Blood Blossom by Daryl Hajek - HTML preview

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Jimmy slept next to Christine when she stirred awake the following morning. She stretched and yawned, then turned to look at Jimmy for a few moments.

She lightly caressed the outline of his facial contours with the tip of her finger, then trailed down the side of his neck and over his biceps. Jimmy stirred in his sleep. Christine smiled with adoration for him and quietly eased herself out of bed. She went into the bathroom down the hall and took a shower. As the hot water pelted her and the steam enveloped her, she thought about her plans for today.

Afterward, she put on a little make-up and change of clothes, then collected her paraphernalia. She sat on an office chair adjacent to Jimmy’s computer desk, slipped on her walking shoes and tied them. She then went to one side of the room where she pulled out a couple of brown paper bags from her handbag and placed them on the night table. One bag contained several wrapped bundles of money and the other had jewels and gems.

She wrote a note and put it next to the two bags.

Dearest Jimmy,

Muchos gracias for everything. Here is your payment. You’ve been more than generous. Your time and patience with me are most sincerely appreciated. You’re simply the best (but I’m better than you, ha-ha).

It’s been great! Stay in touch and take care.

Hugz ‘n lixxx,



Christine left Jimmy’s place and drove to the Upper West Side. By mid-afternoon, she was exhausted and irritable when she came to the tenth high-rise condo that day. A “For Lease” sign stood out front. She parked her convertible at the visitors’ spot in the parking structure and went inside the swanky lobby.

She looked at the one-bedroom/one bathroom unit on the eleventh floor and liked what she saw. She filled out an application and waited while the assistant manager ran a credit check. Upon approval, she paid the deposit in cash.

Now I can get started on my plan, Christine thought. The sooner, the better.