The end is near
Six months passed, and nothing was reported about finding LP’s book on the peak of Mt. Beerwah, with the message enclosed. Something must have gone astray. Did the guys entrusted with LP’s mission fail to leave his book at the peak? Did they turn back and keep the book, or maybe it was it thrown from the mountain? There was one other possibility, two giant eagles soured above the mountain every day, and something shiny might attract then, and possibly one of them took it back to their nest.
LP decided on a new time to climb the mountain to see if he could find out what happened to his book. He contacted all his mates and told them the new date - 23rd. January 2017. Lock it in, he said to them all.
The new plan, had finally come together, and he would find out if the young blokes had delivered his book back in 2016, and left it on the peak to be found.
LP’s mates all met on Sunday, at Bears old beach house the day before the climb. Not so old since the renovations started. All knew how to get there with a short drive along the beach to the small township at Teewah. LP greeted Bear, first with a firm hand shake and a hug, next Brownie, Kato and Mason. Together they would end what was started all those years ago at the Bora Ring in outback Queensland.
Bear did some reminiscing and said, “Love this old place. It’s full of stories.”
“Yeah, like the time we had that confrontation with Nutter and his mad bikie mates, Mason said.
Bear answered pointing at the doorway, “I thought we weren't going to make it out alive as I summed up the situation that day. From what I could see we were outnumbered ten to one.”
“But mate, you were fearless confronting Nutter.” LP responded.
“I had Nutter bluffed and put on a pretty impressive front. That just gave us enough time to get out of there, and catch up with Brownie waiting in the back street before the house exploded.”
“Better late than never,” Brownie said with a bit of a chuckle. “And you did a pretty good job on the reno.”
“Pity Red’s not here, he’d like hearing that story again, and seeing what you did to the old place since last here” LP said.
Bear responded in a soft voice. “I still feel responsible for losing Red down the rapids at Big River. I got the gold nugget, but it wasn’t worth it in the end. I shouldn’t have got him involved. If I hadn’t picked him up in Melbourne and taken him on a gold hunt, he’d be still alive today.”
“Don’t be too hard on yourself, Red was a risk taker, if it wasn’t then, it would have been somewhere else.” LP said
“Yeah you’re probably right, now what the plan.” Bear asked.
LP went through his idea on how to proceed, but wanted input on making sure all would make it to the peak. If everything goes to plan he figures they ‘ll make the news big time.
“LP you should be more up front with us. Is that all you want to do,” asked Brownie. He knew that there was no way of stopping LP from going ahead with whatever he was on about, so he figured he’d better tag along and keep a watchful eye out at his Dreamtime ancestral home.
“No there’s more, but not to worry I’ll handle it.” LP said to everyone.
“This is not an easy climb at our age. In our younger days not a problem, but now we’ll be pushing it.” Bear said.
Mason had something to add. “You’ve seen the news reports lately and just about every second week someone’s taken off the mountain by state emergency rescue guys.”
Kato spoke up while sitting on the lounge room couch, “I’ve climbed it when the mountain was closed after the rock falls. It’s easier now, but still dangerous if you don’t know what you’re doing. LP if you want to be on the peak by sunset on the 23rd we’ll need to allow an hour for the accent and fifteen minutes to get back down.”
“That doesn't add up.” Mason pointed out.
LP ignored Mason’s question and nodded in agreement, then speaking to everyone, “Firstly, I’ll point out how it’s going to go down or should I say, go up!” When we reach the peak, we’ll find my book, second, we upload the evidence of Herbertsin shooting George to social media, third, upload the Scroll and mantra too. Finally, explain what was hand-written on the inside front cover of the book, then capture a sunset photo. Simple as!”
LP had been taking sunset photographs across Pumicestone Passage from Bulcock Beach looking to the Glass House Mountains for the past seven years. His patience would pay off one day, on the 23rd. January and snap the perfect sunset photo as the sun set on the peak of Mt. Beerwah. But this time he’d be standing on the peak on the 23rd. Sunset at 6:42pm and allowing for fifteen minutes as the colours of sunset change, would still give them time to descend with enough light.
Kato spoke next to answer Mason’s question, “I agree, I’ve timed it. It’s possible to get down the mountain in fifteen minutes, but we’ll need extra time to do all the things you said LP. We’ll need to leave fifteen minutes earlier. Delaying decent after sunset is pushing it. It will be dark as we walk back the last seven hundred metres, so we’ll take small LED torches, the latest innovation in lighting. At the hardest part of the decent will be made easy, as LP pointed out, by wearing denim shorts, and we’ll need to be on our arses sliding down, digging in our climbing boots on rock to stop us tumbling down. It’s almost impossible to stand and descend after passing through the limestone cave, and without light, too dangerous.”
Bear scratched his head, looked over at LP and said, “What book? What’s it doing on the peak?”
I don’t want to go into it now. All will be revealed soon enough, LP replied.
“OK, but I don’t think I’ve got the right gear for climbing.”
Bear didn’t have proper climbing boots nor denim shorts.
LP wanted to reassure everyone, “clothing and foot wear wasn't a problem, just cut the legs of your jeans, and runners are OK for climbing.”
The next day, Monday the 23rd. they all bundled into LP’s 4x4 off-road vehicle, leaving Teewah Beach behind and headed for a turn off, from bitumen onto dirt, leading them to Brownie’s ancestral home, the forest surrounding Mt. Beerwah, mother of Dreamtime folklore.
Brownie, Bear, Kato, and Mason were silent. LP could sense that his mates doubted why they needed to climb Mt. Beerwah. He hoped they wouldn’t back out on what was agreed, even though they all had their health issues, could give them good reason not to go with LP.
LP slammed on the brakes stirring up a dust storm. In front of LP’s Navara was another sign, this time depicting what you can and can’t do when climbing Mt. Beerwah. Nothing had changed since he was last there with Nicky. The mountain was still open for climbing, and being a weekday, few other people would be climbing, especially in the late afternoon.
Bear was first to break the silence. “Are you sure this is a good idea. Look at the photo, that’s no rock fall. It’s boulders tumbling down where we’re supposed to climb.”
LP responded, “Yep. We’ve been through worst shit before, remember back when we lost George, and the rock fall back then. That’s past, and we are now in the future and it’s been cleaned up now. The mountain is open for climbing.”
Brownie had a question on his mind. “Hey bro, do we worry about Herbertsin anymore, after what happened at New Year? What if he’s gotten wind of what we’re about to do today.”
“Forget about him. It’s been over seven years since he wanted to kill us. If he thought, he could, he would have done it long ago. I’ve got the evidence of him shooting George. Today is his day of reckoning. I’ve got it on a memory stick with me now, plus the video on my phone to upload later. That’s our insurance, our get out of jail free, and his ticket to jail” LP replied with confidence.
Kato was at the back of the vehicle pulling out what was needed for climbing. Five bottles of water and ten metres of climbing rope and shackles, if needed.
All had their smart phones, climbing boots or runners, and wearing denim shorts as LP requested. They were prepared for the climb. Before LP locked the Navara, he grabbed his small backpack out. It just had room for his iPhone, book, a copy of the Scroll shrink wrapped, and squeezed his water bottle in, then gave the key to Brownie for safe keeping. They then headed single file along a narrow pathway engulfed in forest with sunlight filtering through. Three hundred paces brought them to a clearing with table, chairs and BBQ covered by an awning. From there they could see the peak as low white cloud slowly drifted across. As well, two eagles soared above the summit.
It reminded LP of the Great Eagle in the rock face of the Grand Canyon, that kept a watchful eye on the first peoples of the Americas. He hoped this was a good omen.
“Let’s push on,” said LP, while pointing to another track leading into more dense forest. This part of the climb he knew well. The incline was starting to get steeper and LP could hear heavy breathing behind him. It was already becoming a struggle for some of them.
LP raised his hand and said. “We’ll stop for a few minutes and catch our breath.”
The guys looked relieved - crouching down catching their breath and lowering their heart rate.
“OK, take a few deep breaths, not much further to the next clearing, and then we can take another break. Let’s go” LP commanded.
Now they were within sight of their quest, as clear water trickled down the last forty stone steps. They could see the next clearing as they looked up at sheer rock, their next obstacle to assail. Kato’s knowledge would come in handy now. He’d climbed this part of the mountain many times before.
LP said to Kato, “You lead, you know the way best.”
Leaning forward with the climbing rope over his right shoulder, Kato leads the way up. No need for rope yet. If needed it would be on the descent.
Kato was now in sight of the cave opening, and turned his head to those behind him and said, “Not much further guys to the limestone cave. It’s just ahead. When we enter we’ll rest again.”
Kato was really pushing himself. He knew he couldn’t make it to the summit. He was going to keep the rope with him at the cave. The entrance would be as far as he’s going. He questioned why he was doing this at all. But he knew - mateship. He would wait until they came down and help, with the rope if need be.
They entered the cave, all looking up, seeing creamy stalactites hanging from the cave ceiling like daggers. It gave them all an eerie feeling as they looked around the walls, depicted in aboriginal drawings from Brownie’s ancestors.
Brownie was not only feeling the strain of the climb. He was spooked. He knew he shouldn’t be there. It’s a sacred site for his mob. And he now knew; he should have taken heed of the warning from the custodians of this place. The sign also read in front of where LP pulled up. In respect to the elders and folklore of the mountains, please do not climb.
Brownie called out to LP, “Sorry mate I can’t go any further or bad shit is going to happen. We’ll end up like Tibrogargan - stone dead.”
“Bullshit. Your taking Dreamtime to far, but it’s your call. If anyone else wants to turn back, go with Brownie,” LP answered.
Bear who was tough as old boots but was feeling the pain. This climb had challenged what he thought he was capable of. In the old days, he was fearless, but age does weary him. What he thinks he can do, his body is no longer up to it. He will turn back as well.
That left Mason to have his say. LP looked over to him and said, “What’s your excuse for not following me.”
“Don’t second guess me. I’ve followed you this far. We all have, and I’ll follow you to the peak. I’m not exhausted. I feel great. I’ve been working out in the gym at the Masonic Retirement Home after work..”
“That’s good, but if you change your mind, I have a selfie stick for a live feed on my phone. I can do this alone if I have to.” LP replied.
Now, I’ll be quick. Sunset is approaching. What I have to reveal is about immortality.”
Bear butted in. “I knew you were fucking crazy.”
“Let me finish,” LP shouted. “At times I’d have to agree but hear me out.” He then continued in a soft calm voice.
“You know what we’ve all been through in saving the Scroll.”
They all nodded in silence.
“You all have seen the image within the Scroll.
“And we all know about the mantra relating to the Scroll.
“Well, I’ve looked into the centre of the Scroll revealing the facial image, and whispered the mantra daily since returning from George’s mountain hideaway, after what happened back on New Year’s Eve,” said LP.
Bear blurted out. “Yeah, shit happens. I reckon Herbertsin and his cohorts are still out to get us?”
“Stay with me on this, I have something important to repeat. Before whispering the mantra one morning.”
“May the healing spirit of g0d
through the enlighten 0ne
rest upon y0u
and all who you
come in contact with
in peace.”
LP continued. “I had a feeling of dread, and of my mortality and a feeling of nothingness. Then there was a flash of intense white light that saturated my whole body as I started to whisper the Mantra. At that moment, I connected with my immortality. Not this mortal life, but the knowing. The part of God, my soul, will go back to God. I have no fear of death, because I’ve been blessed with the knowing. Not scripture. Not faith. Just the knowing. It’s just impossible to fully explain in words - I only have belief.”
Mason said. “That’s a big call, but I believe ya’, I too yearn for glorious immortality along with my Masonic brethren.”
LP had something else to add, “What I discovered relating to the mantra is it has twenty three letters in the first line and twenty three words in total.”
“OK, another coincidence with numbers. We’ll talk about that later. What actually are you going to do when you reach the summit? Is it about Herbertsin?” Bear asked.
“Yes and no. The memory stick is not just insurance it’s payback time. I have a plan to live feed it to social media, as well, deliver a message for all the world to hear.
Mason, we’re running out of time. We’ll push on to the summit. It’s only a half-hour before sunset,” said LP.
He instructed the guys to head back down, but they would defy him, including Brownie, who may well bring the wrath of the mountain upon them all, if he didn’t appease the Dreamtime spirits of his ancestors - ‘Leave this sacred place now.’
LP and Mason started walking deeper into the cave, exiting through a large crevice to a tall stand of forest on the mountain side. They traversed up along to the edge of the cliff face with just enough rock under foot to get a foothold.
‘Kato’s rope would come in handy now, but there’s no time to turn back,’ LP thought.
Looking ahead LP pointed to another worn track leading further up, and twisting around to who knows what? What confronted them was the edge of another challenging cliff face. Looking up from that vantage point, they could see the summit only few more minutes climb away.
LP struggled to concentrate on his footing. One wrong step would send him over the edge, if he didn’t blank out thoughts of what he was going to do, when he reached the summit.
Mason shouted out. “Face the rock. Don’t look out, just look at your feet and grip the rock face, and move one foot and one hand at a time. They shuffled along making it to the peak. There they stood looking out over a panoramic view of the coast and mountains, with the setting sun soon to drop behind the mountain range in the distance. Now, LP had little time to waste. He reached into his small backpack, moved his bottled water aside, and pulled out his iPhone and a copy of his book.
Mason looked at what LP was doing, and asked? “What’s first on our do list?
LP replied, “I plan to kill two birds with one stone.”
Mason replied, “Look above, I think you might need more than one stone. Those eagles soaring above look like trouble if you ask me.”
“What I mean is I’m going to reveal the message hand- written on the inside cover of my book. It should have been revealed by now by the guys, I entrusted my book too. Can you see anything up here that looks like this book cover?
Mason looked around and sighted nothing at first. Then he spotted something over in a crevice of rock at the edge of the peak. Mason took a couple of paces to the edge of the mountain, and pushed his hand down and grabbed it with his thumb and fore finger, and pulled it out carefully, handing it to LP.
It was LP’s book he entrusted to the young blokes. It was still in shrink wrap, and LP wanted to add to what was already hand-written, but time had run out.
“Well, let’s get on with it, hand me your phone, and stand side on to the sun. It’s just dropping behind clouds on the horizon.” Mason said, with an anxious tone in his voice.”
“Are you expecting a call?” Mason looked at who was trying to contact them.
It was Bear.
“What’s up? Are you off the mountain yet?” Mason asked.
“Shut up.” He yelled. “Listen, Herbertsin’s just passed the cave. He’s on his way up with help. Can’t you here it”
Mason pressed end.
“Bloody hell, it’s Herbertsin, hear that noise, He”ll be here in a sec. Start talking I’ve got a live feed now. I doubt if he’s here to rescue us.”
LP raised his right hand, with his shrink-wrapped book in hand, standing straight as the sun was setting on the 23rd and said - Take more notice of – and with his left finger, he made the sign of
V+1 and continued to say.
And in my name……LP paused.
While I have your attention, I’ll add.
Protect children nor exploit their labour.
Don’t own slaves nor be a slave to money.
Desert people release your slaves, now.
“Is that it.” Mason asked, as swirling rotor blades woofed above.
LP stood silent as though in a trance, then shook his head, looked up and spotted Herbertsin holding a handgun, pointed at him from the helicopter side opening.
His first thought was. ‘They always shoot the messenger.’ So he yelled out. “Give it your best shot arsehole.” Not that Herbertsin could hear him.
We’ll Brownie was right, bad shit was about to happen.
LP stood defiant, arm stretched out with his book in hand. Herbertsin took aim. At that moment, the sun reflected off the shrink wrap, like a laser beam, blinding the pilot momentarily, losing control, as Herbertsin fired a bullet past LP.
There was no escape, once the pilot regained control. But like the eagle legend from the Navajo people of the Grand Canyon, so too, two giant eagles gave a watchful eye over their domain - Mt. Beerwah. This other big bird - blades swirling with deafening noise needed to be taken down. LP could see what the pilot couldn't, two eagles soaring on a thermal current, with wing spans of almost two metres, about to attack anything that invaded their territory.
Herbertsin was their prey and swooped in on him, clawing and pecking Herbertsin’s head, before he fell from the side of the helicopter, landing before LP’s feet.
LP placed his foot on his body and said to Mason, “Send the feed about Herbertsin. Then I’ve got something more to say.”
“OK, sent, I’m ready, what next,” Mason asked.
“Hand me my phone, thanks… Done! I’ve sent the photo on Instagram of sunset.”
LP changed back to Twitter to send the final message to his followers - The end is the beginning, life renewed. Download the Scroll, whisperer the mantra, and connect with, what I see, you will see. What I know, you will know.
LP closed his phone case and said,“I think that’s enough for today. Let’s catch up with the guys, and get down this mountain before worse shit happens. I’m leaving the book behind, as well, a copy of the Scroll - It’s home now. Let’s go.”