Blood Blossom by Daryl Hajek - HTML preview

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Vivian answered a knock at the door. Two men stood at her door.

“Vivian Hutchins?” one of the men asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“I’m Lieutenant Pineda,” the first man said as he showed his badge, “and this is my partner, Lieutenant Neuman. We are from the Los Angeles Police Department, Parker Center, downtown LA. We are here to let you know we received communications from the North Hollywood Police Department regarding the search for Christine Hutchins.”

“I figured as much.”

“At this point in time, she’s just a person of interest,” Lt. Pineda explained, “and we would like to ask her some questions. According to a list of her credit card charges, it seems she drove from Florida to New York about two weeks ago or so.”

“She may or may not be in New York,” Lt. Neuman said, “but we’re not wasting time. We’re having our counterparts in New York on the lookout for her, and we will have them put out an APB. In the best-case scenario, she’d be located soon and taken in for questioning.”

“What’s the worst-case scenario?” Vivian asked.

“We’d contact the FBI.”