."[81] "If any one lends help or

advice to a wife who is filching the property of her husband, he shall

be held for theft. If he commits theft with her, he shall be held for

theft, although the woman herself is not held."[82]

A husband who did not avenge the murder of his wife lost all claims to

her dowry, which was then confiscated to the state; this by order of the

Emperor Severus.[83]

The laws on adultery are rather more lenient to the woman than to the

man. In the first place, the Roman law insisted that it was unfair for a

husband to demand chastity on the part of his wife if he himself was

guilty of infidelity or did not set her an example of good

conduct,[84]--a maxim which present day lawyers may reflect upon with

profit. A father was permitted to put to death his daughter and her

paramour if she was still in his power and if he caught her in the act

at his own house or that of his son-in-law; otherwise he could not.[85]

He must, however, put both man and woman to death at once, when caught

in the act; to reserve punishment to a later date was unlawful. The

husband was not permitted to kill his wife; he might kill her paramour

if the latter was a man of low estate, such as an actor, slave, or

freedman, or had been convicted on some criminal charge involving loss

of citizenship.[86] The reason that the father was given the power which

was denied the husband was that the latter's resentment would be more

likely to blind his power of judging dispassionately the merits of the

case.[87] If now the husband forgot himself and slew his wife, he was

banished for life if of noble birth, and condemned to perpetual hard

labour if of more humble rank.[88] He must at once divorce a wife guilty

of adultery; otherwise he was punished as a pander, and that meant loss

of citizenship.[89] Women convicted of adultery were, when not put to

death, punished by the loss of half their dowry, a third part of their

other goods, and relegation to an island; guilty men suffered the loss

of half of their possessions and similar relegation to an island; but

the guilty parties were never confined in the same place.[90] We have

mention also in several writers of some curious and vicious punishments

that might be inflicted on men guilty of adultery.[91]

Now, all this seems rigorous enough; but, as I have already remarked, we

must beware of imagining that a statute is enforced simply because it

stands in the code. As a matter of fact, public sentiment had grown so

humane in the first three centuries after Christ that it did not for a

moment tolerate that a father should kill his daughter, no matter how

guilty she was; and in all our records of that period no instance

occurs. As to husbands, we have repeated complaints in the literature of

the day that they had grown so complaisant towards erring wives that

they could not be induced to prosecute them.[92] A typical instance is

related by Pliny.[93] Pliny was summoned by the Emperor Trajan to attend

a council where, among other cases, that of a certain Gallitta was

discussed. She had married a military tribune and had committed adultery

with a common captain (_centurio_). Trajan sent the captain into exile.

The husband took no measures against his wife, but went on living with

her. Only by coercion was he finally induced to prosecute. Pliny informs

us that the guilty woman had to be condemned, even against the will of

her accuser.

A woman guilty of incest received no punishment, but the guilty man was

deported to an island.[94] If the incest involved adultery, the woman

was of course held on that charge.

[Sidenote: Divorce]

We come now to a matter where the growing freedom of women reached its

highest point--the matter of divorce. Here again we have to note the

progress of toleration and humanitarianism. In the early days of the

Republic the family tie was rarely severed. Valerius Maximus tells

us[95] of a quaint custom of the olden days, to the effect that

"whenever any quarrel arose between husband and wife, they would proceed

to the chapel of the goddess Viriplaca ["Reconciler of Husbands"], which

is on the Palatine, and there they would mutually express their

feelings; then, laying aside their anger, they returned home

reconciled." During these days a woman could never herself take the

initiative in divorce; the husband was all-powerful. The first divorce

of which we have any record took place in the year 231

B.C., when

Spurius Carvilius Ruga put away his wife for sterility.

Public opinion

censured him severely for it "because people thought that not even the

desire for children ought to have been preferred to conjugal fidelity

and affection."[96] As the Empire extended and Rome became more worldly

and corrupt, the reasons for divorce became more trivial. Sempronius

Sophus divorced his wife because she had attended some public games

without his knowledge.[97] Cicero, who was a lofty moralist--on

paper,--put away his wife Terent