Be We Free? by Andrew Paul Cannon - HTML preview

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The Issues:

Only One Issue?

The ethical content of the Old Testament was based upon and derived from the nature and will of God.” ii

- T. B. Maston (Biblical Ethics)


Modern day slavery, stem cell research, abortion, legalization of same-sex marriage and marijuana, illegal immigration, security at the border, the ‘right’ to keep and bear arms, the freedom to work hard and reap what we sow, racial discrimination, religious persecution, separation of church and state, the right to free press and free trade or enterprise; all are issues. We can spend all of our time fighting over them or we can talk about the one common denominator underlying all of these issues: personal liberty. After all, was it not a desire for personal liberty that led our founders to envision a land where the church was not controlled by the state? Is it not personal liberty that demands we let a fetus live so he or she can choose for self? Is it not personal liberty that draws us to become modern day abolitionists and develop a way for immigrants to come to this great country legally?

There is one truth that haunts some in power: if there is any true personal liberty, then all people are truly equal in their worth. If all people are truly equal in their worth, then positions of authority become positions of service instead of power; and people really love power. Why not convince the people that there is no god, that all people were not created equal and use the fight for civil rights as a means to control the people and lead them into strict dependence on the state rather than into personal liberty?

“It’s a scary thought,” Hardin said as he sat across from the interviewer, “and I feel like I am the only one saying anything about it. There really is only one issue; and positions on any other topic ought to be made in light of that issue.”

“You’re talking about personal liberty?” the interviewer asked.

Hardin smiled, “Yes I am. Now, I don’t know President Fitz, but I am certain that the education bill he is pushing through the Senate creates a greater dependence on the federal government. It’s one more step toward a socialism of sorts where we would have a governing body distributing goods as they saw fit. Utter dependence does not create equal opportunity for equally worthy citizens. What it does is perpetuate the existence of an elite class and debilitate a working middle class. I am convinced more than ever that we need to downsize the federal government and limit it according to the roles described in our very own constitution. That is the only way I think we can create equal opportunity for people who are already, according to our constitution, equal.”


A man got into his car and started it before he felt a cold, metal object being placed against his left temple. “Don’t move,” he heard a voice.

He tried to see whoever was in his back seat by straining his eyes, like when you try to get a look at someone walking beside you without looking awkwardly and making eye-contact. He did not see a face, but instead a computer sitting in the back seat. He saw a hand reach for it and set it in the passenger seat already opened.

“I need your credentials to get passed this encryption,” came the intruder’s voice, “Give this to me and I will be on my way.”

What if the key had information sensitive to national security on it? He could be charged with treason. “What is this?” he asked knowing his life was in danger.

“This is a matter of national security,” came the voice, “and after I see what is here, I will leave the drive with you to turn in to your superiors.”

“Who are you?”

“If you know anything about the way this agency operates, you know that I cannot tell you.” Zack did what he could to sound like he was in the CIA.

“I’m going to assume you are homeland security, then, or you would be able to access this.” The man in the front seat was bold, “If I don’t help?”

“Then a possible terrorist gets to keep his very high position in our government. You understand why this has to be discrete?”

The man took a few seconds to think, then typed in his credentials. The computer screen lit up and the whole plan was there. Every instruction from start to finish and Woods was the executer, only his name was not Woods. This information included bank account numbers and a false identity for the man. This drive was his key to communicate on a private server and on the background was the seal of the president of the United States, meaning these instructions came from his office. The evidence was not damning, but Zack was more sure now that he was about to do what was necessary. The only question was, how?

Zack removed his gun from the man’s temple and got out of the car. With his hood up, he walked away and the man sat there with a new burden of evidence. Should he turn it in?


“How does your faith play a part in this?” asked the interviewer.

“I believe I’ve said this over again,” Hardin replied, “The only way we can believe in personal liberty and true equality is to also believe that we were created that way by a being who actually has authority over us. If there is no one with authority over us, then we are left to fight for authority over each other. It also helps us to define what liberty actually is. Liberty we are given by the law of the land ought to reflect the natural liberty that has been given to us by God. I believe Locke referred to that as our natural rights.”

The interviewer thanked him, “You are behind in the polls. What is your strategy going to be moving forward?”

“It’s going to remain the same. Tell the truth and promote liberty. If the people vote for something else then we will live with it and I will do what I can to lobby in favor of personal liberty. Either way I will serve in whatever capacity I am given by the people, but I refuse to take it as if I deserve it.”


While Hardin was using television to campaign on his platform, Fitz was traveling. This would make the perfect opportunity. There were more than 25 assassination attempts on presidents in the past and most of them on the road. Zack found a good place on the campaign trail, planned his attack and waited.


“What do you think about President Fitz entering the race after what happened?” the interviewer continued.

Hardin shook his head, “I’m not sure, yet; but it seems distasteful. Then he started making immediate changes to appease people’s yearning for change and gain support for his bid. I just, I don’t know what to think about it. People will always demand change at the end of a term or two because they see what they think is wrong. After our last president, people wanted change. After this president, people will want change again. It’s an endless cycle that politicians use to gain momentum and support and I think it’s dangerous for the well- being of our nation.”

The interviewer laughed, “You realized you just basically got on to the entire nation.”

“Not the entire nation,” Hardin smiled, “Just those who buy into the political gimmicks. What I’m saying is that people can put all the political and divisive bait out that they want; I ain’t bitin’!” He looked directly into the camera and pointed.


Zack watched as the crew set everything up outdoors in the park and situated security. People came, they were checked and they stood waiting for a long time. Zack took his binoculars and scanned the crowd. It was amazing how many people showed up to hear someone speak. The park was over-crowded and there was a small space for the president’s car to park close to the stage. He would have to be steady. There wouldn’t be much time to load another round before the president was back in his armor-plated car speeding away if he missed; not to mention this was not a close shot. This would be the furthest shot that Zack had ever attempted: at even a greater distance than the targets he shot at when he went to the range. This would be his only chance.


“What will you do if people don’t listen to your position?” the interviewer continued her line of questioning, “What if they choose tyranny?”

Hardin took a deep breath, “I do not answer for the actions of the people. I will answer for whether or not I was a good steward of what I’ve been given. Have I honored God or have I strived to gain for myself? This is how we will all give an account. My responsibility is to speak the message of freedom whether or not people listen. If people listen, great! If they do not I will not be shaken because I have honored God; but I hope they listen.”


An agent opened the back door of the car that pulled up behind the small stage and the president stepped out. As he began his speech, Zack looked through the scope of his rifle and primed the trigger. He took his time making sure the shot would be perfect.

He heard an explosion and saw the president duck.

One of the trash cans at the park had exploded and the secret service agents were rushing Fitz to his car.

As Zack was trying to line up a shot, the agents hid Fitz behind the stage on the ground. Drawing their firearms, they began shooting. A woman wearing sunglasses was there and had somehow gotten a sidearm passed security. She emptied an entire clip before getting shot and falling to the ground.

One of the agents opened the car door and another helped the president up off the ground. The crowd was screaming and scrambling. Zack looked back through his scope and squeezed the trigger as Fitz ducked into the car. Shooting a target at this range was difficult enough, but hitting a moving target was impossible. The tires spun, throwing up rocks and the car was gone. Agents gathered around the woman’s body and they removed the glasses. Zack looked on through his binoculars. It was Melissa. The woman who framed him for murder now kept him from killing.


Melissa placed the plastic firearm in her pocket.

Anyone with a 3-D printer could produce a gun that could make it passed a metal detector or a wand, and the wands are what the guards at the park were using. It wouldn’t last as long as a gun with a steel slide, but it would do the job. She walked into the park wearing her sunglasses. It had been so long that no one recognized her.

The president started giving his speech and the explosive device she had placed in the nearest trash can detonated. As security turned toward the explosion, Melissa drew her plastic hand gun and started firing furiously at President Fitz. What were the odds that she would choose the same location that Zack did? She pulled the trigger and heard the click of the empty chamber. Melissa looked at the gun to find the magazine release and felt a sharp pain just below her shoulder. She dropped her gun and fell to the ground. Looking toward the car as the darkness overcame her, she saw a spark on the roof just behind the president’s head and some agents shuffling toward her barrel first. The noise faded with her sight.


The secret service agent pushed Fitz into the vehicle and got in with him. The driver punched the gas and the car swerved as they sped away from the park.

“That was close!” the agent said as he turned toward President Fitz, “Are you okay?”

Fitz was leaning against the window on the other side with his eyes closed, “President Fitz!” the agent yelled as he placed his two fingers on the president’s neck to check for a pulse. Blood was flowing down the window and collecting behind the door latch. The agent looked and stopped breathing as he saw brain matter oozing from Fitz’ cranium. Now he saw it. It was all over that side of the car and half of the acting president’s head was gone, but it wasn’t the woman… She was down before Fitz came out of cover. The president of the United States had been assassinated by a different gun…