Love and Lust. American men in Costa Rica by Jacobo Schifter - HTML preview

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It is evident that if the client and the sex worker do not speak the same language, they will have problems in negotiating safe sex, more so when they are both intoxicated. The most logical intervention would therefore be to teach English to sex workers and the other actors involved in sex tourism. It is just as important to teach Spanish to customers. The most professional mongers are already in the process of learning the new language, but it is less likely that the causal sex tourist will master Spanish in a few days.

María wants to take conversational classes that relate to her work. ―I want to learn how to ask for a

―chupadita‖ (cunnilingus) in English. I don‘t need to learn that ―María bakes a cake at home,‖ she says with humor. She also indicated that with a better command of English, there would be fewer frictions with customers and a lesser risk of unsafe sex.


One complaint from sex tourists is the multiple problems they face in the bedroom: not knowing the sex workersĺanguage, having difficulties with sex negotiation, shyness about discussing sexual practices and prices, cultural misunderstandings and alcohol intoxication.

To prevent any misunderstanding between the client and the sex worker an innovative approach was suggested in our discussions with mongers: to create a virtual character called Ms. Safe. This software could be installed in the hotel televisions. Once the client enters the room, the television will turn on and Ms. Safe will appear on the screen. She will serve as an English and Spanish translator. The purpose is to help the sex worker and the client with their sexual negotiations, especially when the two of them have consumed alcohol. The program -according to our interviewees- should include the following subjects:

Price and duration of the encounter.

Safe sexual practice preferred. Miss safe will not recommend any unprotected sexual practice.

Erotic language preferred.



Liquor consumption. Miss Safe will warn both users to limit alcohol consumption Respect for sex worker

The first step should be to create Miss Safe, an interactive character that would work as a mediator between the client and the customer. Miss Safe would translate phrases, provide alternatives, remind loggers of safe sex practices and would help overcome obstacles. Some sort of artificial intelligence should be introduced to allow more fluid conversations. She should express emotions through face gestures and should have a voice generator that allows fluidity in both Spanish and English. To complement verbal communication, texts and images should be added. Clients would be able to ask for information by selecting images in a touch-screen or in a game-pad. Both clients and sex workers would be able to agree on prices, sexual games and practices. Nevertheless, recommendations would follow on how to have them safely.






The program would include a complete user‘s registry to allow the generation of statistics on interaction, sexual preferences, communication problems and obstacles to safe sex. When Miss Safe is not able to answer a specific question, the program would direct the user to a human operator that would solve the problem.


In our discussions with sex workers, they suggested an interesting alternative to do harm reduction, empowerment and safe sex promotion. They proposed the creation of a Website and the publication of a magazine for sex workers and their clients. Mongers also were keen to the proposal, as they would like to have information on places to go, prices to pay, new sex alternatives and more importantly, a vehicle to learn and communicate with sex workers.

The website will help tourists, before coming to Costa Rica, on everything there is to know about Costa Rica‘s nightlife. It will allow them to chat with sex workers and to plan their future trip. It will also teach them about the problems that can arise with intoxication and drug consumption so that they can think of alternatives to prevent risks.


During the first RAP we asked about the acceptability of a newspaper or magazine geared to Costa Rica‘s nightlife. Sex workers thought they needed a vehicle to voice their concerns, to organize themselves, to get information on sex work and its risks, and to share their views with customers. They wanted the magazine to include also the customers´ perspectives, their desires, their expectations and any information they wanted to share with the sex workers.

Mongers also found the idea attractive as they are always wondering what is going on in the women‟s minds. In several sex forums there were suggestions to create channels to communicate with sex workers. Both sex workers and mongers have provided with a possible name for the magazine:
