Ask the River by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Chapter 14

The canteen was its usual eclectic lunchtime mix of overalled specialist officers affecting an air of nonchalance, office staff, detectives and the occasional lonely straggler.

 Thurstan chewed his egg mayonnaise sandwich whilst he watched two figures approach him.

“Dave, what can I do for you? Take a seat.”

His colleague smiled. “It’s not going to be that long a conversation. I see you’re down for the diversity course at Mather Avenue tomorrow and I was wondering if I could bum a lift. Car’s in for servicing and one or two problems need sorting.”

Thurstan wiped his mouth. “Ah, the diversity course. I’ve been looking forward to it ever since last year’s. Apparently, the job’s worried that without yearly instruction I’ll turn into an awful human being.” He sipped his coffee. “Yep, not a problem, Dave. Yours at eight-thirty?”

“Yeah, that’ll be fine. It’s been over three years for me so I can’t complain. Oh, by the way, this is Axl McAndrew, from the FBI.”

He stood up. “Thurstan Baddeley.”

“Nice to meet you,” McAndrew replied as he shook his hand.

“You on an exchange visit, Axl?” he said, sitting down again.

“No, I’m over here on an inquiry.”

Thurstan smiled. “Well, I hope you have some fun while you’re here.”

Dave interrupted. “Talking of fun. Why don’t you join us at the Baltic Fleet, Friday, next week? No big thing. Just a few pints and some sandwiches. Axl has to go back on the Sunday. You’re more than welcome.”

As they left, Dave turned and called: “We’ll be in there at five.”

It would’ve been easy to make an excuse but in quick consideration, he quite liked the idea. Dave was usually good company and he rather fancied having a real chat with a genuine FBI agent. He finished his sandwich, checked his watch and took out his mobile.

“Brendan, sorry to bother you but I just wanted to check if we’re still on for this afternoon. We are? Great. Around three then.”