A Head Of The Game by David Hesse - HTML preview

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Chapter 20

The Christian Brothers were waiting for me at the bar as I walked into Rocco’s. It was raining something fierce outside and my raincoat sprung a leak awhile back and I never got around to patching it up. I paid the price for that tonight. As I stood shaking the water off my coat, Rocco came over with a note for me.

“Max, you should quit giving girls this number to call if they want to reach you. You know Eloise answers the phone whenever she is around. She’ll punch your clock if she knew you were messing around on her.”

“Yeah, I know, Rocco,” I said as I took a big gulp of my Christian Brothers feeling the warmth course through my body, “but they have a better chance of reaching me here than they do at my office.”

“That’s what I am told.” Rocco replied

“What are you doing here?” I asked as I pulled out a stool and sat down.

“I thought you vampires had to be home before dark?”

“It’s not vampires Max, its werewolves and it’s not before dark its before dawn. I’m about to head out as soon as Hap Schultz comes in. He’s running a little late.”

“He is probably attending the birth of his next wife”, I said.

“That might be so,” Rocco laughed. “And speaking of your phone call, that lady sounds like pure silk. If she looks half that good, she would be worth any risk.

Here’s Hap. I gotta go; the drinks on me Max. Take care of yourself.”

“Thanks Rocco Man, I’ll see ya around.”

He waved back as he walked out the back door while Hap Schultz walked behind the bar tying his apron around his waist.

“Where you been, Max? Missed my ol’ drinkin’ buddy the past few weeks. I had a couple of hotties the other night and no one to share them with. One of ‘em, a little blonde, said she heard of you and was excited about meeting you even after I told her you were a sleazy goody two shoes who acts like he is a choirboy but orders women to do bad things in French maid outfits while eating Boston Cream Pies. I think she was game. She said she is into kinky. Too bad you weren’t around for the final bell.”

“It only seems kinky the first time Hap. Where’d you find these bimbos?”

“At the Railroad Inn down in the village. They’re regulars there and I told ‘em I’d haul your puny ass down there sometime soon. Names are Elvira and Pearl. Pearl’s mine, the blonde’s name is Elvira. “

“Thanks for thinking of me Hap, but remember, that’s where my ex used to work,” I said as I reached in my back pocket to take out my wallet and pull out a dollar bill.

“ I am afraid to even drive past the place, let alone walk through the door. Speaking of women, I need to return this call. Get me some nickels for the phone, will ya Hap?”

“Be right back,” he said as he scooped up my bill.

I said good bye to the Christian Brothers as I threw back the rest of the amber liquid in my glass and picked up the change Hap left on the bar.

“Thanks Hap. I’ll be right back,” I said as I went to find out who it was that called me.

The phone rang three times before it was picked up.

A man answered. “Judges Beyond The Reef.”

“Some lady called for me and gave me this number to call her back,” I said.

“Just a minute.”

“Hello?”The next voice on the other end was pure honey and Rocco was right, if she was half as gorgeous as her voice was seductive I was in for a real treat.

“Well hello, my name is Max, Max Fly. I was told you called me.”

“That’s right, Max, this is Thelma.”