A Thousand Steps by Chrys Romeo - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


Isabela greeted Kevin with a mixture of defense, interest and reserve. She was an elegant young lady with curly hair like a lion’s mane. Her gestures, looks and manners seemed refined. She looked at the detective from a distance, measuring the infinite possibilities of his yet unasked questions and her well thought answers.

“I thought you would be older, from the way you spoke on the phone”, he tried to break the ice.

“You have a wise way of speaking.”

She watched him silently and detached, her fingers playing absently with the thin golden chain around her neck. Kevin wondered if it was an unconscious gesture that showed anxiety or worry.

“What can I do for you, detective?” she finally said with the same reserved tone of voice, unimpressed by the compliment.

“You know what I want to talk about: the men who blackmailed you recently. Luz told me something, but I need more details from you.”

She crossed her arms, leaning back on the chair.

“There’s not much to say about them. They are part of a hidden organization with much wider ramifications than the continent – some occult group with the same purpose that humans have aspired to for centuries: power. I don’t know in which way I was interfering with their interests, but they asked me to quit arranging shows in Rio. They said they would destroy my business if I didn’t do as they threatened. They even implied my life could be in danger.”

“Why didn’t you go to the police?”

A faint smile appeared on Isabela’s face, though she wasn’t amused. It was an ironic smile at his apparently naïve question.

“You think an organization that is involved with big money from cocaine traffic, guns and who knows what else would not have its inside people in every powerful department? You don’t expose such an octopus by calling 911. It’s no use.”

“So you did what they asked you to?”

“At the moment, yes. I canceled the shows that I had planned during that month.”

Kevin thought about it for a while. Isabela was watching him calmly and patiently, with a cold detachment, as if she was certain she couldn’t expect him to bring some light at the end of the tunnel.

“What are we really talking about? The Mafia, or what?” Kevin tried to understand.

“It’s over both our heads. It’s bigger than a liquor business or a simple network of drug dealers. Money is just a part of their interest. Power is more important. They’ve got enough money to provide it, but they seem to need to control everything that has an audience.”

“Do you think it has anything to do with the bus accident that happened not far from here?”

“I don’t know, but for some reason their interests are focused here in Rio. They target the show business and keep trying to cut off any star that’s on the rising.”

“Do you know if they could’ve been the ones who murdered that singer Maggie, many years ago?”

Isabela shrugged.

“It’s possible. Maybe she was blackmailed like I was but she didn’t do what they asked her. Maybe she was contacted to do something else and she refused. Maybe they asked her to join their group but she turned them down. In any case, their presence in this town has been causing unfortunate events for a long time. I’m sure Maggie’s death could have been one of them. It’s an old, closed case: it won’t help you with the bus crash investigation. And I’m afraid I can’t help you very much either.

She seemed impartially sincere.

“I can only give you a piece of advice”, she added.

“The international dancing contest could be a great opportunity for them to show off their claws again. Be careful, because the day of the contest coincides with the Carnival and that’s a double show for them to target. There will be two million people in the streets. Forget about the bus accident: make sure there won’t be anymore unfortunate events.”

“Thanks for the tip”, he said, getting up.

“I’ll be careful.”

Back at the hotel there was a big quarrel. The Spartan had discovered the menacing messages on Consuelo’s phone. He had asked Jackie to track them down with the phone company and she finally uncovered the truth about where they came from.

“You were right”, she said. “The old manager had sent them. He was too dumb to hide the number. The company nailed him. We can issue a restraint order.”

“You’re right. He shouldn’t be anywhere near the dancers. We’ll restrict his access to the dance hall tomorrow.”

Kevin went to the police station to get the official papers. Somehow, he had a feeling that Smirk was only a small part of a bigger problem. The dance contest was just a day away and as people prepared for the Carnival, the streets had already been crowded. It wasn’t the best, safest environment to protect someone.

He returned to the hotel where Jackie had called the old manager.

“We have something to tell you”, Kevin started speaking seriously.

“From now on, you won’t be allowed to approach any of the participants to the dance contest. You are also not permitted to enter the building. Here are the official papers.”

“How dare you? Are you insane? I used to be the manager of the dancers team! You have no right to do this! This is illegal! I’ll report you to the department! I’ll file a complaint against you and you’ll be in big trouble!”

Smirk was furious. He started threatening Kevin in a spiteful storm of words, choosing the most hateful ones:

“You have no right! You’re just an insignificant detective! I’ve been a manager before you even got out of school! You’ll have many problems, you’ll see!”

Kevin wasn’t impressed by the shouting voice.

“For a manager, you certainly didn’t behave according to your position”, he said calmly.

“Why did you threaten the dancers? Are you envious of them?”

“They have no talent! They won’t get anywhere!”

Seeing he couldn’t intimidate Kevin in any way, Smirk finally left the hotel resentful.

“Don’t mind him”, Jackie said.

“He’s gone now. He can’t cause any more trouble. We’ve got the papers to keep him away.”

“These managers…” Kevin said, frowning angrily.

“How easily people are corrupted by a title, a company position or the slightest taste of power… they get a hold of it and they believe they’re gods. They lose their sense of proportion of man compared to the universe.”

“That’s a problem with humans in general”.

“Yes, unfortunately. Human character is weak and lacking an accurate view of the essential things that matter. That’s the cause of suffering in the world: greed for power, limited views, vanity and primitive minds.”

“And evil.”

“Yes: and more than anything, evil…”

The Carnival had started early in the morning. Exuberance, extravagance and glamour were flooding the streets, as the Samba dancers had already begun the parade, dressed in vivid colorful feathers, sparkling golden adornments and shiny painted skin. Music could be heard everywhere. The African- Brazilian dancers were swinging in frenzy, flexible hot chocolate figures dancing in sunlight, blazing across the pavement.

The group of guests had gathered in front of the hotel, to see the festivity. They were watching fascinated, taking pictures, tempted to follow the crowd that was headed to the beach in great celebration.

“You have a big night ahead of you” the Spartan told them. “Keep your energy for the contest tonight.”

Kevin was anxious, nervously waiting for the night event.

He could feel the tension in the air: mixed emotions from the contestants, thrilling anticipation, adrenaline rush and the silent expectation of something important that was about to happen.

In the evening they were taken again to the dance hall. He had seen it before: the display of grace and talent, the dazzling outfits, the beautiful and inspiring moves. He watched them one by one. He knew Consuelo would be the star of the night – once again. She was one step away from becoming a legendary sensation.

She came on stage even more determined than before to hypnotize the audience. Her dance was almost surreal, flashing across the stage, focused on every gesture, every graceful turn, each millimeter covered in perfection, a black swan out of another world.

Kevin wasn’t surprised when she was crowned winner of the dance contest, at the end of the show. The sparkling diamonds on her head made her eyes shine brightly, from depths of happiness and vibrant energy, a breathtaking apparition of mixed innocence, sweetness and majestic beauty.

Kevin almost couldn’t hear the thunder of applause in the roaring room. He kept his eyes on her, as she bowed and received the flowers, then retreated backstage. He turned immediately to go to the dressing room. He had to make sure she remained safe, even more that she had become the center of attention.

Rushing through the crowd, he reached the backstage door in what seemed like centuries to him.

“Consuelo… is she in there?” he asked the girls that were coming out of the dressing room.

“No, we haven’t seen her.”

“She just got off the stage! Didn’t you see her get in?”

“No. Maybe she went outside for some fresh air.”

Kevin felt fever running to his temples. He went directly to the front door of the dance hall, looking around the corridors to see the elegant figure with a diamond crown and a bouquet of flowers. She wasn’t anywhere. He went outside. The night was filled with distant music from the carnival. The air was cooling off and

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