Blood Blossom by Daryl Hajek - HTML preview

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“Do you have relatives?” Dr. Norris asked Rose.

Rose stared at the ceiling for a moment, then let out a tired sigh. “My husband was killed in a house fire a short while back. Not to worry, I could not care less. He was a louse anyway. I do not have any offspring because I had been too busy with my burgeoning career back then and I had put everything on hold until it was too late. Dolph, my personal handyman, is the only one who is close to me and the only one whom I trust, more than the other two measly servants whom I recently terminated under my employ. Dolph has always been a good and faithful servant. He has even gone out of his way to have done some special favors for me on occasion. There is no one else to notify of my whereabouts if that is why you are asking.”

“I’ve been informed by one of the nurses that a young woman claiming to be your step-granddaughter came here more than a week ago, asking to see you.” Dr. Norris noted the confused expression on Rose’s face. “The nurse couldn’t remember the woman’s name, except to say that the woman first gave one name, then another name. She just remembers saying, ‘Like grandmother, like granddaughter.’ The woman is an actress and a model.”

“Oh, I think I have an idea of who it is,” Rose said. “As far as I know, I do not have a step-granddaughter.”

“Would you happen to know who this young woman is?”

“Describe her for me.”

“I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to, since I didn’t see her. The head nurse saw her, but doesn’t remember what she looked like.”

“Well, if she comes back, I want her immediately arrested, right on the spot and, yes, press charges. Also, I want twenty-four-hour security posted at the door.”

“There is a guard at the door. Not only that, but after this mystery woman left and I came in to check on you, I noticed the IV drip had stopped.”

Rose paled at this revelation.

“Whoever this woman is,” Dr. Norris said, “what she did was criminal. The police have been contacted and they’re looking for her. By the way, are you aware that you are being talked about in the news?”

“Yes. I have seen snippets of the news. I just want to be left alone.”

“Makes for an incredible story, you know.”

“Makes for a potential threat of extortion from some crazed individual, like that woman who came in here, thus my request for twenty-four-hour security.”

“That’s understandable. If anyone requests to see you, they’ll be turned away.”