April at the Antique Alley by Bill McGrath - HTML preview

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I woke up Tuesday morning after what had to be the best nights sleep I had gotten in months. It had been three months since my last girl-friend had left me and it had been a completely sexless three months. After the hot tub love Jana and I had somehow managed to get up to my bed before picking up right where we had left off. She had exhausted me, and when she was done, I had exhausted her. She was, however, nowhere to be found at the moment.

I found Jill sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. I poured myself a mug and sat down across from her.

“Where’s Jana?” I asked her.

Jill responded with “She left just a couple of minutes ago. She said she should get her store open today and wanted us to stop by later if we can fit it in.”

“Thanks for putting the dinner together last night” I offered.

“No problem” she parried.

“Thank you also,” I said trying to make it sound serious but losing the battle to giggle as I did “for tossing Jana to me like a gift.”

“What ever do you mean?” she said giggling herself and trying desperately to keep the newspaper from shaking.

“Come on! You set the whole thing up. You planned your work then very efficiently worked your plan. Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate it, but why did you do it.”

“You really don’t know, do you?” she said being quite serious.

“What?” was my witty response.

“What is her store called?”

“Uptown Treasures” I reminded her.

“O.K.” she said. “Remember when we were at Uptown Treasures on Sunday and I spoke with her while you looked around her store and then just as we were leaving she asked if we could meet for dinner soon?”

“Yes” I answered trying to rerun the scene in my brain.

“Well, while Jana and I were talking she asked about you. Later, when we were at the Eagle she was there in the back and saw us there. Since she saw us in such a lesbian bar together she jumped to the conclusion that you and I were a couple, so yesterday morning while I was stuck at the motel waiting for you to finish here, Jana called me on my cell phone to apologize for asking about you earlier. I cleared her up on our friendship and she and I have been planning this together ever since.”

Wow! That was a lot to take in.

Jill continued “Xara, you are a beautiful gay woman who fully deserves a little pleasure and joy in your life. I can’t believe you didn’t notice her lusting after you when we first met. You are all business all the time. I swear it would do you a lot of good to yank your head out once in a while.”

“Thanks, I think” I muttered.

“Besides” Jill purred, “With Jana’s net securely tossed over you that leaves the field clear for that big Adonis we met at Antiques of Dallas. What was his name?”

“You mean Donald Smith” I said.

“Ah yes” she sighed. “Donald Smith!!! Just think Xara, I could marry Mr. Donald Smith and then we could hang a sign outside that says ‘Smith & Smith Discrete Investigations.’”

We both did a fake little high-school sigh and pine then giggled our asses off. I took my coffee mug up to my room with a good book pretending I was going to read for an hour before getting busy. I guess I was still a bit tired because Jill woke me six hours later.