Blood Blossom by Daryl Hajek - HTML preview

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Christine handed both Tawny and Dougie a brown paper bag.

“There you go,” Christine said. “Just as I promised.”

“Thanks,” Tawny said. She thrust her hand in the bag and withdrew a fistful of sparkling gems and jewelry. “Wow!”

Dougie withdrew several bundles of wrapped dollar bills from his bag and fanned one bundle with his thumb.

“As Tawny usually says,” he said, “Rad!”

“I’ve decided to keep the gold bars,” Christine said. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh, not at all,” Tawny said. “These’ll do just fine. Ooohh, baby! Come to Mama!” She brought her hand to her face and placed the cool surface of the gems on her cheek.

“I’ll take these any day,” Dougie said.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Tawny said. “You’ll take these any day? I don’t think so.” Tawny kissed him on the cheek and took one bundle of dollar bills from him. “We share and share alike.”

Dougie rolled his eyes.

“Well,” Christine said, “I’m gonna be off soon to see Jimmy. I want to thank you both so much for your help and for your friendship.”

“We’re gonna miss you,” Tawny said. “Please don’t go so long between visits.”

“I won’t. Once I find a place and get settled, you’ll get to come up and see me again. I’ll definitely have a housewarming party. In the meantime, I’ll be staying with Jimmy for a short while. Just call me when the mood strikes you.”

“Will do,” Tawny said as she embraced Christine. “You’re simply the best.”

“I know.” Christine gave Tawny a mischievous wink. “How could I afford not to be, hmm? Hey, Dougie. Huggie huggie huggie!” She laughed as she hugged him.

“Well . . .” Christine said. “This is it.”

“Take care,” Dougie said. “Be good.” He winked with a mischievous smile and a cluck of his tongue.

Christine groaned and rolled her eyes. Bye, she mouthed silently with a wave and walked out the door.