Manual English Spanish by Xu Chima Pérez - HTML preview

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wears a new dress



*They ever

have money.

walk in the park.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

Página 100

(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

see her at the cinema.

speak in low voice.


*I have to study

every day.

*We must do our school tasks

every day.

*They play soccer

every day.

*You listen to the radio

every day.


*My parents go abroad


*We go to the beach


*I receive my salary


*I write a letter to my mother



*I study at home

most of the time.

*He plays chess with his friends

most of the time.

*Nitzar and Ditzko do not do anything most of the time.

*My neighbors’ daughter is ill

most of the time.



never be with you in hate.

*My grandparents

never smoked.

*My teacher is

never angry.

*Sheila and her sister are

never sad.


*His friends and relatives

often come to visit him.

*English teacher

often assigns tasks for weekends.


often get up early.

*The physical coaches

often require too much.


*Famous singers

seldom walk alone on the streets.


seldom studies on Mondays.


seldom present news without edit them.

*My pets are

seldom sleeping.


* Sometimes

I go to school on foot.

*I sometimes go to school on foot.

*We go to school on foot


* Sometimes

they are running in the aisles.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

Página 101

(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011


*They pick the trash up


*She travels to Bogota


*We clean the sewerage


*They receive a commission weekly.


*You are bothering

whole the time.

*That cat is sleeping

whole the time.

*My math teacher is angry

whole the time.

*Teacher is fighting with students

whole the time.


*Children are crying or shouting

almost whole the time.

*Her little brother is smiling

almost whole the time.

*The housewives are working

almost whole the time.

*Some old men court to young girls

almost whole the time.


51.1. Regular verbs/ verbos regulares

To abandon: abandonar, dejar...

To absorb: absorber .

To accept: aceptar.

To access: acceder, tener acceso a.

To accuse: acusar .

To acquire: adquirir.

To activate: activar.

To add: sumar, agregar.

To adjust: ajustar.

To affect: afectar.

To affirm: afirmar.

To agitate: agitar.

To agree: estar de acuerdo, acceder.

To align: alinear.

To alleviate: aliviar.

To amaze: asombrar.

To analyze: analizar.

To annoy: molestar.

To answer: contestar, responder.

To apply: aplicar.

To arrange: disponer, colocar.

To arrive: llegar, arrivar.

To ask: preguntar, pedir.

To assemble: armar, emsamblar.

To astonish: asombrar.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

To attack: atacar.

To attend: asistir (a un sitio, evento...), ir a, estar presente en.

To avoid: evitar.

To balance: balancear, equilibrar.

To bathe: bañar.

To beg: rogar, mendigar.

To believe: creer.

To block: bloquear.

To bore: aburrir, molestar.

To bother: molestar.

To breathe: respirar.

To call: llamar.

To calumniate: calumniar.

To caress: acariciar .

To carry: cargar, transportar, llevar.

To center: centrar.

To change: cambiar.

To chase: perseguir, cazar.

To chat: charlar, conversar.

To check: chequear, revisar.

To cheer: vitorear, dar ánimo.

To chew: masticar, mascar.

To clean: limpiar.

To close: cerrar.

To collaborate: colaborar.

To comb: peinar.

To combine: combinar.

To communicate: comunicar.

To compare: comparar.

To comprehend: comprender.

To configure: configurar.

To conquer: conquistar.

To continue: continuar.

To control: controlar.

To convert: convertir.

To cook: cocinar.

To cool: refrescar.

To cooperate: cooperar.

To copy: copiar.

To correct: corregir.

To count: contar.

To create: crear.

To cross: cruzar.

To cry: llorar.

To cure: curar.

To damage: dañar.

To dance: bailar.

To deceive: engañar.

To decide: decidir.

To deduce: deducir.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

To defend: defender.

To delete: borrar, eliminar.

To deny: negar.

To design: diseñar.

To destroy: destruir.

To detect: detectar.

To diffuse: difundir.

To discuss: discutir.

To disobey: desobedecer.

To distribute: distribuir.

To disturb: molestar, perturbar.

To divide: dividir.

To drain: drenar.

To dress: vestir.

To drown: ahogar.

To edit: editar.

To elaborate: elaborar.

To elect: elegir.

To embrace: abrazar

To emphasize: destacar, enfatizar.

To empty: vaciar.

To enclose: encerrar.

To encourage: animar.

To encrypt: encriptar.

To end: terminar, finalizar.

To enjoy: disfrutar, gozar.

To enlist: enlistar.

To entangle: enredar.

To enter: entrar.

To entertain: entretener, divertir.

To erase: borrar.

To escape: escapar.

To exchange: intercambiar.

To excuse: disculpar, dispensar.

To expand: ampliar, expandir.

To expel: expeler, expulsar.

To explore: explorar.

To expose: exponer.

To express: expresar.

To extend: extender.

To extract: extraer.

To fail: fallar, fracasar.

To file: archivar.

To fill: llenar.

To finish: finalizar.

To fix: arreglar, reparar, preparar (las comidas).

To flee: huir.

To follow: seguir, continuar.

To format: formatear.

To formulate: formular.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

To free: liberar.

To frighten: asustar, espantar.

To gamble: apostar, jugar.

To gather: reunir.

To generate: generar.

To gossip: chismosear, chismear.

To greet: saludar.

To guide: guiar.

To happen: ocurrir, suceder.

To harass: acosar .

To harvest: cosechar.

To hate: odiar, detestar.

To head: encabezar.

To heat: calentar.

To help: ayudar.

To hitch: amarrar.

To hope: confiar, esperar, tener esperanza.

To hunt: cazar.

To illuminate: iluminar.

To imagine: imaginar.

To increase: aumentar, incrementar.

To induce: inducir.

To inflate: inflar.

To inform: informar, avisar.

To inhale: inhalar.

To initiate: iniciar.

To insert: insertar.

To install: instalar.

To instruct: instruir.

To interpret: interpretar.

To join: juntar, unir.

To joke: bromear.

To justify: justificar.

To kick: patear.

To kidnap: secuestrar.

To kill: matar.

To kiss: besar.

To last: durar.

To laugh: reír.

To like: gustar.

To listen: escuchar.

To live: vivir.

To load: cargar.

To look: mirar, lucir.

To loose: aflojar, soltar.

To loosen: aflojar, soltar.

To love: amar, querer.

To maintain: mantener.

To manage: administrar.

To mark: marcar.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

To marry: casar.

To maximize: maximizar.

To minimize: minimizar.

To moan: gemir.

To mount: montar.

To multiply: multiplicar.

To narrate: narrar.

To note: notar.

To notice: notificar.

To notify: notificar, avisar.

To obey: obedecer.

To observe: observar.

To obtain: obtener.

To occupy: ocupar.

To occur: ocurrir.

To offer: ofrecer, brindar.

To open: abrir .

To operate: operar.

To order: ordenar.

To organize: organizar.

To overturn: volcar.

To owe: deber (relativo a deuda).

To pack: empacar.

To paint: pintar.

To permit: permitir.

To personalize: personalizar.

To place: colocar, ubicar, poner.

To play: jugar, actuar, tocar (instrumentos musicales).

To press: apretar, oprimir.

To pretend: aparentar, fingir.

To print: imprimir.

To propose: proponer.

To protect: proteger.

To protest: protestar.

To prove: probar.

To punish: castigar.

To pursue: seguir, perseguir.

To push: empujar.

To quit: renunciar.

To reach: alcanzar, llegar a…

To reason: razonar.

To receive: recibir.

To recline: reclinar, recostar.

To recognize: reconocer.

To record: registrar, grabar.

To recover: recuperar.

To recuperate: recuperar.

To reduce: reducir.

To refer: referir.

To reject: rechazar.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

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(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

To remove: quitar, remover.

To repair: reparar.

To repeat: repetir.

To replace: reemplazar.

To reply: contestar, replicar.

To reproduce: reproducir.

To rescue: rescatar.

To resolve: resolver.

To resort: recurrir.

To respond: responder.

To rest: descansar.

To restrict: restringir.

To retire: retirar.

To revise: revisar.

To save: ahorrar, asegurar, salvar.

To scream: chillar.

To select: seleccionar.

To separate: separar.

To sew: coser.

To share: compartir.

To shave: afeitar.

To shout: gritar.

To show: mostrar.

To sign: firmar.

To signify: significar.

To sip: sorber, beber, beborrotear.

To skate: patinar.

To smell: oler.

To sniff: olfatear.

To solve: solucionar, resolver.

To sow: sembrar.

To spy: espiar.

To squeeze: exprimir.

To stablish: establecer.

To start: empezar, comenzar.

To step: pisar, dar pasos.

To stop: detener, parar.

To stretch: estirar.

To strip: desnudar.

To stroll: pasear.

To study: estudiar.

To submerge: sumergir.

To succeed: tener éxito .

To suck: chupar, mamar.

To suffocate: asfixiar.

To supply: suministrar, surtir.

To support: apoyar, soportar.

To supress: suprimir.

To survive: sobrevivir.

To swallow: tragar.

“I love EARTH PLANET… And you?”

Página 107

(C.A.) Xu Chimá Pérez MANUAL INGLÉS/ESPAÑOL Año(s): 2007/ 2011

To talk: hablar.

To tape: grabar.

To taste: saborear.

To tease: bromear, molestar.