Ask the River by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Chapter 72

On the terrace at the Boathouse in Parkgate, they sat enjoying their cold drinks, waiting for their meal to arrive.

 As the designated driver, he was savouring his half of Guinness; Lizzie was on her second gin and tonic. Her phone buzzed. She read the message, chuckled and put the mobile back in her bag.

“What was that?” he asked, idly, as he sipped his drink and admired the view across the Dee estuary.

“Oh, just someone from work.” She smiled.

“It’s not Tim again, is it? Hasn’t he got anything better to do of an evening? What’s it about this time?”

“Oh, nothing. Just something that happened at work today. He said he’d send me the result.”

“Go on then.”

She beamed at him. “It wouldn’t make any sense, sweets. You had to be there at the time.” He wasn’t so sure.

The waiter placed their meals on the table. They cut bits from the meat on their plates and passed them to each other.

“What else are you willing to give up?” he managed a smile.

“I’ll give you some of my new potatoes for some of your chips.” She grinned back.