The Film Mystery
1. A Camera Crime
2. The Tiny Scratch
3. Tangled Motives
4. The Fatal Script
5. An Emotional Maze
6. The First Clue
7. Enid Faye
8. Lawrence Millard
9. White-Light Shadows
10. Chemical Research
11. Forestalled
12. Emery Phelps
13. Marilyn Loring
14. Another Clue
15. I Become A Detective
16. Enid Assists
17. An Appeal
18. The Antivenin
19. Around The Circle
20. The Banquet Scene
21. Merle Shirley Overacts
22. The Stem
23. Botulin Toxin
24. The Invisible Menace
25. Itching Salve
26. A Cigarette Case
27. The Film Fire
28. The Phosphorus Bomb
29. Microscopic Evidence
30. The Ballroom Scene
31. Physostigmin
32. Camera Evidence