2020 - A Simply Divine Mystery (About God, Country and Terrorism) by Lee Raudonis - HTML preview

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“To say the religion of Islam is peaceful, I do not think that is accurate… The Koran teaches that the end of the world will not come until every Jew is killed by Muslims. Now that is what it says in the Koran, written by Muhammad.” Reverend Pat Robertson, 2002


Toby awoke the next morning a little before 6 a.m. and walked into the kitchen.  While making the coffee, he turned on the small LCD television.  He was shocked at what he saw.  There were reports from throughout the country of violent attacks against Muslims, as well as some non-Muslims who appeared to be of middle-eastern origin.  With a map of the United States on the screen, the reporter reeled off the names of cities from one coast to the other in which the attacks had occurred.  After all of the cities had been mentioned and highlighted on the map- Miami, Atlanta, Charlotte, Washington, D.C., New York, Detroit, Dallas, Denver, Phoenix, Los Angeles and Seattle- it seemed as if the entire country had gone mad.

Sullivan finished grinding the special breakfast blend coffee beans, filled the water reservoir of the coffee maker to the six cup line and hit the switch to start the brewing process.  Then he went quickly back into the bedroom and turned on the large plasma television mounted on the wall opposite the bed.

“Tad, wake up,” he said while gently touching her shoulder. “I think you will want to see this.  It looks like the whole country has gone nuts.”

Tad stirred slowly until she became aware that the television was on and then sat up so she could see the screen.  Toby sat down on his side of the bed and turned the volume higher.

“For those who are just waking up, let me recap our main story this morning, and it is not a pretty one,” the middle-aged newsman said.  “We are receiving reports from throughout the country of violent attacks against mosques, Islamic centers and individual Muslims from one end of the country to the other.  The only good news is that, as far as we can tell, no one has been killed yet in the attacks, although there have been several very serious injuries.”

“Surprise, surprise,” Tad said.  “I wonder if Drake still thinks his decision to release the names and photographs was a good one.  Surely he understands by now how stupid that was.”

“Don’t count on it,” Toby replied. “Unless the director or the president gives him heat about it, chances are he will consider a few injuries to be acceptable collateral damage, especially if someone provides a legitimate lead to find the terrorists.”

“We’re just receiving word from James Camp at the White House that the president was awakened at 5 a.m., about an hour earlier than usual, to be apprised of the anti-Muslim violence that seems to be spreading throughout the country.”

“That’s right, Skip.  I have just received a copy of a statement by the president urging all Americans to respect the rule of law and refrain from attacks on anyone because of their ethnic origin or religion.  In part, the president says, ‘I am extremely distraught to learn of the violent behavior of some Americans against people of the Islamic faith and others of middle-eastern origin.  Although I understand the strong feelings of both anger and fear that the recent bombings have aroused in many Americans, I urge my countrymen to refrain from violence and allow the proper law enforcement officials to do their jobs. Please- Before you commit an act of violence, ask yourself, What would Jesus do?  May God bless our great country.”

“What would Jesus do?” Tad asked loudly.  “Where does the president of the United States get off asking Americans such a question? Do most Jews or Muslims have more than an academic interest in what Jesus would do? Do agnostics or atheists really care?  What is going on?”

“What do you expect?” Toby responded more animated than usual. “If restaurants, car dealerships and other retailers are using Jesus to sell their products, can you blame the president of the United States for doing the same thing, especially in an election year?  The sad thing- as I see it- is that Christianity is being so trivialized.  Because everything in the religion has to be explained in great detail and accepted word for word, there is no longer any mystery or majesty in the religion- nothing that allows a person to search for God in music, art, love or even science.  No, God only exists today in words on a page- and only in slogans. I’m afraid that if Jesus were alive today, he would answer the question WWJD with four words- “put the mystery back.”

“Wow, I can see that this bugs you as much as it does me, if for somewhat different reasons,” Tad said.

Before Toby could respond, Tad’s phone rang.  She reached for it on the nightstand next to the bed.

“Hello. Yes, Hakim, I’ve seen the reports. They’re awful. Where and when do you want me to meet you?  Okay, I’ll be there.”

Tad looked at Toby and said, “That was Hakim.  He wants me to meet him at the Islamic Center at 8 a.m.   That will give me just long enough to shower, get dressed and grab something to eat.  Do you mind if I take the first shower?”

“That’s fine,” Toby said. “I’ll have breakfast waiting for you when you get out, then I’ll take my shower.”

“What would I do without you? Tad asked.

“I don’t know,” he answered. “WWTD?”

“What?” she replied with a puzzled expression.

“WWTD,” he said again. “What would Tad do?”

Tad laughed and then gave Toby a kiss on his cheek.  “Maybe it’s a question I won’t have to answer.”


Tad arrived at the Islamic Center a few minutes before eight.  The entire center was surrounded by Muslim men kneeling on small prayer rugs that had been placed on the pavement facing east toward Mecca.   Hakim was standing at the front entrance.

“Welcome, my friend.” Hakim said.  “We thought that we should make ourselves visible and make it clear that we are a peaceful people who are not terrorists and don’t believe in terrorism.”

“I think that you are making that point in a way that is both peaceful and forceful at the same time,” Tad said.  “What can I do for you?”

“Hakim responded.  “First, please come inside.  I have some coffee if you would like some.”

“That would be nice,” Davenport said as she followed her friend- dressed in a light blue labbadeh with matching pants and a white turban- into the center and then into a small kitchen.

“I’m not sure that there is anything you can do for us, Tad, but you are the highest-level person in the government that I know,” Hakim responded as he placed two cups of coffee along with cream and sugar on the table.  “I just felt that I needed to talk to someone who might be able to explain to the people who have power that we are Americans and deserve to have the same rights as all other Americans.  All we want is to be able to live like other people in this country.  Most Muslims, just like most other Americans, are good citizens.  We have families and responsible jobs and go about our business just like Christians, Jews and people of other faiths.”

Tad could tell that Hakim had probably spent a very sleepless night and was clearly distraught by the recent events.  “Look, my friend,” she said to him.  “I am just a little fish in the big sea of government.  I tried my best to talk my boss out of releasing those names and photos yesterday, because I was afraid that something like this would happen, and you can see how much weight my opinion carries.  And the really frightening thing is that I don’t think the violence that has occurred will cause him to rethink what he has done.  And, even if it did, it’s probably too late- the barn door has already been open.”

“Is there nothing you can think of that might be done to protect our people?” Hakim asked with great concern.  “You can tell from the number of men outside that I am not the only one worried.”

Suddenly, Tad put her coffee cup down and snapped her fingers as if she had just been given a revelation.

“That’s it,” she said.  “You’re already doing it.”

“What do you mean?” Hakim asked.

“You need to shame the Christians in this country into recognizing that American Muslims are just as American and just as peaceful as Christians,” she explained.  “You need to contact the American Muslim Alliance or whatever organizations bring Muslims together and hold a nationwide prayer vigil– just like the men outside are doing.  Once it is organized, hold a press conference and announce that American Muslims will be holding a prayer vigil until violence against Muslims stops AND the people responsible for the bombings are apprehended.  Make sure that the television people take a lot of shots of Muslims at prayer so that Christians will be ashamed of the violent attacks against people who are basically peaceful. What do you think?”

“I don’t know,” Hakim responded.  “I’m not much of a P.R. person, but it sounds as if it might work, and I don’t see how it could do any harm. I think I’ll contact some folks I know in the Alliance and see if we can get it organized.  At least it is something positive we can do and it will keep us close together.”

“And another thing,” Tad added. “You might have the Alliance contact some higher muck mucks of the Christian and Jewish faiths and ask that they join in your ‘vigil for peace.’”

“I like it,” said Hakim.  “I’ll get to work right away.”

“I hope it helps,” Davenport said as she put her cup on the table and pulled some photographs out of her purse.  “Now, can I ask for your help with something?”

“Of course you can,” Hakim said.

“It’s about these names and photos,” Tad said.