Mystery Books
The Clevedon Case
I became mixed up with the Clevedon case—the Cartordale Mystery, as it has been called—in curious fashion. True, it was to some extent in my line of business, though I do not actually earn my living by straightening out tangles. With me it is all a matter of “copy.”
The Step on the Stair
I had turned the corner at Thirty-fifth Street and was halfway down the block in my search for a number I had just taken from the telephone book when my attention was suddenly diverted by the quick movements and peculiar aspect of a man whom I saw plunging from the doorway of a large...
Beckoning The Crab Man
(Deciphering the Frog on a Leash joke with bird talk)Eddie is a well liked amateur comedian in town trying to make a living with his stand up comedy. He lives a simple life and is happy with his career and taking care of his girlfriend Shawna, and yes, Silo the Siamese cat.One day a strange man...
The Man in Grey
It has been a difficult task to piece together the fragmentary documents which alone throw a light—dim and flickering at the best—upon that mysterious personality known to the historians of the Napoleonic era as the Man in Grey. So very little is known about him. Age, appearance, domestic...
Unravelled Knots
I cannot pretend to say how it all happened. I can but relate what occurred, leaving those of my friends who are versed in psychic matters to find a plausible explanation for the fact that on that horrible foggy afternoon I chanced to walk into that blameless teashop at that particular hour.
The Rambler Club Afloat
In the course of their travels, the Nimrod Club, a rival organization, is often encountered. The boys are able to accept the unexpected and often trying situations in which they are placed with a reasonable degree of philosophy. They are disposed to be forbearing, yet are spirited enough to stand...
In the Dead of Night
Hard-worked hansoms and goblin-eyed motor-cars spun along the smooth asphalt; jeweled women and carefully attired men streamed in at the light-flooded lobbies of the theatres. Electric cars loaded with pleasure seekers flashed clanging up and down.
Shadow in the House
On one side at least, the dinner party had been marked by a sort of ebullient reticence. Landis and Elsa had returned two days since from their honeymoon and were still feeling a little dignified and unique.
The Plot That Failed; or, When Men Conspire
Nick Carter stands for an interesting detective story. The fact that the books in this line are so uniformly good is entirely due to the work of a specialist. The man who wrote these stories produced no other type of fiction. His mind was concentrated upon the creation of new plots and situations...
The Boy's Book of the Sea
NOT the least remarkable of the changes which have taken place during the last hundred years—it is less than that, really—are those which have come to pass in the sphere of warfare; and the accounts of the battles here given show how different naval fighting is to-day from what it was in...