Ask the River by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Chapter 55

Mike Patterson carried the tray over and set it down. “There you go, latte for you Boss, cappuccino for you Margie, tea for you Sammy and normal for me and Spud. There weren’t any hobnobs in the tin just a packet of custard creams but they’re fresh.” He placed a small plate on the table and slid the tray out of the way.

The DCI clicked in a sweetener and stirred. “Ok, where are we up to on the surveillance?”

Mike leaned forward. “It’s been an interesting week. The first couple of days, nothing of note: shops, nails, hair, gym but mainly shops. She doesn’t always buy, spends a lot of time looking though. She went to the gym on the Wirral, followed by a long day out to Blackburn, Burnley, Preston and Chorley. The next day it was Bolton, Stockport, Northwich and Warrington. All visits to Building Societies some involving changes in her appearance.”

Thurstan looked at him questioningly. Mike sipped his coffee.” Nothing grand, sometimes she bungs a wig on. I’m not sure if that’s part of a disguise or just so she looks like she did when she opened the account. Anyway, we were able to follow her into a few. She’s got accounts in different names, not Sharon Fenton and she wasn’t putting money in. She was taking it out. Amounts varied, two thousand from one to five thousand from another. We weren’t able to make enquiries in all of them at the time but the ones we were it seems she’s well known, very chatty and popular with the staff. We’ve asked them to download the CCTV. It should be ready today but we need to get into the other ones and see what they’ve got. Problem is, I can’t do the surveillance and sort that at the same time.”

Thurstan put his mug down. “You’re right. You need to come off what you’re currently doing and concentrate on the Building Societies. Grab a couple from the office. Sammy’ll tell you who’s best.” His DS nodded agreement. “See me after, Mike.”

The DCI continued, “As soon as you’ve got the account details, Michael, we’ll speak to Lizzie and see what the best way forward is but I think it would be prudent to get court orders straight off. It’ll stop them from fudging over the data protection issues. I’ll let her know.”

He opened a folder on the table and thumbed through it. “This gym over the water she’s been going to? Up to Brannan’s death, she was over there regularly according to the DSU logs. Now, it’s occasional. It’s almost like she only goes there when she has to. Makes me wonder.  I think we should take a look at its membership.” He looked up. “Sammy? Can you sort that?”

 “No probs, Boss.”

“Moving on, the McAvoy situation. We’ve got two remanded in custody, the armed guard has been removed and Area are babysitting him until he gets discharged in a couple of days. Apparently, he’s going to need some skin grafts but they did him a favour dousing him with the cold water. I suspect he’ll go home to Mum for some TLC.

“Now, we’ve got his phone but I’m pretty sure he’ll have another unregistered pay as you go.” He leaned back and breathed out deeply. “Not much we can do about that at present.” He was pensive, then, “Sammy, speak to me later. I want to run something past you.” He flipped through several pages in the file.

“Mickey Fenton. When I had a quiet word with him, the other day, before he was put back in his cell, he gave me the impression his missus spent a lot of time at her mother’s. That’s not reflected in this log.” He tapped the folder then closed it.  “And it’s not occurred during the current surveillance. I find that odd. Where does her mother live and for that matter, who is she?”

“Do you want me to make some enquiries there, Boss?” Spud leaned forward for a custard cream then made some notes on her pad.

“If you would, Alison. We may give him a visit but I’ll wait and see what you come up with first. Moving on.... admin matters ....”

After the meeting, Thurstan and Sammy strolled through the gardens behind the Crown Court. The DCI spoke first. “I didn’t want to say anything in front of the others because it’s a bit unethical but when McAvoy gets discharged I think one of the first things he’s going to do is dig out his unregistered mobile and start calling whoever paid him for his services under the bridge. Having had his money taken away he’ll probably be asking for more dosh so things could get interesting.”  He hesitated as a Chief Super from the fifth floor nodded and walked past, heading back to HQ.

When he was out of earshot, he continued, “I need to get his mobile number so we can trace him through the provider and monitor his texts and calls. I’ll sort the paperwork out but first, we need the phone. I was going to suggest we pay him a visit, when he’s out of hospital and mum’s not there.” He looked at the DS for a response.

A little smile flitted across Sammy’s lips. He knew where this was going and stopped walking. “You want me to get to his phone somehow, without him knowing, whilst you keep him talking.”

The expression on his DCI’s face, knowledge coupled with denial, made him chuckle. “I could do it. Not a problem, if I can get to his phone. It’s a plan but it’s not brilliant.” 

Thurstan smiled. “I’m aware of that, Sammy, but it’s the easiest option I’ve got at the moment. My only other is to find someone who can stop him on the street and affect some sleight of hand whilst he’s pre-occupied with the threat of a non-existent no-bail warrant.” 

Sammy took a slow, deep intake of breath. “Could be a while before he feels well enough or brave enough to venture out, though, and we might not have the time. I’ve got nothing better Boss, so it’s worth a try.”