Ask the River by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Chapter 64

“The Manager is coming down to see you now.” She smiled at them in a polished, professional manner.

Sammy browsed the notice board whilst Thurstan stared through the window at the pool users. After a few minutes, his DS sidled up to him and said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Boss. You’re starting to look like a perv.” Thurstan glared at him but moved away anyway.

“Good morning gentlemen, I’m the General Manager. How can I help you?”

Casual trousers, slick brown leather shoes and a corporate polo shirt bearing a name tag that declared him to be called Justin.

They introduced themselves.  “I believe you’ve had contact with my DS here. I’ve come to pick up the list of your members he requested.” He forced a smile as he watched the official position manifest itself in Justin’s persona.

“Ah, yes. Well, as I told your colleague there’s nothing I can do until our Data Protection Manager has taken a look at it and ascertained that it’s something we can release without contravening the law,” he replied with a well-practised smile.

The DCI frowned. “A quick question, if I may? Has this person got legal qualifications?”

He looked slightly taken aback. “I don’t think so, no, I don’t think she has.”

Thurstan stepped away so he was out of earshot of the receptionist and beckoned the manager to follow, mindful to position himself so that Justin’s back would be towards the reception desk. With his carefully placed smile, from a distance, the conversation looked perfectly amicable.

He lowered his voice. “So, there’s no real point in waiting for her to pronounce on the legality of the matter, is there? Let me enlighten you, Justin. I’m investigating a murder. Even in this day and age, it’s still considered a very serious offence. Now, we’ve already sent you a section twenty-nine notice which will absolve you from any repercussions regarding the provision of the information requested so there really is no reason why you can’t divulge that information to me now.”

He paused and looked thoughtful. “Unless, of course, you’re obstructing me in the execution of my duty or trying to pervert the course of justice, both of which I can arrest you for right now.” He leaned forward in, seemingly, benevolent emphasis. “The problem here is, it would involve a considerable loss of face on your part.”  He smiled warmly and gently touched Justin’s arm, a friendly and kindly gesture, from afar.

“Now, I’ll be honest with you, Justin,” he said softly. “It’s highly probable, even with someone dragged in off the street to represent you, that no further action would be taken. However, the downside is I will ensure you get lodged in a cell with two of the weirdest, smelliest bits of shit we’ve currently got in custody. It won’t be pleasant at all and you’ll only get those six hours of your life back again in your nightmares. This could all be avoided though if you just gave me the list now because you’re going to have to do it anyway at some point and you’ll have the satisfaction of knowing you’ve helped to catch a killer. I can tell you’re a decent person, Justin, and I know that’s what you really want to do.”  Thurstan took Justin’s hand in both of his and shook it genially then gave him a friendly pat on the shoulder and a big smile. The receptionist smiled back.

 “Right Sammy! Any names on that list leaping out at you?” Thurstan asked as he drove them away.