A Chain In His Hands-The Maniac With Chains by The Protected By Allah - HTML preview

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In The Name of Allah The Most Merciful

Whom We seek help from Him

...A Chain

In His Hands...

The Maniac with Chains

Written by:

The Protected By Allah

I could not believe what my eyes saw.. My life, oh my life!.. My position, oh my position!.. What happened?.. What destroyed the company's shares in this horrific way?.. What is this that threatens my social and family life?.. What is this that will drag me into the hell of profession and destroy my future and reputation as a successful CEO forever??!

I left the office while the life had darkened before my eyes and the world around me had gone black.. I began to feel despair creeping in with every step and hitting me with every thought. I rode my luxury car with eyes full of unhappiness, fear and pain. As for my car, it went too slowly through the crowds of the public street; it took advantage of my mind wandering in amazement while I was leaning on the car window, but I suddenly woke up to a voice crowding my thoughts left and right until it reached my mind saying:

- Uncle, do good to me today, and Allah will do good to you tomorrow!

I turned around and leaned back quickly toward the interior of the car at the sight of that beggar next to my ear. I was hastily closing the window in annoyance as my eyes glanced at the chain that bound the hands of that young beggar, which I don't think leaves him more than about ten centimeters.

How can he live with it?! What a strange message to me to pity him... Indeed, how they humiliate themselves and torture their souls for a little money...

But wait, I remembered how deceitful and cunning they are; They have taken their dignity as a commodity that earns them more than what honest work earns. They are crazy. They are mentally ill!

I smiled through the clouds of sadness on my face; Mocking them with this epithet that I had given them, when my eyes penetrated the blackness of the tinted windows of my car to see on his worn clothes a sentence embroidered in a stark color: “Careful...

Mentally ill.”

What??.. As soon as he walked away, I lowered the glass again to stare and verify what my eyes claimed... Unbelievable!.. I had just been saying that

"Mentally ill" is an epithet they have worn, and he's already wearing it actually! It's never happened in my life before.

I frowned in disbelief; Does this mean... This means that my luck has changed from a successful manager to another type of successful hunchback!...

I shook my head to shake this nonsense off of me; It seems that I will be the one who will become mentally ill in the end... I closed the window, closed off hope with it, and returned to drowning in my torment...

That day was the beginning... the beginning of sliding from the peak of glory to the valley of failure and bankruptcy, penny after penny, and into the darkness of loneliness. It did not take long until my services were dispensed with, and my CV was marked as a failure. I am the CEO of L. M .D; the

famous company, whose failure and declining influence were dangerously spreading.. What bitter praise..

Who will accept a failed manager?!.. Moreover, will an honorable manager like me accept to work.. as less than a manager?!.. However, the most important question is : Will the manager's wife, who comes from a wealthy family with glorious origins, accept to belittle her status and live the life of..

ordinary people??! .. The answer is: There was a quarrel that took place over a period of months until it ended with her pulling the girls' hands and going to her family's luxurious home in the hope that she would find a luck that suits her luck, as she put it!!

The final result - after about a full year had passed since that aforementioned day - was that I had become single, a failure, in debt, and tormented by memories of wealth, success, honor... marriage, fatherhood, and nobleness ... Alone in every sense of the word; After my friends abandoned me out of

arrogance and I abandoned others out of embarrassment..

I ended up walking in the market, staring with envy at the merchandise of the competitor which kicked me, throwing me into a sea of darkness.

"Wait and you will see and taste that the beautiful days do not last!".. This is what I was muttering when I heard the sound of chains being rattled behind me as I stared angrily at the storefront, I saw in the elegant reflection of the glass the ghost of a young man walking in four quick steps to pass off what I pass with one step. His feet had that short chain that almost made him stumble, had he not become accustomed to gripping it in a way that deceived hearts to make them forget that he is a tortured creature..

But how can he get used to this while I am free but not accustomed to what is easier than it?!.. Does a person get used to torment to the point that he forgets that its name is 'torment'?!.. But how can he

forget when the people around him are jumping freely?!

I ran without thinking to catch up with this strange creature, I was asking myself: What brought slavery back into our society, so that people would find it permissible to see someone in a condition like this and go about their work?! Didn't this arouse compassion in the heart of any observer??

Finally, he entered a door, I entered behind him to realize that it was the back corridor of an old mosque. I did not realize this until I was overcome by the reproach of the mosque, whose Arabic geometric features reminded me that I do not know the shape of mosques except in pictures that might pass by on the Internet by chance.

But let me forget this and follow the young man quietly. Finally, he stood in an isolated and dark corner to pray. This was the first time I had stood next to someone performing prayer movements in front of me, therefore I felt confused, so I stood in

the dark to watch this show in front of me; I called it a show because, by God, it was a show !

A man with his hands and legs tied, kneels and prostrates, and gets up quickly with poise, as if he feels that he is a free person, like a feather!

Although I have lost a lot of weight due to anxiety, it is definitely a sport that I cannot do though I am free, indeed, the reason is the knee pain that I suffer from, as I have paid my knees' health as a price for that company whose economy has collapsed before my eyes; that was by sitting most of the day behind that wooden desk, busy and devoted to things that had been scattered by the rebellious winds, like ashes flying in a storm of darkness...

The young man rose from the darkness of that corner, muttering a prayer to leave quickly before I stopped him and said:

- Wait a minute!.. I would like to exchange a word with you.

As soon as he heard my voice, he flinched and ran away as if he were a horse fleeing from a beast that was lurking in the darkness of the forest! But I ran after him, that is if my modest abilities were called running, but in any case they were sufficient to catch a person in a chain, so I grabbed his shoulders and turned him towards me. But as soon as I could see him, he screamed at me like a crazy monkey and start squealing and making terrifying movements with his face, spitting, foaming, and shaking like a maniac. All I had to do was leave him, dazed and frozen in my place, watching him leave, dragging his feet quickly, but his trembling seemed anxious.

Unbelievable! If someone had told it to me, I would not have believed him. That young man was just praying with poise and reading with correct words and clear calm - in comparison to this madness - so what can a state like this be called except sanity??..

And what can those screams and movements after it be called except madness??

In short, my curiosity was not satisfied, but rather it grew stronger and more determined.. I finally moved my feet while muttering:

- This is not a maniac.. This is not a maniac.. Why is he pretending to be?.. This is nonsense!

I went out, scanning the street with my eyes looking for him. Actually, some time passed before the residential lanes led me to the main street, where there was crowding, honking, and the sounds of angry or rushing car engines. However, at the traffic light they were there; The fraudulent beggars, with their blackened bodies, were humiliating to people, abusing humanity with these shameful actions.

I went forward in search of my wanted weirdo, I remembered seeing him on the street that I had previously seen him a year ago when I was riding in my luxury car. At that time, I was one of those he was pursuing, not the one who is pursuing him!

I went on, putting my hands in my pockets, observing the hands and feet, until I found him jogging as best he could to pass the cars before they passed because the traffic light had opened, he returned to the sidewalk, happy with his earning .. I asked sarcastically:

- Since when was a maniac to the extent of a monkey - which he tried to make me think- able to avoid cars with such poise??!

There I was able to read it; That same phrase:

“Careful, Mentally ill.”

- I will not leave you until I know the extent of this imbalance! - I whispered.

I spent some of my free time watching him until sunset, then he went first to the mosque and then to a destination while I still follow him.. All the way, he was swaying due to his fatigue, but as soon as someone touched him, he would start a wave of madness, then calm down at the earliest

opportunity... It was a long journey which exhausted me, not to mention him.. And yet we continued to walk and walk, and walk again!.. Turning and turning until I suspected that he was trying to distract me from him. In the end, when the call to Evening prayer was called, we were at that same mosque, moreover he entered and prayed while I was almost crazy, tiredness was dripping from me..

I really began to be convinced that he was mentally ill, going around and around, but I was stubborn enough to hide my opinion and insist on extracting his secret from his ribs!

Indeed, I continued to follow him from a distance as he circled for another hour before he finally made a new turn, but... A new circle began; We go around and around.. We go around.. and around to the degree that my brain was almost spinning, I no longer knew; Is he spinning because he's crazy, or is he going crazy because he's spinning??

Then I really thought that he was trying to mislead me, so I retreated to my house, but those events were running through my mind, I tried to forget them with difficulty until I fell asleep due to the extreme fatigue, but the image of his face with his crazy movements was imprinted in my dreams!

That night ended and nights after passed, then I was finally able to manage my affairs until I opened, with debts and with difficulty, a store that sells electrical appliances. I know that I chose expensive goods, but I wanted to reach the summit in the quickest way, even if by the most difficult means and with a thousand debts. According to my management plan, I must pay off the debts within nine months!!

Indeed, day after day, I built penny upon penny, as they say, and banknote upon banknote, until I almost paid off those debts and set out freely like a bird that escaped the clutches of a cat that was torturing it and displaying its fangs in front of it

with the intention of tearing it apart.. Yes, I will soon recover within - a year or two - my dignity and my honorable smile among the rich!

I could not be patient, so I started messaging my wife and daughters and telling them that things were fine, and that we would return to being a loving family, especially the waters would return to their normal course as they say, it was but a misstep in my professional life, indeed, every horse has a setback, and I will surely return to how I was and better!

It was a beautiful morning, with a warm sun and the smell of a beautiful spring. I walked with a good soul and full of hope, I greeted my neighbors in the market and exchanged conversations with them with a smile, the spring breeze were cheering our souls! I went to open my store, my employees were both waiting for me in front of it, they greeted me politely and were ready to work when I opened the store and came in. But when I did, there was

moisture in my nose, and the echo of the opening of the door ringing throughout the store reaches my ears; the reason is that my large store is empty!

Yes, completely empty, as if it wasn't stocked with goods yesterday!.. I couldn't believe it! I hit my head against the wall.. I must be dreaming!.. It must be a nightmare!.. My worker grabbed me and tried to calm me down to no avail. I ran into the street screaming like crazy:

- You thief... you coward... come and confront me...

you will not escape... catch him, people... catch him!

The neighbors stood around me in amazement, having just seen me beaming; So what tipped the scales and shattered the glass of serenity??.. But I broke through their gathering and ran without resorting to anything; I try the best wall to hit my head against among the walls of city buildings!

On the other hand, I also tried cars; Which one is better to hit my head by? From street to street I ran,

hoping that one of them would take my soul, but I think you guessed that my hope did not come true!

The reason is that someone saved me; I stood in the street defiant with my eyes closed when I felt two hands pulling me and throwing me to the ground.

The car passed quickly, throwing dust on my nose, I started coughing because of the dust and because of my tears that entered my respiratory tract.. Cough..

Cough.. Cough..

Darkness fell while I was still moving from one place to another, I think I had visited the entire city.

Finally, I stood at the call to prayer for the Evening prayer - especially I was tired - watching that aforementioned madman as he sneaked away to pray in that old, well-built mosque..

After time, he came out walking limply due to his chains, heading the same way and making the same turn. Of course, I followed him; Maybe because I was controlled by madness like him, I think maybe if

I let luck smile at me in discovering the truth of this, he will smile at me in everything!

The path continued for a long time... and at midnight, in the cover of darkness, he made a new turn, my curiosity breathed a sigh of relief when the strange part began with our arrival in a luxurious neighborhood of the city, but , we returned to turning!

Oh my God, is there no end to this?... Is this crazy person drawing infinite circles with his feet instead of his pen?!.. But suddenly, while I was thinking of hitting my head against one of the lampposts, I stopped doing so after I no longer heard the sound of his chains, and lo and behold, he disappeared!

I moved forward quietly, looking around, but there was no sign of him! He was just in front of me! Have the effects of mental disorder begun to appear on me?! I couldn't believe it; I wasted the important moment for which I had tormented my legs for two hours.. Now I have the right to go crazy!.. What's

more, while I was turning around, scanning the place with my eyes in the hope of finding a trace of him, my eyes caught something that stirred me from the depths of my soul, making me absolutely mad!

Yes... I read the name of the owner of the luxurious house that I was standing next to. It is him, it is that very person: “Maher Kamal Al-Aheeb”, he is the owner of the rival "Abdul Aziz" company that destroyed my life and threw me into the clutches of loss!

I almost lost my mind to the point that I really wanted to storm in on him from the window to tighten his throat and wreak my anger by slapping and punching him.. Yes, he is behind this wall; My tormentor is behind this wall; My life destroyer is behind this wall!

What should I do?.. What should I do?.. What brought me to this place?.. I was silent in shock when I answered this question.. Yes, the answer is that that madman had disappeared at this very

house!.. Why???.. Why? At it in particular? Did he mean that? Does he want revenge on me?

Or does the matter have a different answer by all standards? I wondered; is the secret of my rival's sudden wealth lies behind the begging of this man who pretends to be poor, while amassing wealth behind his back? Or is he himself “Maher ”

therefore he is amassing his wealth by begging, as is rumored about these fraud people?

But the stillness of the night remained silent regarding my answer, additionally, the house wall stood in front of my curiosity, blocking my senses from knowing what they wanted!

The remaining hours of the night went on while I was anxiously waiting for the answer. I went back and forth in the neighborhood urging the sun to bring its light, I passed the time by searching on the Internet for pictures of the Al-Aheeb family on their pages, and for every information I could gather about them. ..

The morning finally dawned and a new day was born, people emerged from every direction, each carrying their hopes on their shoulders, while I was light-shouldered and had neither hope nor desire.

He -the crazy beggar- also left among those who left before the place was lit, he got out heavily from...

from that ill-fated house!

I approached him with sparks in my eyes, my heart pounding with rage as he stretched and yawned on his way to his alleged work.. I looked up at him to find him as a young man in his twenties or younger, with an almost dark face or it was suntanned, his lips were soft and strikingly brown, while his black eyes have a sparkle of youth - I did not feel that there was madness in them - while his hair is straight black. In short, he looks like an attractive young man, but he certainly does not look like Maher, as he is very skinny, while Maher is a muscular giant, so it is impossible for the two

characters - who appear realistic - to match, even after makeup or disguise.

- Good morning, future Hollywood actor. If you applied to play crazy roles, you would become a star or a rich person!

He turned to me between yawns with a sharp look -

or sad, I don't know - and whispered:

- What did I do to you that made you insult me??

Then he started screaming, squawking, and running like a frightened chicken until he disappeared from my sight. I shrugged my shoulders, unable to understand what he meant, then I sat waiting for someone to come out of the door of that house.

More than two hours passed before a luxurious black car arrived and crouched down to wait for the gentleman, who needed nearly an hour to come out of the large door of the house, with his arrogant steps and luxurious outfit, I had no doubt at all that he was the Maher I saw in the pictures; this is my

opponent who, if hours ago - when madness was holding me in its claws - I would have grabbed him with my claws to tear him to pieces.. But now, I must adhere to the law of life and let him have his happy day in life..

Finally, after a long night, I started walking on my way home, after submitting to reality and accepting the fact that I had to start again planning and thinking for a better project, and who knows?

Maybe faster!

I slept deeply and sadly without wanting to wake up, to the point that my phone ringing was what woke me up the next day, I answered the call of Saad, the worker in my store, angrily, while he greeted me with an explosive tone:

- Good and bright morning, sir. I expect a tip from you!

- A tip?!.. For what??

- The good news tip... If you promise me a tip, I will give you good news!

- Good news??.. About what, boy?.. If the news deserve the tip, you will get what you want.

- The goods, sir.. I came in the morning to find them in the store!

- What??.. The goods.. You are lying to me!

- No, by God! Come and see for yourself and bring the tip with you as well!

Actually, I jumped out with joy, I don't know how I dressed, I stood in my store amazed; my goods came back.. It's unbelievable.. They did came back! But they were tied up as if they were a load that had been unloaded here.. I couldn't find an explanation for what happened, but my mind almost flew with joy! However, when the neighbors came to congratulate me, I wondered if the thief is one of them, or one of my two workers? Does he -the thief-

feel guilty after seeing what happened to me yesterday??

I immediately instructed them both to dismantle the goods and put them back in their place, while I was calling a company to install security devices against thieves.. After a while, Saad showed me something strange he noticed on some of the boxes of the goods: it was blood! Yes, splashes of blood on the boxes... how strange!

Did the thieves quarrel over returning the goods, or did someone wrestle with the thief until he defeated him and took his stolen goods from him by force??

I thought about the matter, I feared that if I delivered the blood sample to the police, this would be the blood of the person who helped me - in the second possibility - , by that I would harm him instead of rewarding him, I reluctantly forced myself to remain silent.

But in the evening, I sat with Saad and his fellow to find out from them what had happened during my absence during the two late days, they both confirmed that nothing aroused suspicion except that Saad finally said:

- Now I remembered something strange. I don't know if it has anything to do with our matter; Yesterday morning, a man who you must have seen at the traffic light came, that maniac, eccentric man who tied himself with chains.

Here I interrupted him, shouting:

- He came here??.. What did he say?.. What did he do?.. Tell me everything in detail!

- He approached the store shouting in a strange way, then looked at the place and looked at me, saying: “The owner of this store is Adel, with brown hair and gold glasses, right?” I answered him hesitantly: “What do you want from him?” He said:

“Maybe I will be the next mayor.” He squeaked and

shook like a monkey, then limped off, scanning the store with his eyes.

- That's all? Did you feel sane or crazy in his eyes as he asked?

- I think.. I felt that there was intention behind his question.. but it is just a feeling.. I cannot confirm it to you.

At that moment, I felt that I had arrived at something, so I quickly set off before the evening call to prayer to hide in that dark corner behind the chest of drawers in that mosque to wait for him, indeed his habit did not disappoint, so he came and began to pray, one rak'ah after the other, his chains were resonating with his movements..

As soon as he finished, I attacked him and grabbed him with all my might while he screamed and shrieked like the previous time, but I pinned him to the wall and closed his mouth, saying:

- Stop this clowning! You will not fool me, I know you are sensible, I came to find out why you came to my store.

He took my hand away from his mouth and said: - I also want to know why you follow me to my house?

- I am the one who asked first, so answer my question so that I can answer in turn.

- I don't have to!

- Indeed, you have; I will not let you go until you answer me.. Show me how you will escape with these chains if you can!

- Thus!

In an instant, he lowered his body slightly and almost jumped to hit my chin with the front of his skull, however because of the pain was severe and sudden; I could not stop him before he punched me in the stomach and fled gracefully to the door, he stopped for a moment and said:

- Don't follow me or lurk me again, otherwise something will happen that you don't like; I warn you! Don't take things as they appear, try and you'll see!

He left - I heard the sound of his chains - leaving me to treat my swollen stomach and jaw, furthermore to think about what I should do, whereas as soon as my mind told me to go to the lawyer, I immediately jumped quickly and fought my pain to my favorite lawyer, who is a brilliant lawyer who had succeeded in several previous cases for me. When I entered his office, I found him intended to close his office and go home, yet I stopped him and extended his shift for that day!

The lawyer sat quietly listening to my story before commenting:

- Yes, this young man sparked people's conversations for a long time with his strange appearance, the police tried to investigate, looking for someone who ties him up like this, but in the end

it was reported in the newspapers that they had found his key with him, therefore this was the evidence for his claim that he himself ties his body!

He was silent before he continued, trying to convince himself: -This, as strange as it is, is personal freedom!

I responded, protesting: - Impossible! There is a strange story here! I became sure that he is a rational person without the slightest doubt, in my opinion. I even think he is an intelligent young man.

Didn't they know what his family name was?

- No, they did not find any evidence of his identity on him, nor did he confess anything. He treated the interrogation with shouting and shaking, so then they transferred him to the insane asylum, but he was released with a report: One hundred percent sane!

- .. and he returned to his crazy behavior after that. Why would he do that? He is strange and I am ready to do anything to reveal his truth!

- It seems you took it very personally!

- Yes, because it is!

- He touches your person?.. How?

I replied embarrassed: - In any way... Now, as long as you are working on this case for me, what is your reading of my story according to your experience?

He sighed for a moment before answering:

- Well.. My attention was caught by your mentioning that he is committed to performing the prayers, indeed, this actually indicates will and precision on the one hand, and on the other - if we take it according to psychology - I think it means that he is in trouble.

- A trouble?.. Do you have any knowledge of psychology?

- Yes.. Or he is suffering from something really severe, because a person - undeniably - turns to God when he feels helpless, weak, and desperate for people, actually, this is what the righteous and the immoral do.. So I think that this may be evidence of his inability in something in his life.

- Yes, although I did not find this in myself, I am with you on this regarding another person.. What about the fact that he spends the night in a luxurious house?

The lawyer laughed and said: “We don't know yet.

Maybe he is just a servant, a friend, or a thousand guesses.” But you are very excited! Don't forget that these are just guesses and may not have any basis in truth!

- We may have also come closer to the truth... I know what we should do; We will take a picture of him, and you will search for the identity of this young man in Al-aheeb's family.

- I will perform your request.

- Another thing, I have a blood sample that we found on my goods that were stolen. Can you identify its owner using your methods, away from police reports?

- I will do my best.

I then went home, feeling that I had done my best to solve this strange mystery. On the other hand, the surprise was that a new mystery appeared: Why were people no longer buying my goods? Days had passed and no one approached my store!

I had to give up my workers and it got worse still.

Although the impossible happened; It is the return of the stolen goods, and yet I did not benefit from them at all, as if loss and failure were my fate from which there was no escape! One day I closed the store helplessly and continued walking, sighing, when I passed by a group of people and heard one of them say:

- Advice: Buy electrical appliances from this, this and that store. They are the best and others are cheaters!

I was too shocked to hear that, l realized the reason for the stagnation of my goods, but why?.. Why is this person hostile to me? I started screaming: - Lie!

I bought a lot from Adel's store, I never found anything you said!

The slanderous man smiled slyly and winked at the customer, saying:

- This is the owner of Adel Electricals Store, as you heard, he has started lying to you already!

I was embarrassed when I realized that my lie was completely in the wrong place, but I attacked the slanderer, taking him by the throat, we entered into a struggle to the degree that people began trying to dismantle us! But when I heard the police noise, I ran away, almost exploding in anger.. Why?.. Why?..

Why do they want to ruin my life? Why me out of all the merchants?! Why?

I had arrived at my house exhausted, I opened the door forcefully and angrily, when a piece of paper fell from the door into my hand, on which was written: - I told you: Try and you will see!

Here I went crazy as I remembered who had said these two words, I muttered in grief while holding my head:

- So this is the reason?!.. He knew about the lawyer.. But, this is a new clue; he is not ignorant; He writes well!

By coincidence, as soon as I entered my house and closed the door, the lawyer called me and said:

- After all that effort and time, the result was disappointing. There was no match with the owner of this blood sample. We will not reach anything without suspects.

I sat down, burying my head in my hands out of my extreme helplessness and despair. This is not the first customer to whom that slanderer has said what he said. My trade in this market has been destroyed.

Goodbye, my dream. Goodbye, my family. The waves of fate have thrown me very far from you. I do not understand. : Why does money rule our relationships with others??!

The next day, I went to that usual corner to wait for him during the noon prayer. When I was about to sit behind the closet, he jumped on me from the depth of darkness, instantly I fell, my heart also almost falling from fear! Whereas he started laughing, as soon as I regained my breath, I said:

- You amaze me. Are you always watching me so you know my movements??

- I don't need to watch you to know that you will come here after what happened yesterday.. I'm sorry that I made you think that I was so stupid that you seemed to believe it!

At that moment, I noticed that he was without chains this time, it seemed that the surprise appeared on my face clearly, because he said:

- They (the chains) would have spoiled the surprise, right?

- So, you are already restricting yourself to yourself?!

- What do you see?!

- But!.. Why?!. Who likes to torture himself?!

- I do !!

He squatted down, saying: - But leave me alone, why did you come?

I corrected my seat before saying: - You know... Isn't it unfair that you and your slanderous friend destroyed my business? There were a thousand less harmful ways for you to take revenge on me!

- No, I have met you with a similar harm; What you want to do to me by interfering in my affairs is equivalent to what I did to you now!

I was silent in shock, then I said:

- I can't believe you consider begging a job to this extent!

- Believe it or not.. This is my personal freedom, so leave me alone!

I saw sadness in his eyes as he said it, for that I was not convinced that it was the pure truth, but I said:

- I will leave you on two conditions; The first is that you tell your friend to stop being hostile to me...

He smiled in agreement while I added: - The second is to stop praying.

He rose his head up angrily and said: - And you call this stopping meddling in my affairs?!.. What do you have to do with my prayers?!.. If you are an infidel, then you want to drag me with you??

I answered him with pride: - On the contrary, it is true that I do not pray, but I honors prayer to be done by someone like you !

He swallowed his saliva exasperated and said sarcastically: - But why is a wonderful person like you completely deprived of it??!

- One day I will pray, and this will be better than a lying, deceitful person who only eats forbidden things.. You seek people's pity while you are rich?!..

What a thief you are!

His face turned red, he hit the ground with his fist while saying: - First: The sentence I chose (to beg) does not contain a lie; God does good to every person every tomorrow! , Second: God knows my circumstances, just as I do not eat any of this that they give me...

Then he was silent for a moment in shock before he said, smiling annoyed:

- Well.. You will not extract another word from me, you deceitful one.. Get lost!.. Leave the lawyer if you want my friends to remain silenent. And know, if you interfere in my affairs again, you will see.. You will see! By the way, the one who honors prayer doesn't neglect it, you liar!

I left smiling because I had succeeded in making him admit that there were circumstances that oppressed him; contrary to what he was trying to make me believe that begging was the ultimate thing on his mind!.. But I was also embarrassed by my argument that stood against me and made me look like a liar..

Actually, I could not find an option but to leave the lawyer. However I returned to my store after I exchanged my goods for new goods of clothing to avoid this that stuck in people's minds, then I finally returned to trade without annoying slanderers or spoilers.. What is surprising is that, unlike electrical appliances, my new merchandise flew quickly and

faster than what I had had in my mind!

Nevertheless, I still do not know whether the madman's friends spread good rumors about my goods and my store so that customers would accept me like this?!

As I remember, this was the last thing has a relationship to this young madman until five years passed..


In five years, my wishes had come true more than I expected, especially luck returned to my side. I expanded my business and opened several branches of my store. When my wife was certain that the future of my business seemed promising, she agreed to return to me with our two daughters, then we became a family after a long separation, fortunately for me, she did not find better luck !

Yes, my life has stabilized, then after I was final y satisfied with my business, I al owed myself to buy a luxury car,

note that I buy but luxury cars, I rode wandering around the city, proud and welcoming my return to my first place!

As you might expect, I passed that main street, I stopped in the crowd at the traffic light, there I saw him for the sixth year - since I first saw him - walking this street back and forth to the point that I think he lost a few mil imeters of his legs!

I began to contemplate how much he had changed; actual y the sun had gotten more from him, he became very dark, the misery was clear on his face, while the fact that he had abandoned his leg chain was sufficient evidence that he was exhausted, as it seemed to me.. From one car to another he reached me with his old phrase, which I think he says better, faster than his name:

- Uncle, do good to me today, and God wil do good to you tomorrow!

He rose his hands while I was looking into his eyes, smiling without moving. As soon as he remembered me, he lowered his hands and said:

- Hel o.. Can I talk to you a little?

I answered him jokingly, especial y since I was in a good mood:

- What do you think about me screaming, shouting, and running away as you did before when I asked you the same request?

But misery made his smile fade in the heat of that summer, when I felt that the matter was serious, I opened the door for him to get in, but he said in a low voice:

- No.. I cannot.. What wil people say about me if they see me riding in a luxury car.. I wil not get off their tongues..

- Okay, I wil park it and come to that mosque. Are you stil praying there?

- Yes.. but is it certain that you wil come?...I mean, I can't waste time today...

- Yes, sure. As soon as the crowding eases, I wil park it and come.

Indeed, I arrived at the corner within a quarter of an hour, there I found him boiling, he had thrown the chain at his feet, as soon as he saw me, he said:

- I am in urgent need of ten thousand dollars. Please, relieve my distress like how God relieved your distress previously..

I stood silently before saying: - This is a large sum, as wel as I know that you are a big liar, your job for years has been deceiving people, so you expect me to believe you??!

His eyes widened before he sighed and said, staring at the ground:

- Do you remember the day your goods were stolen?

- The electrical appliances? Of course, is it possible for me to forget?! I stil want to reward the person who returned them to me.

- Why do you think someone helped you?

- Because I found splashes of blood on the boxes, so I thought a fight had broken out over them.

- This is true.. you have already found the one who helped you, frankly, he is in dire need of your help! Basical y, I would not have asked you if I had not been forced, as you are the only wealthy person who knows about me...

- So you are the one who helped me.. How?

- I don't have time to explain to you now.

- Rather, explain to me now. Otherwise, what is the evidence that you are tel ing the truth?

He glanced out the door to look at the sun and then returned:

- I have less than an hour. If I explain to you, do you have the money to give them to me right away?

- No, of course.. Let's get in the car so you can explain to me on our way to them.

- But can we close the covered glass so that no one can see us?

I agreed with him, then we set off for a quick ride, although I was itching to see the upholstery of my new car getting dirty with his rags, but I ignored. We closed the windows and drove off while he began to explain, his face deep in worry:

- When you spoke to me - that day next to my house -

about Hollywood, and I don’t know what.. I realized that you had succeeded in following me the night before and that I did not feel you this time, but you gave me the opportunity to stare at your features to know who this was that was following me, later instead of... Going to the traffic light, I went to my friends to ask them about your identity, actual y they showed me the location of your store, as wel as I arrived I saw it empty while everyone was talking about your misfortune of the theft, for that, I went to a friend of mine -who sleeps during the day and stays up at night roaming the streets- to ask him if he actual y saw the theft truck, however I was shocked when I found him emptying his truck of electrical goods, instantly I

took off my chains and started to hit him in order to make him lose consciousness, but he dodged my blow, sized the chain and attacked me with; I had one, he had one, indeed we were about to kil each other, it seemed that the blood of one of us flew al over things were around.. Then, after effort and time, I had a successful shot which tied his legs after a long struggle, as a sequence, I caught him and tied his hands while panting.. However, I informed his father about him, who became too angry to learn that his son had stolen, afterward I drove the truck to return your life’s water to you.

He remained silent, swal owing his saliva anxiously as he added: “I don’t know if you believe me, but this is al I have.”

Here, I had arrived home and quickly got out, after grabbing the key from the car’s ignition; Because I am stil wary of a person like this, and yet I expected it to be a trick with every move. However, I brought the money, went up, and started the car. He said hesitantly:

- Won't you give them to me?!

- Rather, we wil go together to pay them!

He froze before saying:

- But.. this.. no!

- Why not?!.. By car is faster, aren't you in a hurry?!

- Yes, but I.. but you don't understand me... I can't have anyone with me..

- For how long wil you let him do whatever he wants? You have been tortured - as far as I know - for six years. So for how long?

He bowed his head and whispered: “I expect a little less than forever.”

I grabbed his shoulder and shook him saying: - No, this wil al end tonight!

He shouted: Impossible!!.. Please, wil you give me the money or wil I look for someone else?

I said without concerning : Look for someone else!

He was shocked and turned to look at the sun, then said:

- I wil not go anywhere.. It is too late; This was just enough time for me to go back..

He opened the door with disappointment and went out broken, but I pul ed him and said:

- Look, if you tel me your true story, you can take the money and move on, even if you took them for yourself. I was ready to pay anything to the lawyer to satisfy my curiosity!

Instantly, he bent down crying to my leg while begging: -

Please give it to me and I swear to you by your Lord that I wil come to your house -to here- to tel you as long as I can, but after this is over... I don't have time, please!

Actual y, I felt sorry for him and felt guilty, so I gave him the bag which he snatched quickly and ran off without saying a word.. Until that moment, I didn't know whether I did good or was stolen???

The next day I did not see his face, but what excited me was that he was not present at the traffic light, nor in his mosque either. I was wondering: had he escaped with the money? Or did this al eged blackmailer harm him and prevent him from returning? But in reality, I was pessimistic and mostly thought that he had succeeded in deceiving me in the end, and that he had actual y fled with the money, as a sequence I spent the day feeling sad and angry..

We were having dinner that evening when we heard violent knocks on the door, I went quickly to open it anxiously, to my shock, two policemen were there, one of them said, pointing his gun at me:

- You are under arrest on charges of kil ing the young man Bassam bin Abdul-Aziz..

The shock almost kil ed me, I found myself raising my hands in surrender in front of his gun while stuttering:

- K.. Kil ing.. but.. Bassam.. I don’t know.. a young man with that name!

He replied sarcastical y: - But you know how to kil him as wel .. Just walk!

- Let me at least tel my family...

- You're not going anywhere, walk!

I had no choice but to walk with them although my little three-year-old son came out screaming:

- My father.. Where are you taking my father???

We left the building hearing the loud noise of his screaming, my heart was breaking for my son to see me being punished for a sin I had never committed in the first place! We rode in the police car al the way to the police station, where I took my place in the investigation chair, with the muscular investigator facing me while smoking:

- How long have you known the young man Bassam bin Abdul-Aziz?

- I don't know a young man with that name.

He was upset before opening a picture on his mobile phone and showing me the horrific body of the young man with the chains whose name I did not know al those days.

His face was swollen, his hand was cut off, and he was covered in blood from his head to his feet with traces of severe beatings. I almost fainted from the horror of the sight, my jaw drooped and became stiff. My heart was beating violently as I was the one blaming him because he didn't come back today!!

I was interrupted by the investigator's hoarse voice saying:

- The body was found this morning in one of the al eys near your house, beside him was a luxurious bag with your name embroidered on it, he had written in his blood - the last thing he wrote -: My kil er is Adel Shaaban..

I jumped up and shouted: “It is impossible!!.. The story is completely different.. Someone is trying to frame me with accusations!”

The investigator answered calmly, exhaling his smoke:

- Your fingerprints are al over the body...

- It is not possible, as I only touched his arm!

- So you admit that you know him, so why were you denying?

- I know his face, but I don't know his name.. Now when you showed me his picture, I recognized him.

- What is the nature of your relationship with him?

- You know that he used to work as a beggar, yesterday -

the last time I saw him - he was begging me for money, actual y this is the secret of having my bag with him..

- ..and you want to convince me that you gave him - out of pure compassion - a sum of money that he needed a bag to carry?!

- This is correct; Because he was being blackmailed by someone, he was crying and begging me to give him

money, especial y he had to deliver the money before sunset..

I was talking while wiping my flowing sweat, my heart was shaking, I think for that he answered me while writing:

- Why do I feel like you are making up the story right in front of me?

- No.. No.. I am not lying.. I am tel ing you the pure truth..

This is al I know.. His matter was fraught with secrets, honestly I barely came up with what I told you!

My voice was cracking from confusion and fear. I never imagined in my life that I would sit on this chair. What do I have to do with crime? I seek refuge in God from it. But this was not the opinion of the investigator who put me in the cel to convey his report to his boss to make me then enter into an endless loop..

I sat on the iron cel bed and felt its coldness as I almost lost my mind. It is not me, it is not me who sits on this thing. What brought me here??

“Oh Gooood!” I shouted, my voice rang in the basement, the detainee in the cel next door shouted:

-We want to sleep here!!

I collapsed on the dirty ground, shaking, imagining my fate after that day. Even though al I did was be good to this young man, but my punishment was horrific. I cannot blame that poor person who was kil ed like this after years of torment, but what about me?! Why was my presence exploited at the last moment to tear my life apart, destroying my future and tearing down my reputation. I started imagining how my children would live with the shame that their father is a criminal, a murderer.. I started muttering: “Innocent.. Innocent.. Believe me, believe me!”.. How wil my acquaintances talk about me after today?!.. I wil become an outcast from the world and the society; indeed from al societies; The classy one and the lowly one though I am innocent!!

Tears fel as I thought of the almost endless time in prisons and torment that I would pay, perhaps twenty years of my

life. If I get out alive I'l be old; Prison has weakened me and misery has eaten away my strength and determination.. Where wil I go??

Oh my Lord.. Oh my Lord.. I gasped, repeating, Nothing in this world wil show my innocence, no matter what I say, no matter what I do, I have no evidence. I tried to beware of theft as wel as I thought I was smart and sensible, but how could a crime like this come to my mind to be careful of??

I writhed in pain, my ways had arrived to an endpoint, my tricks had failed, next I found myself taking one step after another with every helpless thought and disastrous tear, to saying: “Oh Al ah... Oh Lord... Oh my God”.. When the lawyer told me that, I thought that this rule did not apply to me despite al the problems and sorrows I went through, but this time things were different by al standards, in fact the matter no longer required determination or knowledge to fix it, but rather it became inability, impossibility, and restrictions that suffocate me!

I leaned against the wal of the cel , hitting it helplessly, sobbing in a low voice while black thoughts were hitting me from the right and lashing me from the left. After a long and terrible night, they dragged me to another investigation. This new policeman was different in his character, but the result was no different, unfortunately, my evidence and stories about this young man’s stories were of no benefit to me. For them, it is nothing more than words fabricated by the accused to ward off evil from himself. I have no evidence, especial y no one heard us talking in the car or saw us as we closed the covered windows and spent the meet in isolation; He got into the car from one place and got out from another.. So with which hope wil I continue tel ing my story?!

I spent two days in my torment, my wife came with a frowning face to the cel to speak to me from behind bars. I tried with al my abilities to prove to her my innocence, especial y since she knows my character intimately; It is impossible for me to commit a crime like this, or even to

leave a thousand pieces of evidence on myself, as if prison is my old dream that I strive for with al my might?!

I do not think that my wife completely believed me; Her look slaughtered the last remnants of my morale! As soon as I heard the sound of her feet leaving, I collapsed to the ground, hitting my head against the bars while my heart burning. How could I not, when the only brown lips capable of pronouncing my innocence had died?! In addition to his tongue - the key to my survival - had become a cold piece of meat lying waiting for dissolution..

I grabbed the bars of the cel , begging and whispering: “Oh Lord, no one can do it anymore except you.” But why would he help me? I myself did not help Bassam, whom I knew to deceive until he humbled himself and broke down, final y I gave him the money only while I had every doubt about him.. So why does God help me today when I am me and He knows who I am??!

But like Bassam, the needy and helpless person who was ready to give anything in order to get money because he

needed it so badly, I was also in the same situation; At stake, if you are asking, I was unable to even come up with an idea that I thought would save me, so I pray to God to make it happen for me. Perhaps the only thing I was hoping for was that the real criminal would make a mistake that would destroy his plan, which seemed solid, but he is not an idiot, in fact if I were in his place, I would get on the closest plane leaving the country from the beginning..

Therefore, without hope, I begged God and promised Him sincerely that if He would save me from this impossible, that the impossible would happen and I would use to pray and become a religious person. I believed even in those moments that God, with al His power, was not missing my prayer, nor did He need to do anything to obtain it. Maybe my matter meant nothing to Him, but my matter meant everything to me!

Stubborn hours passed as I heard the sound of the street, its people and its noise, al of them were Life, while I was

Death in this pale grave, with which even the colors had quarreled irrevocably!

My hand was on my heart and my tears were on my cheek while my ears were listening to the policeman’s steps in the corridor, getting closer and closer, final y they arrived at my door. Didn’t they say that the investigation has been concluded?!.. Maybe he wants to give me food, but his hands were empty.. He opened the lock while I was staring at him, our eyes met for a moment before he said:

- Where is the reward for the good news??

I rose up and said:

- Gg..gg.. Good news??

- Bassam regained consciousness and told us that his kil er was Maher Al-Aheeb, his stepfather, he proved also that your story was correct!

My heart jumped with joy, immediately I jumped to my feet as if I were a smal child who was not hindered by knee pain!

- But!.. Didn't you say that he died??? I shouted wih excitement.

- Yes, he was cold, moreover he was a complete corpse.

Even the forensic doctor signed his death certificate, furthermore his body was in the refrigerator for more than a day, but when we took him out yesterday, to our surprise, we suddenly found that his heart was beating weakly and slowly, before long the ambulance quickly pul ed him out to intensive care and treated him with blood bags. However, the doctors - due to his severe injuries - were completely unlikely that he would return to consciousness and were waiting for the heart to stop at every moment, but suddenly, just hours ago, his heart rate increased, and just now, I received a phone informing me of what he said immediately after he returned to consciousness!

I tried to say something, but my tongue did not move, I felt like my heart had jumped out of my chest because of the

force of its acrobatic jumps! I fel to my knees, shaking with happiness while the policeman caught me and said:

- Now is not the time for shock. Bassam is asking to see you as soon as possible. We have to hurry before he loses consciousness again!

Indeed, we rushed in the urgent police car to the hospital.

That time, I felt that the air was not cooler than usual, whereas that the world seemed noisily colorful!

We arrived at the hospital, ran up its few stairs until we reached the intensive care room, where the policeman there quickly checked on us and we quickly entered the room after. Bassam was dictating his wil to a policeman and distributing his property to everyone he remembered from his friends who had supported him throughout his ordeal.

As for me, I began to examine him with my eyes while he was wrapped in bandages, blood and pulse devices, and I did not know what. Only a part of his face appeared to be a

purple color after it had been in the refrigerator. I began to contemplate his miraculous tongue; His lips were already dead and could not move, but his tongue was moving slowly with obvious difficulty, we were hardly understand, but it was moving... Yes, to my joy; It was moving.. My eyes were fil ed with tears; A miracle happened to save me from a fate more than black!!

We waited for about ten minutes before the wil procedures were over, after that I could final y approach him. When he saw me - with what remained of his swollen eye - weeping, he said with great difficulty:

- For..give..me.. I didn't.. know..that this.. would happen..

I quickly answered: - No, no.. I understand that it is not your fault. Do not bother yourself by talking about something like this!

- I must.. fulfil .. my promise to ..you before.. I die.

- It's okay, I free you from him, man.. Don't worry about me.. Of course, I won't take your last moments away from you!

- These are.. more.. than the last.. I must.. keep my promise.. also.. do not forget.. what You ..promised.. God.

I was silent in astonishment; He says... he says... that he lived because of my prayers... unbelievable!, How .. How doe he know about my covenant with God??!.. I did not know what to say, so I nodded my head, while he continued with difficulty; this is what I understood from him, from what I read from Maher the Cursed’s confession and from what I concluded, I put it in his own words:

“My father was rich, but he had cancer since I was young, throughout my childhood he suffered from it, until he died and final y rested, mentioning the last thing he told me was: ‘Take care of your mother, you are her man’, not long after, he died, leaving his wealth to me and my mother..

Afterward, my mother married her cousin; she was young woman, furthermore I had no right to prevent her.

I did not like him at first sight, he has a sharp look and a huge body; He is a bodybuilder, what was worse was that he became the master of the house. I could have been able, in short, to be independent on my own, but I could not bear the idea of leaving my mother at his mercy completely, so I struggled to be patient with him and endure his annoying words and behavior for the sake of my mom; It was clear that he wanted to expel me from my home.

On one of the holidays, I committed the mistake of my life; After being patient with his hated words al day, I final y exploded, saying: “You say this while you live on my father’s leftover (moneies)?!” At that moment, his eyes turned red, and immediately he switched to the mode of practical abuse instead of verbal abuse.

He grabbed my mother violently and did not let go of her until he made me kiss what he wanted from him, al at once he began his wild and crazy plan from then on, which I think he sought to marry my mother - in the first place - in

order to implement it and steal - with al injustice - our monies.

Al of a sudden, my mother became seriously il , screaming horribly, however the shock was when he declared - in al insolence - that he had given her a diluted poison, which does not kil , but rather tortures, in fact it does not calm down except with a type of anesthetic - or medicine - that he has a monopoly on, and its the price was...

...its price was that I pay him fifty dollars as smal change every day, which I beg for at the traffic light while walking among people with chains, deceiving everyone that I am a maniac; The goal of this is to make it widely known that I am crazy, so that no one wil believe what I would claim about his actions and evil, especial y since I do not have conclusive evidence, and Do Not I try to deceive him; Because he watches me in the street..

At first I flatly refused; I am a child of luxury and education, but hearing my mother’s cries and screams moved me

against my wil , so I left studying and devoted myself to this false and arduous work.

In the morning, my mother used to rushe to prepare food for me herself and give it to me while crying and say:

'Forgive me', I used to say: 'May I sacrifice for you!'.. Later, in the evening, he takes the change from me and throws it in a cupboard he has dedicated for that and says with a mocking laugh:

'I wil fil it with the dignity of your father's blood!'

No matter how I tried to do plans, my mother was paying a heavy price for them, in fact she was forced to live with him because he was the only one who knew the cure, whereas waiting for the experiments to succeed - if she divorced from him - was not in her side due to the terrible quick pains..

As for me, I also do not dare inform the police; Not only because my mother’s safety is always threatened, but also because I have no evidence in front of the police, because

in their view she is a sick wife and he is a husband who treats her and tolerates her il ness.. However, he -as a husband- has the right in any time to travel with her away from me and from al punishment would threaten him..

So the days passed; As long as I serve him and obey him, my mother is fine, and if anything appears from me that he does not like, or he feels that I am thinking of resisting; So my mother spends her nights screaming and tormenting, or I wil be flogged instead.. As a sequence, of course al our money belongs to his right hand while I eat from his leftover food..

I think you understand what those six or seven years that I spent mean, and why I got real y crazy in the end and decided to venture into recording conversations using a smal old device my friend gave me, but bad luck befel me, or perhaps it was fate of the end of our lives..

After I started recording, I heard my mother say to him:

'Have your headphones gotten better or are they stil working excessively?' Here I realized that I was in danger of

him hearing my old device, so I tried to sneak in to turn it off and postpone the plan, when suddenly the door opened and he said: 'They've gotten better?! I can almost hear the ants crawling, I feel dizzy.'

I bowed my head and tried to pass quickly when he staggered and leaned on me to regain his balance, here he felt the device in my thin clothes, or perhaps he saw its shape when the clothes were tightened, so he grabbed me tightly and snatched it, unfortunately my situation was revealed in the simplest way..

Our night hardly knew how to finish, but the morning refused to end unless I was struggling with my aching body, searching for ten thousand dollars before sunset, otherwise....

God answered my emergency prayer, so fate brought you to me to see you after al these years! Later after I left you, I ran with al my might -to arrive before sunset- to the point that when I arrived, I could barely catch my breath..

I entered the house to find it suspiciously quiet, though, I found the cursed one (Maher) in the living room where I always find him, I handed him the bag over but searching for my mother to no avail, I left him to search the house for her, eventual y I found her lying on the sofa but a lifeless body with a blow on her head that had apparently shattered it, that happened because she had quarreled with him, insulted and blamed him for my sake; Therefore his mind could not bear that, so his mind left, and what remained of him was the madman who had directed a boxer punch at her that destroyed her precious skul , as a sequence, he knew that his crown had fal en, and that the days of blackmail -with their power- were over..

I went crazy to see her like this, I quickly left the room to inform the police after the forbidden thing happened, the thing that I had been fighting al those years lest it occurs..

But al of a sudden, at the door, I saw his shadow at the last moment as I was about to pass, indeed I avoided his sudden blow and tried to push him away from myself, but

this time he wanted to kil me; He did not attack me with a stick or a leather belt as usual. Rather, he was wearing gloves and carrying a long knife that he wanted to plunge into my heart.

I was so angry that despite my thin body, I was able to fight him a little, but the inevitable result was his; He grabbed my hand in the fight and cut it off with two spiteful blows.

By them, pain and blood exploded from a single source and I no longer felt anything around me except for a blow to my head, the last thing I remember is that I staggered.

(The damned Maher confessed that he then arranged to frame me for the accusation after he found my name in the bag, in fact he knows me, since I was the CEO of his rival company, L.M.D, so he changed the path of his plan to me, as I was an old enemy who had no objection to abusing him..

He tried to steal my fingerprints from the bag to print them on the areas free of traces of blood on the poor young man’s body, and since my fingerprints were already

present on Bassam’s clothes - when I grabbed his hand and shoulder in the car -; The police were able to extract my entire fingerprint, while they found parts of it on the rest of the body due to the cursed one.

In the cover of the night, he threw Bassam's body and the bag next to him near my house, heated his hand with warm water, left it to cool in the form of a final writing, smeared it with blood, and set off with the money he could carry to the airport afterwards.)

(Bassam continued) Now I suddenly regained consciousness to find myself in this state, I realized that what the white man told me was true, and that I had to carry out my final mission.. There is no god but Al ah!! "

- White man?

I repeated it inquiringly after I was indescribably affected by his story, he didn't know -when he promised me- that he wil made such a great effort to fulfil his promise and tel me his story! But instead of answering my comment,

his breathing became heavy, he convulsed, raising his gaze, his body was twitching, one, two, three... and then there was Bassam... there was awareness in Adel... Adel was sitting on the chair; He collapsed on the ground!!

When I opened my eyes again, it was to the sound of my wife's voice gently waking me up, smiling; she was congratulating me on my innocence and safety, while my children shout with joy: - Daddy is awake... Daddy is awake!!

That great moment! I am alive.. I am free.. I am a husband..

I am a father.. I am an honorable person.. An indescribable feeling, immediately I started crying, hugging my family one after the other; As if I woke up from a terrible nightmare to find that the world is fine!.. Oh my God, do not tear us apart. O God, do not give my wife to someone else. O God, do not humiliate my children by losing me..!!

The surprise was when I learned that I was the person to whom Bassam had been entrusted - in his wil - to distribute his estate according to the wil ; because he has

no heir, and what is most surprising is that I had a share of the heirloom; Bassam mentioned that this is compensation for what he caused me!

I have to say that he was an outstanding young man with remarkable manners and amazingly nice to his mother!! It is enough praise for Bassam that he saved me the day my goods were stolen, even though he had only just gotten to know me! So how should I praise him now that he has al ocated the proceeds of his Abdul-Aziz Company, which was controlled by the damned Maher and which I previously mentioned was the rival company - al ocated its proceeds to charity and helping the needy?! And guess who I appointed as its CEO.. It is me, surely, and I accepted my CV and interested in it!!!

But real y, it saddens my heart that that savage destroyed Bassam’s youth without mercy because of his selfishness and petty envy.. Indeed, we were so thril ed and happy when we learned that they had arrested him -the cursed

Maher- at the airport of his destination thought himself clever, but God made his end ridiculous!

The matter is that the plane ride was long for a man who had been insomniac for two nights; Therefore his criminal eyes fel asleep for a moment, while his tongue slipped under the weight of the stings of guilt, he got muttering in his sleep! Thanks to the passengers' information and the cameras recording; The police stopped him there until they verified his identity via contacting his country as to whether he was a fugitive criminal, especial y since they found that he was carrying money and woman jewels, this was hours after Bassam’s death, so our police immediately informed them of the crime he had committed against Bassam and his mother, so they drived him back by plane to here where he stood in the court; Fortunately he was sentenced to forty years in prison, including fifteen years of hard labor! Regarding his age, this is definitely a lifelong prison sentence, thank God a thousand thanks!!

Oh my God, does Bassam know of the revenge that wil be exacted on his stepfather for his sake? I wish his soul could see it and heal its grief by watching his stepfather's torment, especial y this cursed man spent years having fun, seeing Bassam frying in the sun..

Later, when I entered the house that I had stood facing its solid wal on that day; I entered it today as an agent to prepare it for sale, then distribute its price to the names of the wil . I contemplated it and began to imagine the crazy stories that these wal s had witnessed, but now it was as stil as its owner, whom we found stil crouching on the sofa; There at the door of the room was a pool of her son’s blood covering the floor in a horrific way, tel ing a story with the damned's footprints when he was walking his plan to trap me.

Also, I arrived at that closet in which the torment of six or seven years was stored, fil ed with hundreds and hundreds of change, wrapped in Bassam’s rags in each group while frayed chains hanging from them.. Oh God!.. How could

Bassam bear al this black hatred that was poured upon him for no reason, nor mercy??!

Of course, I distributed the money, which amounted to fifteen thousand five hundred dollars, to the needy in particular, with the intention of their givers who had previously expressed compassion to Bassam with it; Thinking that he was in need, but now the money has reached the right hands, may God forgive you and excuse you, Bassam!!

In conclusion, I say that I have continued to pray for mercy on my poor friend in every prayer after I shed tears of gratitude to the Most Merciful God; Whenever I remember how he saved me with his miracle that is impossible to understand to al scientists and doctors, that miracle which made a dying heart beat in a refrigerator !!!!!!!!

...Done thanks to God Almighty...

Note: The idea of the miraculous return of Bassam’s pulse was based on two real-life stories in which the dead person’s heart returned to beating after resting in the refrigerator, and after his blood was lost due to being hit on the head! In fact, the victim lived until the moment of writing these lines. Glory be to Him who has power over al things!

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  • Taking It on the Lam
    Taking It on the Lam Mystery by Edward Drobinski
    Taking It on the Lam
    Taking It on the Lam



    Feb 2025

    In the 1940’s a convicted Post Office robber is given an extraordinarily stiff sentence. Then he seems to be encouraged by the authorities to make a break fro...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT

  • Friday's Fade
    Friday's Fade Mystery by Ismail "Ish" Rashad
    Friday's Fade
    Friday's Fade



    Feb 2025

    Fridays fade, but Friday's Fade is forever. Astrid Draven Evers had it all: a bright future, loyal friends, and a budding romance with Julian. But everything ...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT

  • I Woke Next to the Corpse
    I Woke Next to the Corpse Mystery by Edward Drobinski
    I Woke Next to the Corpse
    I Woke Next to the Corpse



    Feb 2025

    Minorly and disinterestedly connected sap is set up for a murder. Waiting for death to arrive, he drifts through various thoughts including but not only who m...

    Formats: PDF, Epub, Kindle, TXT