Ask the River by Dan Wheatcroft - HTML preview

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Chapter 82

Sat on the couch, she’d surreptitiously studied him as they’d watched the film. He’d been a bit distracted recently but it wasn’t just work.

“Sweets, is there something wrong? Something you want to tell me?”

He glanced at her. “No. Everything’s fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Everything’s tickety boo.”

That one phrase told her it wasn’t. She picked up the remote. The telly went blank. “Come on, spill the beans.”

Silence. He avoided her eye contact, picked up the discarded clicker and the film resumed. She rose and pulled the plug out. She then stared intensely at him. It usually worked. He shifted uncomfortably then broke.

“Ok, then. Seeing as you asked. What is it with you and Tim?” he blurted out.

“What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean.”

“I don’t. Are you insinuating ...”

“See! You do know what I mean.”

 “You think me and Tim are ...?”

“Well, he’s phoning and texting you, all the time. And just the other day you cancelled lunch because you needed to see him.”

“Thurstan, sweetheart. Are you jealous?” She couldn’t hide her smile.

“Certainly not!”

“You are! You’re bloody jealous!” she guffawed.

“Well, what if I am? What is it? His rippling six-pack?  I can go to the gym as well, you know.”

 “I think it’s a bit late for that, sweets.”

“Well, thank you very much! I will do it, if I have to.”

“Join the gym? I’m sure you would. I’m just not sure which would come first. Six pack or death,” she chuckled.

“Very funny! Nevertheless, what’s going on?”

She sat beside him, taking his hands in hers, tilted her head fetchingly and smiled. “I don’t want anyone else but you. Nothing is going on between me and Tim, he’s just a nice bloke who’s very funny. And anyway, he’s your sergeant’s boyfriend.”

He stared at her blankly. “What? Alison? I thought-”

 “She is. Not that sergeant. The other one. He’s Sammy’s boyfriend.”

He looked stunned. “But, but ...” he stuttered. “What happened to Nick?”

“Good grief, Thurstan! You really must start taking an interest in people’s lives. That finished ages ago.”


She nodded.

“I liked Nick. He got me those tickets for Deacon Blue. Why didn’t someone tell me?”

“They probably did but you don’t listen.”

“I don’t like to be nosey.”

 “And you a policeman! Sometimes you should be more inquisitive about your staff. Just sometimes. But don’t go crazy on me.” She laughed then said, “You still joining the gym or should we simply take longer walks?”

 A sheepish grin. “I’ll settle for the longer walks.” He kissed her, softly, on her mouth. “Am I forgiven?”

“Yes, but it’ll cost you a nice cup of tea.” She smiled then put her hand to her chest and shook her head as he got up off the settee and walked to the kitchen.