A Dread in the Spine by Akintayo Akinjide - HTML preview

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8 Meddlers

There is this wait that can get on ones nerve, and if not watched, would ruin every accolade that one had gotten for being patient. Nosa impatiently kept a tab on the time and kept glancing at Shayla.

'Eat your food. Staring at the time wouldn't make everything resolve itself and would do you no good'.

'Your man said Joana hadn't come out since, and that's disturbing'.

'I told you they are good'.

'Please, let me go. Have I not fallen in love with the wrong woman like this?' Nosa said and sighed.

'Yes. You have fallen in love with a bloody wrong woman. How will you leave me for weeks and want to go before a new day, are you sick?'

'But you understand what's happening'.

'Story for the gods'.

'I need to see the other case. The new missing person'.

'I told you the police were at her place. Her case wasn't consistent with the others. She left home and wasn't found. You're not eating'.

He glanced at his food and winked at her. 'You know my mind is not here. I want to be out there, chasing every lead and clue'.

'I know and I also know this might be the last time I'll see you. So, no. Eat. Now'.

He sighed and fiddled with the food. Like Jesus, whose food wasn't meat and drink, but to do his father's will, Nosa's food wasn't yam and egg and tea; it was to feed on the grumpiness of some people; ask numerous irritating and accusative questions, and find out about the vilest of the thoughts of men. He shrugged and ate his food slowly, picking it as if it was laden with worms. He rose and Shayla's hand flew to the pistol she laid on the table.

'It's ten'.

She glanced at the food. 'You've not finished eating'.

He shook his head, took his key, and stormed into the room, and returned. 'If you're the man of the house then I would remain here. Did you woo me or did I?'

'Nosa, don't try it. Being huge or stubborn doesn't open the door. It's only the one with the key. Even if this door isn't locked, I'm the free passage to wherever you're going'.

The moment his hand touched the doorknob, a bullet scraped the edge of the door, a few inches from his hand.

'What's this?'

She shrugged and glanced at the food. 'I know you love me, and won't make me hurt you, but you have given me the go-ahead to always do this to you. Why are you always heady?'

'I need to go to find this woman'.

'No, you don't need to do anything. You're acting as if this case is your hemoglobin as if you can't live without it'.

He dragged the seat, collapsed into it, and stabbed his fork into the food and made noise with it. There was no way he would definitely obey her. The food would probably be sweet since she was a good cook, but his appetite had traded place with his inquisitiveness. The food was an insurmountable obstacle. The more he tried to push them into his mouth, the more he felt the urge to leave the house.

She dropped the gun on the floor in anger as she hopped out of her seat. The gun clattered for a while as her chair screeched and collapsed.

'I'm tired of you', she yelled and skipped near him as if her legs were on fire. 'Did I say you should love me? Why did I ever meet you? Maybe I wouldn't be worked up because of you? Simple food', she lamented and her voice began to break as tears clambered down her eyes. 'You treat me like a piece of shit'.

He rose and moved near her, but she withdrew. 'Don't you dare touch me'.

'I will eat', he said and sat. 'See. I'm eating'.

She continued crying as he gulped down the food. There was no way he would allow her to hold him down with something that could simply be solved by heeding to her desire. She kept hinting her approval at every swallow he had. The moment he finished eating, she went down on her knees and clasped her hands. 'I'm sorry'.

He stared at her disgustedly. She tried to hold his hand, but his cold glare made her withdraw it. He rose and went to get his stuff. She crawled towards him and tugged at his trouser. He gritted and glanced away. What could he do with her? She knew just how to pacify him. Their time together should have taught him that, but he still always fell into her trap. He rubbed her head, scattering her hair, and kissed her forehead.

'I've got to go'.

'I know…'

Her phone beeped. She sighed dejectedly and nodded as Nosa headed for the door. The journey from the boat to the beach felt like an eternity. He kept ruminating over everything she told him. He didn't even consider the cool breeze that trailed after him. There must be a way to solve this mystery without him losing contact with everyone that could help him solve the case. Even if Joana wasn't missing, she was still partially useless. What could make someone keep forgetting things?

The moment he got to the land, he rushed to his car and sped off. He contacted his computer analysts and informed them about the missing Joana, and how they must help her also. He then proceeded to try to contact Chloe, who said she was with Mummy Church and asked him to make sure he came home for Christmas. He felt happy that she had detached herself from his father, and was with someone that could really help her loose herself from the tendrils she had wrapped herself.

The problem now was that his analysts were right. There was no way anyone could have known where he was or even what he discussed with Joana if he wasn't bugged. They must have really bugged his phone and he would go to the end of the world to ensure he discovered who they were. How could they know he would be on the case? That means the person was either from Mr. Johnson's case or Joana was lying about her not telling anyone except him.

'Please, please get out of the way', he murmured. The happiness from meeting Moriah the previous day was still lingering within his bones, and he wouldn't allow anyone take the opportunity from him.

The car in front of him belonged to a learner, who kept to the middle of the road. Nosa honked repeatedly and hoped his anger wouldn't take over his desire to remain happy. There was no way he would allow anyone tamper with his crime scene. Crime scenes were like February 29; one would have to wait for an eternity before one could get a better clue.

When he got to Joana's house, upon entering the compound and being directed to Joana's place, he met her house had been scattered. He looked around for anybody to tell him what happened there, but no one was available to help him.

Seeing that he had no choice than to advance into the house, he withdrew his gun and proceeded to his house. The silence of the compound, as well as the graveness of the massive house, made him aware that it would be foolish to make any noise. He wondered how she coped living in such house alone. Yet, she would never in her right mind leave the house empty, and the door ajar.

He entered the compound and searched everywhere. Her clothes were all scattered on the ground. The objects in the house were scattered. In his quest for finding any evidence at all, he saw something in the mirror. Quickly, he withdrew to the passage, to a vantage point, to a place no one would suddenly jump on him. The mirror reflected someone's leg.

'Come out gently with your hand in the air'.

The room's door creaked, then the person slowly walked out with both hands in the air.

'Police. Who are you?' Nosa shouted from where he was.

'Boss. Please, please. I swear. I just needed the money'.

'What money? Were you here to steal?'

'I swear'.

'I don't believe you. Who are you?'

Nosa moved towards the room, but the man was faster. He hurriedly locked the door and held the doorknob with something bulky. Nosa pushed, groaned and pushed, but the door didn't budge. The only thing he heard was that of the person breaking a window and jumping out. He got a glimpse of the thief the moment he opened the door. He rushed through the door and sped after the man into the bushes behind the house. When he got there, he met the bush settling after being rattled. Nosa followed the man into the bush, determined to catch him, but had to stop because it would be a fruitless effort just like searching for a needle in a sea.

He sighed, marched towards his car, and dialed Raphael's number. They were friends from childhood. The womanizer just happened to be available at the right time for him and had been instrumental in making things work fast at the moment.

'Raph, her house was just burgled by someone'.

'That's serious. Thank God I called you for her safety'.

'I didn't take her serious at first. Thanks to you, I did now'.

'She has done her crazy testimony. Oh God! How did I ever fall in love with her? She must change. I'm not sure I can keep up with this her newly found love for God. People love God and don't die for it. Her own is worse'.

Nosa chuckled. 'Raph…That's your cross to bear. Beauty is in the eyes of the beer-holder. Tell her I said "hi"'.

'Remember, we don't want anybody to know'.

'Brother, let them know. Everything is frustrating'.

'Remember your phone is hacked'.

He assumed that if he changed his sim card into another phone the person wouldn't get access to his calls, but getting to Joana's place had proven him wrong.

'I know. Let the idiot. You, idiot, listening at the other end. I will catch you'.

Raphael sigh. 'Guy, that's reckless. I miss Moriah. How far with the investigation? You should have gotten a lot by now'.

'Nothing. Raph. My mistress held me at a gun point'.

'Bad guy. Shayla is a stubborn girl. She isn't a bottle of urine. You should go gentle on her. Oh God!'

'What's that?'

'I just mentioned her name'.

Nosa started his car. 'You don't want to try her. Whoever is hacking my phone should be careful. Nobody dares try her. She's a legal tyrant. She can kill at the blink of the eyes'.

'By the way, Chloe called.'

'Why are you telling me? Were you not her best friend?'

'I was until that naughty Irene became closer. And I told that naughty one too to let's have fun before she traveled. That adamant idiot. I miss them all. I miss…' Raphael said and paused.

Nosa knew who he wanted to say, but didn't encourage him to talk further because he might spill the beans about Moriah's resurfacing.

'When last did you hear from Irene herself?' He said as he drove off and plugged his earpieces into the phone.

'Irene? Four days ago. We are not as close as I am with Chloe. But Chloe just snoozed off and forgot everyone for one week. She only says hi…hi now'.

'Irene is dead'.

'Wawu! Jah!’

'See, I have to go. The fact is, Chloe is withdrawing to herself again. Talk to her'.

'I will. Oh! Fine, Coke body Irene is dead'.


Chloe arranged everything the night before. Her father-in-law would be duly taken care by one of the house-helps she paid a lot. They had designated time to come but for the period of his stay, they would attend to him like the king he was.

Against the one-handed Mummy Church's cry, she called the police and paid them to watch Agnes. The DPO promised to send two guys the next morning. So, she drove off to her land, where she slept over. She got a video recorder for her and some food items to make her comfortable. Then, she informed the policemen assigned to her that she was on the move. They hinted her that she had just been followed.

When she got to the door of the building Agnes was staying, she looked about and gave a thumbs-up to the policemen in hiding. Sighing, she knocked. But Agnes didn't respond. She looked about and at the knob of the door. She was probably sleeping naked and it wouldn't be ideal for her to barge in. Chloe had to accord her the respect for humanity. She knocked again, harder this time. Yet, Agnes didn't answer the knock.

This time, Chloe was frightened. What if something had happened to her? She turned the knob of the door. It opened without any struggle. The room was only plastered and had just a small bed, which the man in charge of the place's security was supposed to use.

Chloe called Mummy Church.

'Hello, Sister Chloe. How are you?'

'I'm on my land now, and I can't find Sister Agnes'.

'Yes, she said she was afraid of being alone in that place, so I went back there to pick her and we've moved to a hotel'.

'A hotel? A place where spiritual weeds are known to strive'.

'I know, but we had no choice'.

'She needs to be in a place that no one would trace. I'm with the video camera to help her produce the videos of the vision she saw'.

Chloe felt like strangling Mummy Church for making such stupid foolish decisions.

'She wants…'

'Where are you?'

'You don't need to bother yourself. She's doing fine'.

'No. My heart is not at peace'.

'You don't need to feel obliged. We would…'

'Are you in a place to have a quality taste of the good morning? I'm not mocking you, but we both know that I have the resources to keep this woman safe. I can even get her police if she wants that'.

'No police…' Agnes and Mummy Church said.

'Don't involve the police'.

'But you still need a more secure place'.

'I told Mummy but she said she didn't trust… That she didn't want to stress you'.

'I want to be stressed. You're one of the people I've been hoping to meet for months. I need your safety than you'.

'But we… She is safer here'.

'She's not safe. Not anywhere. She can't taste or smell safety until this thing is over'.

'She didn't tell anyone except the two of us'.

'Let me feel the pain too. Where are you?'

'Mummy, let her…'

'Don't bother…'

'We are at Jummy Hotel. You know where that is?'

'Who doesn't know Jummy Hotel? I'm on my way'.

She hissed and hurried to her car, and had almost forgotten about the Policemen assigned to her. She beckoned to them and hinted at the latest development. They understood and hurried

To their own car. She drove off. Agnes thought she could be on her own, but there are consequences for being a lone ranger.

When she got to the hotel, she only had to tell the receptionists her name to get her Agnes' information. She had a major share with almost everything in Green City. The extremely rich Mr. Kings wasn't just rich and wasn't her father for nothing.

When she got to the door and knocked, Agnes opened the door and screamed in surprise.

'How did you get the room?' She said, backing away.

'If I could easily get it, tell me how no one else would get it'.

Mummy Church seemed rattled also because she struggled to get up from the chair she sat in. Agnes spun towards Mummy Church.

'I told you technology would affect things. Who knows? They might be listening to our conversations. Do you ever watch American detective films?'

'I'm a Christian and my focus is on heaven, I don't have time for frivolities'

'Films, frivolities? If not for the film, I wouldn't have known how to deal with some issues in my life'.

'That's unbiblical'.

'Mummy…' Chloe said but was interrupted.

'Please, don't tell me Mummy is right. That's why many of us miss vital information'.

'It's okay. I've heard', Mummy Church shouted and waved her amputated hand. 'Let's discuss what is on ground'.

Chloe was perplexed. The woman was acting as if she didn't see a vision. She assumed those that saw visions always had a better behavior. 'No need to talk much, we need to leave immediately'.

'Why the haste?'

'Why the haste? The kingdom of God deals with time'.

Chloe opened the door and gestured for Agnes to leave. Mummy Church stared at her as if she had an ulterior motive, which was true. Yet, her ulterior motive was to know what she knew before she was finally kidnapped. Mummy Church shrugged and followed Agnes. Chloe locked the door, and went after them.

When they got into the car, they drove away with Chloe constantly watching the fearful Agnes vibrate. The journey to her land was like eating food in hurry: they were there in no time. Agnes jumped down, and Chloe did so too. Mummy Church, however, was reluctant in getting down from the car.

Chloe was very sure that she might be scheming things again. But whatever she had in mind, she would definitely fail. Chloe glanced back and nodded when the policemen gave her signals from the place they hid.

She hurried Agnes into the house and was followed by a moody Mummy Church. Agnes was excited when Chloe returned to her car to take the camera for the video coverage.

Agnes started out as many of them would start, and almost made Chloe shout at her to skip to the part where she and Jesus got to their destination. However, her preamble was too much and at some point, she would take a moment to cry or burst into hymns. Chloe and Mummy Church would either console her or rejoice with her. Time was of the essence, but Agnes didn't act as if she was aware of that.

Since Mummy Church had a mistrust for her, Chloe had to act carefully. Although she didn't see anything wrong in what she was doing, it was wise to give Caesar what he needed.

'So, when we got to heaven', Agnes continued and aroused Chloe's interest. She listened with all attention as she soaked the information in. Then the woman began to mention deeds of people and how they were happy in heaven and how some got the best of life. Chloe prayed someone could mistakenly see her mother; it would give her the assurance she needed that God can forgive her for giving birth to her child out of wedlock.

When she finished relaying her message, Chloe knew she just had to do what she planned before. Agnes' message was the strangest of all and should be the one to be preserved. The others continually came back with a report of hell, but she came back with a report of heaven. Chloe picked her phone and called the policemen to come out of hiding. They needed to guard this woman in somewhere very safe.

She turned to the woman, and glanced at the insecure Mummy Church. There was nothing that could be done that moment than to let them know the truth.

'You said we shouldn't involve the police, but you see that you need their protection'


'I'm paying them to protect you', Chloe said, raising her voice to subdue whatever Agnes wanted to say.

'I told you she would follow the law', Agnes shouted at Mummy Church.

'That's a lie from the pit of hell, and it provokes punishment. I was the one that told you'.

Chloe was surprised. Although, she shouldn’t have been surprised. Mummy Church was a double-faced woman, who could act ‘good’ around one and backbite about the same person.

'I'm saving your life', Chloe shouted. 'Do you think if I upload this video, they wouldn't find you? They would smell you like ants smell out sugar. The kidnapper would pluck you away from the reach of the numerous people your life would bless like fruits do'.

'Don't you dare tell me what I know is a lie', Agnes yelled and walked over to the mini bed, where her bag lay. She spun and hit her chest. 'I know how much I lived in fear before I told anyone. Now, I told Mummy Church and I told you to make me safe. Do you think I would have asked you for help if not that I had refused to obey God If I wasn't like Jonah?'

'Sister… It's okay', Mummy Church said.

'It's not okay. You said we could trust her'.

Mummy Church grabbed her own head. 'I told you? Did I mention anything as regarding her except that she and her husband are known for following the law? Is anything ominous in that?'

'You people have proven yourself to be people I can't trust'.

Agnes carried her bag and stormed out. However, Chloe didn't have to chase her because right outside were the policemen. She sighed and decided to watch the event unfold.

'Madam, you won't be able to leave this place'.

'You see what I'm saying?'

Chloe moved near and dragged Agnes' bag, and flung it into the house. 'Sometimes, people especially the one with the problem, are not always aware of what they want'.

'Policemen, this woman is not supposed to harass me. I'm the one with the vision and don't want your protection. God is my protection. At least, I have done His wish and He would save me'.

'Mummy Church, say something, tell her to return to the house for her safety', Chloe turned to Mummy Church.

'I can't. In fact, she should run as fast as she could from Green City, from Fortunecity, from Nigeria. Away from here'.

'That's like taking a plant with disease and planting them in another ground. This kidnapper would keep searching everywhere for her unless you don't want me to upload the video'.

Agnes shook her head vigorously. 'You must upload it'.

'Yes, you must upload it', one of the policemen said.

'I don't understand, are you the one with the video? If God doesn't want me to upload it, I won't', Agnes barked and ran inside for her bag.

'God would want you, and we need this kidnapper to come after you so we can get him'.

'Like a trap. She is a bait?' Chloe asked in lower tones.

'That's the word', the first policeman said.

'That's…' Mummy Church said as she placed her good hand on her hand. 'That's wicked. The Bible adjures us to not tempt people'.

'The Lord, our God', Agnes affirmed. 'This is like trying to know God's power'.

'Impossible', Chloe said. 'Officers, that wasn't the plan'.

The policeman folded his hand as if the words weren't coming out as expected. 'We would use this place as a bait'.

'No', Agnes said and rushed out with her bag. 'I'm not going to be used as a bait. My God wouldn’t support such craziness'.

'That's the right thing to do', the policeman said.

'Then, you need Jesus. He would direct you', the woman said and dashed for the path that led out of the bush.

'Sister…. What are you doing?' Chloe shouted after her.


'Yo… 'The fairer police shouted and raced after her.

Agnes got wind of the fact that she was being chased, and ran like a whirlwind. The grasses she encountered were soon swirling as the other police joined in the chase. They shouted as they ran after her.

'You caused this', Mummy Church said to Chloe and ran after them. 'You always go to places you're not wanted'.

Chloe was so surprised that she stood, transfixed. She only wanted to help someone into safety. If Jesus came and the trumpet was blown, many people would die because they didn't have the message from this woman. The Police's job was to guard this message and not to become a rodent. She ran after them, but fell into the grass. She dusted her gown, and removed her shoe. Then, she continued her race after them. They kept chasing Agnes, whose speed looked like an animal whose tail was on fire. She had an unusual strength for race, and Chloe would commend her for that. Before long, the second police had caught her. He jumped on her and held her firmly to the ground.

'Leave me', Agnes screamed, and twisted, but his firm grip held her in place. Very soon, the other policeman was holding her still.

'This woman is stubborn. She is following us to the station'.

'But it has to be her freewill'.

'Freewill be damned'.

'Sister Chloe, these are your people. Talk to them', Mummy Church exclaimed and gestured at her.

The lady kept shrieking and trying to kick her way through, but the policemen seemed to be prepared for her. One of them cuffed her hands, and slammed her face into the bonnet of the car, making Chloe wince.

'Careful', she shouted. 'You don't want her maimed'.

'Sorry, madam. We're taking her to our office. She would be safer there'.

Chloe turned and pointed to the house. 'She would be safer here. Or a hotel or any other place than the police station'.

The dark policeman shook his head vigorously. 'This woman is adamant and wouldn't help our case. Even if she would still be taken to a place for her to be used as the bait, we would still take her to the station'.

'You're taking her nowhere', Mummy Church cried, and pulled at their clothes.

'Watch us'.

Mummy Church's eyes were now red. 'Leave her alone. She is God's vessel unto honor'.

'Who will help us get the other vessel?'

'What are your names?' Chloe shouted and pulled the door. But the two women were flung back. 'I will make sure you're sacked. I brought you here with my money. You people were given to me after I gave your boss money to release you to do as I wish'.

The other police hissed and started the car. The fair one poked his head outside.

'Call the police and tell them that Marcus and Vincent are with the woman. Tell them my code if you need that. Do you need that also? So, they would tell me what to do?'

They drove away with Agnes, screaming in the car, and Mummy Church beating their trunk till they drove off. Chloe too tried to run after them but had to stop when she was exhausted.

'It's your fault'.

'I was only trying to help'.

'You have not helped yourself. People die around you… You're cursed. Now, you've caused trouble for another one. You always go where no one wants you. You're not wanted. You entered your parents lives when they hadn't married. You entered Nosa's life and gave him a child. We never wanted you in this case'.

Chloe gritted and swallowed as the images of her dead children, her sad, caring father, and her friend. Immediately, she remembered her mother's word that she was cursed. She blinked back tears.

'We would find her', Chloe said with a husky voice.

'The police… I'll call their DPO. He gave me the boys', she said as she began to dial his phone number.

'Put it on speaker phone'.

Chloe glared at her and dialed DPO.

'Mrs. Kings Obaigbanwen. It's nice to have you call us again'.

'Your boys have just caused havoc and earthquake here. They've opened a bottle of two-week-old urine'.

'My boys?'

'Yes, the ones you sent to me…'

'Yes. Those boys. I'm sorry. The idiots came back here some minutes ago and said they got to your place late. I was infuriated. But they would head over there now'.

Mummy Church yelled, and untied her scarf, and wrapped it around her waist.

'But they just left. Two men; Marcus and…' Chloe said

'And Vincent. Marcus and Vincent', Mummy Church added.

'There is no one by that name here'.

'But they just carried her away because she wanted to run away because she didn't want police's protection'.

'No. There is no one by that name. Let me call…'

The DPO called someone and after a few seconds, he asked the person some questions about Marcus and Vincent.

'Madam, there is no one by that name'.

Chloe collapsed to the dusty, hard floor as her mind because to process the thing that just happened there. She had just allowed the kidnappers get the one she was searching for.

'Where are you? Madam Kings, where are you?' The DPO shouted.

Mummy Church yelled and stomped the ground. 'You will find them'.